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In the Windy City - Dec.03.07

Ryan Kesler


<table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>With Thanksgiving out of the way, Christmas is making its way into the house – actually Christmas arrived while I was on the road.

Usually we start setting things up the day after Thanksgiving but because I was away, my wife actually set up the tree and the little village so it was all there when I got home. My wife is definitely a Christmas person and the place looks great, it’s all festive and decorated so that’s a nice way to come from a busy trip.

Growing up back home, my family would always set up a Christmas village with all these houses and things like that so we’re starting one up here too. Right now it’s only about three houses big but in time, I’m sure it’ll grow.

<a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec0307_tree_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec0307_tree_t.jpg" /></a> Another tradition I keep with me goes way back to when I was about five years old. I made this Christmas ornament when I was in kindergarten with beads and we still have it. I still put it on the tree every year and I mean, I’m 23 now so it’s been through a good amount of time, and even travel, now and it’s not in bad shape. For something I made in kindergarten, it’s sure holding up well.

We left Minny right after the game so we didn’t get much time to spend there before we flew out straight to Chicago, which is probably the best city of the three we’re visiting this week so it’s nice we get to spend a couple of days here.

We usually don’t get time to in Chicago but I like going to go shopping on the Magnificent Mile – I think that’s what they call it. Maybe I can even start looking for some Christmas presents but we’ll see. I have some family coming down to that game and my best friend will be there so it’ll be a good visit.

<a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/12022007_wild12_b.jpg"><img vspace="2" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/12022007_wild12_t.jpg" /></a> We’ve had a little momentum going when we left for this road trip but I think we can bounce back from last night but we’ve got to be more disciplined against a team that’s top ten in the league with the man advantage.

Having played at home for the past week, we now have to get used traveling a good amount (playing three games in four nights) but I think we’re playing well on the road right now so we’ve just to continue doing what we have been lately when we play a full 60 and we’ll be fine.

The team’s got a good mindset right now, we’re confident but not overconfident so I think we’ll be able to carry that on here. We have to fix the mistakes we made yesterday and come out to play the game we know against Chicago.</td></tr></table>


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The team commits to many penalties. You will never win that way. Takes away the flow! Discipline is the answer.

Go Kes - you are the best!

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It's great that your decorating your house, my family and I have a village too :) Anywhoo, keep up the awesome work and good luck on Wednesday in Chicago!

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It was my first game I watched this year @ GM Place vs the Ducks and I seen you score two great goals, man your fast out there. Your game is Awesome!!!!

Merry Christmas, hope you enjoy your Holidays:) I was so excited Nazzy scored, first time I seen him score while I was at a game in GM, haha I was the one with the Green Nazzy sign vs the Ducks!


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Me and my sister went to the game against the Ducks

we were the ones with the Green Nazzy sign!

and the game against colombus

that was soo kewl when you scored TWO goals against the Ducks! :D

were not from Van soo it was kewl to watch 2 games

we traveled FAR just to watch YOU GUYS play!

and to be at LUONGOS record for 3 shut-outs was AWESOME

Hope you have a good Christmas

and Goodluck :)

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Cool Blog Kesler! Yeah, we do the whole childhood ornament thing too, haha. Well, in case you dont blog in the next couple of weeks, I hope you have an awesome christmas!! Best of luck against the Blackhawks and you're doing amazing!!

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decorating the Christmas tree is my favorite thing during Christmas.

well next to the gifts :P but i was a the ducks game to, haha i was the

awesome one with the I ♥ KESLER sign. ha pretty awesome eh?

and you got two great goals so, my sign was in use a lot. :D i think my

friends said you wrote on a iece of paper for me cause i was at school

when they met you. and thanks for that i haven't gotten it yet .....but good

luck tomorrow in the Chicago game, im sure you'll do great since your

best friend is going to be there. and if you don't blog soon (i hope you do)

then MERRY CHISTMAS haha hope you have a great holiday. keep up the

great work!!!!!

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The team commits to many penalties. You will never win that way. Takes away the flow! Discipline is the answer.

Go Kes - you are the best!

Guess what? They've been winning even with taking a lot of penalties. Referees seem to be inconsistent on a night to night basis, so I think it's a bit of both. Imagine what would happen if the team actually stopped taking so many penalties though...they'd almost run away with the division.

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kelser!!! you have been playing such good games

keep up the good work and good luck in your next

game. i hope you have a marry christmas and good

luck the rest of the season

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hey kes,

i'll be traveling a great distance to come watch ya'll play on dec 20 vs dallas. can you make sure you score a couple for me, f**k it, blow em' right out the arena!

last game i came down for was opening night, so ya...make sure the team score a s**tload! Ya Heard!

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Hey Kes, don't quit your day job as a hockey player... Let's just say you need a lot of work as an actor... :P

But anyways, work hard and make us proud!

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Have a wonderful Christmas, Ryan, and I hope your family does too. Enjoy it.

By the way, great commitment to the game, and working well with your teammates. Tell the team that I Wish them the best of Luck for this month and to have a wonderful Christmas. Hope your Christmas isn't as lame as mine haha.

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please put crosby in the bench like you did to kane!!!! i would laugh so hard to see that whiny little punk upended like that.

great games vs the hawks and preds all i heard was kesler with the puck al night long

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Hi Ryan,

Just back from the game tonight (Rangers). You played well and worked hard. I like the finish you've displayed recently.

I know you feel that you have to prove yourself and I've enjoyed watching you do that.

On the way home from the game with my 14 year old step-son and his friend (both who play Rep on an A team and train in a hockey acadamy) listening to the radio. The commentators before a break were characterizing the Canucks potential problems by saying the usual refrain that if the Sedins don't score the team won't go anywhere in the playoffs.

I turned down the radio and asked the boys if they believed that. My step-son and his friend both gritted thier teeth and said almost in unison "Kesler can score".

Keep that in mind when your out there! Look after the beak, that was quit a whack.


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