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[OFFICIAL] Renders Thread v2.0


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Yea that luongo Renders is done very well I goota sit down and get the hang of it as I think all the people who render requests here don't like me no more lol.

Sometimes I say stupid things and for somne reason they are all very highly offendable.

anyways good job with the Luo render well done

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K I know proabably won't get any help with this but since most of you know how to use the pen tool to render I was wondering if anyone could make or knew of a tut that pretained to rendering with the pen tool. I just can't seem to figure out how to do it. If I render soemthign my self which is rare I just use the background eraser or magic wand tool but those can be miss or hit most of the time. The people who render here always say use the pen tool but I just can't figure out how to effectivly so If anyone could help me out with getting the hang of it that would be nice. Then you guys won't ever here me ask you guys to render something for me lol.

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