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<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/islanders/images/upload/2009/10/biron_102609_sm.jpg" class="imageFloatLeftFramed">Edmonton interested in Boucher and Biron

Allow me to be the first to report, the Edmonton Oilers are interested in the services of Brian Boucher of Philadelphia and Martin Biron of the New York Islanders after learning that Nikolai Khabibulin will be out indefinitely following back surgery. In both Philadelphia and New York, Boucher and Biron both have been outplayed and now are their respective team's third-string goalie. Am I the first or has Eklund's "sources" told him already? Make sure you come back here for the latest "rumours."

<img src="http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/3443/hordickhuk1.jpg" class="imageFloatRightFramed">"Hordickhuk"

How about this for a typo from the guys at the Toronto Sports Network? You'd think they have an editor that proofreads an article before something like "Hordickhuk" gets published on Canada's largest sports site.

Names can be tough sometimes, like Nino Niederreiter. But "dizzzy?" Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

"The coach is making us fight you guys."

So the other story coming out of Wednesday night's loss was Derek Boogaard telling Michael Russo of the Minnesota Star-Tribune that Hordichuk told him "the coach is making us fight you guys."

Missing from the TSN and other reports was that Boogaard said "I don't really agree with that." Both Hordichuk and Vigneault denied these allegations. This comment on TSN.ca by "arrowsno13ban" pretty much sums it up:

Wow!!! A coach sending out players to fight? What next??? A coach sending out players to kill a powerplay??? Why is this even news? Why would Boo even mention this to the media?? I guess Boo was never sent onto the ice to try to change the momentum of a game. Guess he was never sent onto the ice after his team was getting a thrashing. Guess he was never sent onto the ice after one of his teammates got hit hard by the ops. Guess he never got sent onto the ice after one of his teammates lost a fight. He won the fight, as did Scott. Why even talk about the other coach sending out players to start something. Shut your trap and talk with your fists. That's what you're paid to do...NOTHING else!

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/images/upload/2009/03/John-Scott4.jpg" class="imageFloatRightFramed">Massive Props to Alex Bolduc

Earlier in the game, Rick Rypien was dumped at the side of the net by John Scott. Rypien collected himself and made a straight bee line back to the bench not even daring to give Scott a glare. So massive props to Alex Bolduc for taking on 6'8" Scott...props for even giving him a stare.

Bolduc is listed as 6'1" and 178 pounds on NHL.com, but he is in actually 6'3" and 200 pounds. So don't feel as bad, he only gave up about 50 pounds and five inches.

How about John Scott as a Canuck?

Since we're on the topic of John Scott, how about him as a Canuck? Earlier on in the season, there were unsustainable rumours that the Canucks were talking to the Wild about possibly acquiring his services. Obviously, the trade hasn't happened yet and probably won't happen.

Both Scott and Derek Boogaard are unrestricted free agents at the end the season and chances are the Wild won't be keeping both. Boogaard will make $1,025,000 this season, while Scott made the league minimum of $500,000 and will get a raise.

In eight NHL career fights, Scott has decisively won them all and has displayed the ability to play a regular shift on defence as the sixth man or a regular shift on the fourth line.

If he hits the open market, go for it Gillis, sign Scott to a multi-year deal at $1 million per season. He'd be perfect as seventh defenceman or 13th forward.

A million bucks is about right. Colton Orr's getting $1 million in Toronto. Brashear is getting $1.5 million in New York. Laraque is getting $1.5 million in Montreal.

Hnidy's holding on tight!

Shane Hnidy was holding pretty tight with his fight with Tanner Glass last night. So tight that Glass's jersey ripped. Why even challenge somebody if you're going to bear hug the person?


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