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Optimist Prime - 11.06.2009



<table border=0 width=1000 align=center><tr><td><img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/10/oct0209_optimist_blog.jpg" border=0 style="float: left; margin-right: 8px;">Of late there have been a lot of people ragging on the Vancouver Canucks for the way they've been winning games.

Think about that for a second. People are ragging on the Canucks for how they are chalking up wins.

Does that make sense to anyone else? That's the same as telling your grandma the sweater she got you looks like rainbow puke, what you really wanted was an Atari (or whatever the hip new gaming console is). It just shouldn't happen.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/OP6_1.jpg" border="0" alt="" hspace="4" vspace="1" align="right" />

As John Garrett elegantly pointed out last week, it doesn't matter how the Canucks win, as long as they win. If I agreed with Garrett more, he and I would be as chummy as Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod.

Having said that, I've realized something is lacking in Vancouver's victories this season and I'm optimistic that with a little practice and imagination, the team will be able to restore it.

Where has the creativity gone in goal celebrations? Take Vancouver's first three wins in November, for example. The Canucks upended the overrated Avalanche 3-0, beat the overloved Rangers 4-1 and smashed the overwhelmed Wild 5-2; 12 goals for, 11 bad celebrations against.

Of the nine players who scored (Samuelsson x 2, Burrows, Rypien, Hank x 2, Raymond x2, Kesler, Pettinger, Hordichuk & Glass), only Darcy Hordichuk showed some real emotion as he bent down and touched the ice with his right glove before rocketing it up in the air like it was covered in peanut butter and he's allergic.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/OP6_2.jpg" border="0" alt="" hspace="4" vspace="1" align="Left" />It was really the first time this season the Canucks have gone for it with a celebration, and while I'm not encouraging

to every goal, inflating the tires a little more and pumping the breaks a little less would add to the excitement of goals and therefore make them mega memorable, which would add to the game experience as a whole. Or something like that.

This isn't the old west and this isn't a stick up. Get your hands down. If you score a goal do more than just rush to your teammates and to the bench like the ice is melting, show some genuine passion and share it with the crowd. This is the NHL after all and not the NFL (No Fun League), celebrating isn't penalized.

No more boring life. No more boring goals. Let's not forget our heritage, it was Tiger Williams who got this party started with arguably

and before you come at me with an argument that the best celebrations should be saved for the biggest goals, remember that Williams' was a dumpy goal in a regular season game. It only meant something because it was against his former team.

Fixing this problem isn't hard; here are three suggested celebrations that Canucks could customize to make their own.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/OP6_7.jpg" border="0" alt="" hspace="4" vspace="1" align="left" />-The Double Pits to Chesty. It's a bike trick, sure, but after scoring why not spray on a little invisible Axe and then hit the glass in front of a few cuties and let them bask in the glory.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/OP6_9.jpg" border="0" alt="" hspace="4" vspace="1" align="left" />-The Cadbury Eyebrow. This Glass and a Half Full Production is a masterful facial dance off between brother and sister, how classic would it be for the guys who score and pick up the assist to engage in a quick celebratory brow battle. Whoever nets the second assist can brings the balloon.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/OP6_8.jpg" border="0" alt="" hspace="4" vspace="1" align="left" />-

. Forget about the name, it's all about dropping it like it's hot like this pimpin' toddler. Extra points for the flailing right leg kicks, minus if you're wearing a diaper.

My only seed of caution is that sometimes celebrating just isn't worth it (check out #1).

Who is Optimist Prime? He's an eternal Canucks believer whose glass is always half full, even when it's empty.

Throughout the 2009-10 season, Optimist will take a lighthearted look at the Canucks while never losing the faith. It's Cup time baby!



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Optimism is fine as long as there is sufficient reason. Blindly following with a smile on your face will lead you down the path of the Maple Leafs to Ballardom. Full arena, but diddly squat on the ice. Fan loyalty has to be earned and never taken for granted.

Having said, there is more reason for optimism today than ever before in Canuck history. Keep up the great work everybody. It reflects well.

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to be honest im not really a fan of these articles. Im a huge canucks fan and am glad there are people who like to be optimistic but this weeks article was especially stupid.

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note to readers: this is not my article. I am the Optimist Prime of the cdc forums page, long time registered user of the name, this article and other ones that link directly from the CDC homepage are made by someone who simply stole my user name, and is trashing it with less than adequate blogging.

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these make me laugh everytime, thanks optimist.

Most overused reaction on CDC, pathetic attempts at sarcasim.

Hey yanana...

Not sure if your response was directed toward me, because it doesn't make any sense. There was no sarcasm in my post, just a blunt observation. And yes, its spelled sarcasm, not "sarcasim".

Please learn how to spell, and maybe even the meaning of sarcasm before trying to flame someone, or rather, your pathetic attempt at trying to flame someone.

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