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Local Perks - SEP.09.07

Taylor Ellington


<table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/ellington3_09062007_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4>

When I agreed to write a blog for prospects camp, I had no idea it was going to be this hard. I’ve been trying to brew up a topic for the past hour and I’m still drawing a blank.

Of course NFL Sunday and the final game of the Summit Series isn’t helping my focus much.

I guess I should start off by talking about the scrimmage today, it was the first time we went five-on-five.

I thought Shaun Heshka really stood out. He helped me a lot out there. And again Jannik Hansen was great. And I thought Ash Goldie was good too. I don't know too much about him, but he scored a nice goal and was all over the ice today.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie22_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie21_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=3 hspace=4></a>One of the reporters was asking me about my hit on Raymond – it wasn’t so much a hit, I just kind of took him down by the boards there. That’s the only way you can really stop him. He’s knows what he’s doing with the puck and he’s extremely fast. He’s a GOOD hockey player.

It’s getting harder out there every day. The competition level keeps rising every day. I know every one of those guys really wants to make this team. We don’t talk about it with one another – like how you think everyone else is doing – but you can feel the tension starting to really jack up.

I think everyone pretty much leaves the competition on the ice and just tries to relax at night, but it’s definitely there.

We don’t get the Vancouver papers out at the hotel on Bear Mountain, just the Globe. One of the guys outside the rink after practice told me there was a story about my brother and me in yesterday’s Sun. Obviously I didn’t read it, but that’s kind of cool I guess.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie07_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie06_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4></a>I took a break from hotel food last night and went home to Saanich for dinner with my mom and dad and my brother. That’s one of the perks being local.

Somebody also asked me about rooms. I’ve never understood what’s so fascinating about that, but I guess it’s kind of a pecking order thing in the NHL: veterans get the bed by the window and full control of the thermostat and rookies have to order room service and wait to use the shower.

I don’t know about that. Coulombe and I just walked in there and threw our bags on the bed. I mean, I’m easy. It’s just whatever. I don’t have too many problems sleeping, so it’s not a big deal for me.

Speaking of which… I've spent the past three months preparing for tomorrow, so I’m packing it in.



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Guest Guest_Erin_*


Hey Tay!

Sounds like you are doing really well at camp! The article on you and your brother was great! Hopefully you'll get a chance to read it! Best of luck tomorrow and throughout the rest of camp!


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Hang in there buddy! Sounds like you're doing well and we know just how good you are. B)

Kick some butt out here today! Good luck!


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