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Couching help



It’s not theteam; it’s the couching that needs fine tuning. It’s not only physical couchingthat the team needs; it’s the mental and psychological coughing that is ofgreater importance to win a hockey games. I am doing this so that my deardaughter Shanah is not disappointed big time when it’s all over.

Let us look at Game 2; when Canucks were up 2 –0, the psychological couching kicks in. At this point all the players must beconvinced that they have it in the bag; it’s a winner. At this point they mustthink like as if its 2 minutes remaining and you are up by 2 goals. What youwant to do at this point? Let the clock run out !! Yes, play hard but think as2 minutes remaining. And if the opportunity comes, put 1 in or 2 or 3; the morethe better. But they must think to let the clock run out as if its 2 minutesnot 2 periods left. The player must not doubt for a second they have won thegames; just play hard to let the clock run out; as if its 2 minutes left but becool and calm for you are two goals up!!!

Go Canucks Go!!!

That’s forShanah


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