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Posts posted by Noheart

  1. Ya I could easily do that. 1 scoop of my protein=30grams!

    I'd really only half to add a banana and some extra fruit to get those carbs in.

    My body is like this

    To decrease

    50% protein, 25% fat, 25% carbs under BMR

    Maintain - Same thing @ BMR

    To get fat 50% or more carbs aka drinking beer

    I don't know what it is but my body hates carbs, if I eat too much I can't stop farting and feel like crap.

    My metabolism seems to get pissed off too.

    People suggest I'm a no Gluten guy but I have a phobia of doctors so Ill never know.

    Cave men ate a low carb diet, maybe I'm just a slow evolver

    Probably the easiest way to track food is an awesome little app called lose it

  2. My workout is kinda the same as yours. I just go till failure, feels better that way imo.

    But I have a very very hard time gaining weight. I've been hovering around 125lbs for the past three months, and I've noticed little muscle gain, aside from abs...

    How many days do you guys workout a week?

    Again I do it a bit strange but it's the only way I keep up intensity without getting bored.

    I do (2)20-30 min workouts per day, 3 on 1 off.

    1-morning after cardio

    1-early evening

    I work one muscle for the most part per 20-30 min workout until failure.

    Alternate 3 exercises with no rest


    decline flys

    Incline bench

    Cable cross over

    Then 3 more

    Incline flys

    Decline bench

    Peck deck





    Seems like a lot but it goes fast, do your best don't worry about weight only form.

    If you are just starting a set program might be the way to go.

    I did that years ago then slowly moved into this kinda stuff when I saw a mental army guy doing it at the gym. He was in and out in 20 mins and worked 100x harder than me and my 1hr

    For protein I like ISO Flex but my needs are different then yours.

    You wanna gain WT drink a lot of beer

    It's the reason I battle with WT

  3. Your training goals and mine are vastly different.

    Yes protein is important, but only to a point. Once that point is reached, you are better off filling in your calorie needs with carbs and fat, not more protein, plus carbs are ******* delicious.

    I train for strength on the big lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) so training as you describe would be asinine because it's not the stimulus needed for the desired adaptation. I do however do BB type stuff to fill in the gaps once I'm done with the big lifts and I use 'sets and reps' so I can track the tonnage moved and adjust upwards when necessary.

    My body works differently, if I eat lean I stay lean, If I eat a pile of carbs and fat I get fat.

    I work out aggressivly cause I get bored counting and tracking

    I don't give a crap how many tons I move, if I do all I can do it's always enough, I fail with 3 reps, I fail with 30 reps who knows, who cares.

  4. Wrong. Carbs are the key to gaining mass. Huge protein intake (more than 1-1.25 grams/lb of bodyweight) is sooooo overplayed when in reality it's a waste of time, especially when trying to gain weight.

    You do need a pile of protein and calories.

    Although I have never had to worry about putting on Wt so I'm not an expert

    Other keys that are just as important,

    work out to full failure

    I can't stand going to the gym and seeing retards do 12 reps then stop, look in the mirror, repeat.

    If you want your muscles to grow make them grow, fail evertime.

    Don't worry about the Wt you have on worry about form, tune out everything and focus on the muscle you are working.

    Again you see guys wobbling back and forth tying to get to the "set" reps.

    The biggest breakthrough for me was when I started to push or lift fast and explosive and let down or come down really really slow. It increased my power significantly.

    Taking in all the calories in the world won't make you grow muscle if you don't work extremely hard.

    I work out for 30-45 mins with no rests and completly fail every time I end a set

    I have done this for years and its worked for me.

    I don't even count my reps anymore

    If you don't feel like barfing then you aren't working hard enough.

    Take your body to its absolute max and it will respond with growth.

    A super good website is http://scoobysworkshop.com/

    He is a total weirdo that put this non profit website together cause he is totally mental.

    But let me tell you he has some excellent cheap and effective alternatives to supplements and roids and he does it all from home.

  5. Anyone have a solid back routine?

    I've been doing german volume training for a while now and need to change it up.

    How about do what created the worlds biggest back?

    People say Dorin Yates use to take his body to such extreme failure that he would vomit, pass out and even poop his pants

  6. getting 30g of fat has nothing to do woth how much weight you gain/loss. Its all about being in a caloric deficit. Doesnt matter if you get 200g of fat or 10g. The deficit is what matters.

    Just find your caloric maintanence and eat below it

    I like my calories from protein, it helps with muscle growth.

    One could eat ice creme all day and stay below your BMR but that ain't giving you energy to make muscle

  7. I started going to the gym about a 2 weeks ago and trying to bulk. The toughest thing I'm fighting is that I have this skinny fat type of body. I'm skinny, but I'm not naturally cut and have a little bit of flab on the belly. I'm currently making my own weight gainer by mixing milk, peanut butter, oats, whey protein and banana instead of using the commercial ones. I'm working out 3 days a week and see how my body reacts to this. Anybody here have the skinny fat body?

    It's simple, eat 1g of protein per pound you weigh

    Try to follow a 50% protein total daily intake. Try to keep fats at 30-40g and fill the rest with carbs from fruit and oats.

    When you lift, do not worry about weight worry about form

    Lift fast, let down slow, with full range of motion.

    If you curl, put your back against the wall and rather than concentrate on the number of reps and weight you are lifting

    concentrate on keeping your back against the wall until you fail.

    As soon as you can't keep your form, drop it.

    Form till fail!!!

    Same with flys or bench, as soon as you lift your feet your done.

  8. Where can I get ephedrine?

    30mg of ephedrine, 40mg of caffeine, 10mg of aspirin and the fat will melt off 30 times faster than normal.

    Don't listen to the people that say ephedrine will kill you, it will if you are a retard, like 300mg retard.

    It's perfectly legal and sold at GNC in 8mg tablets in a bottle of 25 I believe

  9. Seriously comparing Garrison to Willie?

    Not hating on Garrison - I think/hope he'll come right but;

    So far he's been the furthest example away from Willie Mitchell. He can't protect the puck and loses battles to guys like Granlund. Mitchell would tear JaGar apart at least right now.


  10. Offense or no offense we are really really hard to score against and he is a part of that.

    Salo is awesome but was hurt a lot, like record breaking lots and that hurt us at times.

    Give the guy some time, look how long it took Ballard to figure things out.

  11. Since Vick has been QB of the Eagles.

    Every team that played in the Eagles home opener went on to win the Super Bowl

    2012 - Ravens

    2011 - Giants

    2010 - Packers

    2009 - Saints

    If Vick stays with the Eagles we will know who the superbowl champions are as soon as the schedule is released

  12. You have clearly underestimated the responsibility of a NHL GM.

    It is also something one has to be groomed into.

    I could see a possible promotion in down the road where AV and RB move up and Gillis is just a prez.

  13. Indeed, and I asked whether you buy that he was the victim or not? It was a question. Then I stated reasons that I don't.

    My personal conspiracy theory (completely unsubstantiated by any evidence and unrelated to any of the current rumours) is that he's a closet homosexual. Having an imaginary long distance girlfriend would be a convenient way to satisfy Mormon parents antsy for their son to get married (and to a woman), and would be a convenient excuse for him not to engage in the generally promiscuous and highly sexualized lifestyle of a male campus icon, not to mention that he'd be able to hide what would be a disadvantage as a highly publicized athlete in a hypermasculine sports environment. His buddy Tuiasosopo would either be an accomplice or perhaps even his partner. However, as his career wound down, and as his family and fellow players perhaps began to suspect something was amiss, they had to "kill her off", and hadn't counted on the rigor of that particular journalist in exposing him. Admittedly, it doesn't explain everything, but it makes a lot more sense than anything else currently out

    Holy crap man that's crazy but I bet your right, he lives a lie so this is nothing for him to pull off.

    I still hate him though, could never understand why it was unexplainable

    I think I musta sensed he was full of BS

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