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Travelling Man - JAN.18.08

Mason Raymond


<table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/raymond_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4>It’s been a crazy roller coaster ride, what with the traveling back and forth, but it’s always exciting getting to come back up here. When I got sent back down, we were on the road in Houston so I never even made it back to Winnipeg to get more clothes or anything like that.

You don’t get much time between the time they tell me I’m getting called up or being sent down – it could be any where from half an hour to five hours. It’s pretty quick and I think I’m getting really good at the whole packing thing now – at least I know I’ve got the speed part down.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/01/jan0808_canuckpractice01_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/01/jan0808_canuckpractice01_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=3 hspace=4></a>I’m pretty much living out of a suitcase right now and I don’t have much of a home but I’m having fun and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have a pretty good setup in Winnipeg but they treat us well here in Vancouver too. It’s a nice hotel so I can’t really complain about that and Alex Edler’s staying here too so we get together for dinners or movies or something when we can.

It’s been pretty busy with hockey, playing three games in four days in Houston and San Antonio and then in Detroit so I try to take advantage of any days off we get, which isn’t too many because we’re playing every other day. The hours have been crazy, like last night we got in late but today I got a chance to sleep in a little and in the afternoon (after practice), it’s time to recharge the batteries.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/01/jan1008_sharks03_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/01/jan1008_sharks03_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4></a>Of course, it’s tough to get sent down but I learned from the first time I got sent down and I felt it was a big learning curve for me. You’ve got to go down there, work hard, and hopefully get called back up. Luckily, it’s working out for me right now and I’m glad to be back and excited for the upcoming games.

I’ve noticed so many things are different between playing on Manitoba and playing on Vancouver, one of the biggest things that sticks out for me is the travel. In Vancouver, we get spoiled with a chartered plane compared to sitting on a bus and then going on commercial flights with the Moose. It’s fine but it wears on your body when you’re have to play the next day or two days in a row kind of thing.

I'll try to write more often when I have some time but right now it's time to catch up on some rest before the game tomorrow.</td></tr></table>


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Oh my am i glad your back. when you got sent down i was horrified LOL

cause your like my second favorite player and it suck that you where gone.

but then me and my friends where totally disappointed. and we where like pshh

no point in worrying he'll be back next week. and you where so we are all happy

now :P but keep up the good work your doing great (im sure you hear that a lot

but i have nothing new to say haha) :D

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Nice to see you post again! I'm glad they called you up, you're a great player and a welcome addition to the team! Rest up and good luck with the next game, you'll do well!

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You are a great player

your speed is abosolutley amazing

you will definatley go far in your career

keep up all the hard work

do you have any plans for the allstar break?

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hey great blog!!! you're a fantastic player and I'm glad you're back up here!! everyone was outraged when we heard that you had been sent back but we knew it wouldn't be long untill you were called back up!! keep up the good work and yes do get some rest. good luck! thats all for now byeee<3

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good to see you back raymond...

having a great year.... too bad you couldnt have stuck it out the whole year so far...

i bet you`d be atleast thought of when thinkin youngstars game...

keep up the good work mason.

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That was a great goal tonight vs Panthers, would of been nice if it was the winning goal

wow your speed is amazing!

Glad your enjoying yourself, keep the goals coming :D

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Mason man you are awesome. Even to a die hard flames fan that being me. Good Luck with your next game. Hope you win and stay in the battle for the Northwest Division title. I'd rather have the canucks win it than minnesota :lol:

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Hey Raymond!!!!

Its so awesome to see you playing with the Canucks again!!!

Your playing really good, your so fast!

Goodluck on your next game

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