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Posts posted by Undrafted

  1. Just ignore that schmuck Dreger. He's a !@#$% nobody so the less attention paid to him the better. Mackenzie is one of the few guys there that I have respect for.

    In Pittsburgh, this whole scenario is only being seen one way, and that is that Rutherford is an idiot. Both management and owners Lemieux and Burkle are getting roasted the way everything has gone down in the last few weeks. From the firing of Shero and the delayed firing of Bylsma, to the hiring of Rutherford and Desjardins turning down the job, the team is getting portrayed as a laughingstock.

    Pens fans on their message boards aren't pissed at Willie, but rather are shaking their heads at what's happening to their team. A lot of the posts are quite hilarious in their mocking of Rutherford. It's actually a refreshing change from Canuck fans who prefer to vent with anger and venom.

    And their version of Tony G just lambasted the team in a great write-up yesterday.


    Don't get me wrong, I wasn't getting all sensitive about it. On the contrary, I thought it was entertaining watching Dreger try to spin his way out of the fact that he blew it. It was like he was whining, "It's not my fault! Desjardins made the mistake by not signing with the Pens, it's not me!"

    As for Pens fans: well, they have every right to be pissed at what's going on over there.

    Edit: typo

  2. TSN making a big deal about how Dejardins picked Canucks over Penguins

    saying how Dejardins should be careful about talking about Malkin and Crosby being a reason he didn't go there

    good ole Dreger and Button stirring the pot like morons stupid trolls

    Just saw that segment online. I swear, you could sense the hostility Dreger has towards Desjardins for making him look like an idiot when he reported prematurely WD was "a slam dunk" to sign with the Pens.

    Funny how he and Button are implying that there's something wrong with Desjardins for signing with Vancouver instead of wondering what might possibly be wrong with Rutherford and/or the Pens.

  3. I can't help but feel a sense of relief with this hiring. After the Caps scooped Trotz, there was no question in my mind that Desjardins was the best candidate out there.

    As for expectations moving forward: there's no question the Canucks are in the middle of an uphill climb and it'll be a while before we're legit contenders for the Cup again. However, unlike other franchises (who will remain nameless) who've been stuck in a quagmire for years, I have every reason to believe that the Canucks will move forward with the new group in place.

    What Linden, Bennings and Desjardins brings to the table is a much needed culture-change and a foundation for when the roster completes it's changing of the guard.

  4. Hmmm. Of the two, Hunter is obviously the more intriguing choice, simply because of his NHL experience as a player and asst. coach. Clearly, he's looking to try his hand at being the main man behind the bench, since it's likely to be a drop in pay grade. Won't be the first time an NHL assistant coach has gone to junior for their first head coaching gig: Mike Johnston in Portland is an obvious example.

    I'd also noticed Hunter isn't afraid to try new things. He was the first coaches I'd ever seen using an iPad to show video and stuff to players in-game.

    Don't know much about Hamilton; the bio you linked indicates he's been a career junior coach so far, but his degree in education might be a good thing when it comes to the teaching aspect of coaching.

  5. Mrs. White is out doing her grocery shopping with her son Billy. They stop at the local butcher shop, where Mrs. White asks the butcher what the special of the day is.

    "We have Damm ham at 50¢ a pound", the butcher answers.

    Mrs. White, a staunch social conservative, is horrified and covers Billy's ears. "Sir, you should not use that kind of language in the presence of children!!" she scolds.

    "Ma'am, that's the name of this type of ham, named after the German valley where it comes from," the butcher patiently explains.

    Mollified by the explanation, Mrs. White says (with a bit of embarrassment), "Very well, I'll take two pounds of the Damm ham, then."

    Later in the evening, Mr. White comes home from work and is greeted by Billy at the door. "Hi, son! What's your mother cooking for dinner? It smells wonderful!"

    Billy answers, "She's making Damm ham."

    Mr. White is shocked and yells at Billy, "YOU WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE, YOUNG MAN!!!"

    Mrs. White hears the commotion and explains to her husband about the Damm ham and it's name. Mr. White calms down and waits for dinner to be served.

    Minutes later, the three of them sit at the table. Just after Mr. White has finished saying their pre-dinner prayers, their troublesome teenage daughter strolls in, late as usual.

    Mr. White give his daughter a dirty look, then gruffly asks his wife, "Pass the Damm ham, please."

    At which the daughter exclaims, "That's the spirit, dad! Now someone pass the F&@%ing potatoes!!"

    • Upvote 2
  6. You don't think I was prepared to get trashed on, I know full well what I'm getting into starting a controversial topic on CDC, if it gets people talking, then I have succeeded.

    Unless your intention was to get people talking about you and your inflated sense of self-importance (which would make you a troll), then you haven't succeeded at all.

  7. I think I understand what's going on here. You think you are helping the situation. You think that because you've identified what you find wrong with a few people in this community that you are somehow qualified to stand above the hoi paloi and administer a little dose of "what they need".

    The way you talk: "As a former mod", "a little tough love", "a whole world out there about to eat them alive". It suggests to nearly everyone who reads it that you think you're pretty special.

    The truth is, you're just a dude on the internet, like the rest of us, who has an opinion on something. Flashing your credentials and talking in a paternalistic tone doean't add weight to your message, it exposes you as a self important dude on the internet. There are more than enough of those to go around.

    No need to start a whole thread - as a former mod you ought to know that.

    Exactly. I have no opinion on the Kesler rumours because I recognize them for what they are: just rumours.

    Where is the OPs outrage about the rumours regarding the Aquilinis and whether they did or did not meddle when it came to the Tortorella hiring?

    Not only that, but as far as rumours go, the "Kesler wants out" rumour is pretty mild. It's not like the Russian mafia rumours that were circulating around Bure and Mogilny when they were here.

  8. If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

    Holy hypocrisy!! So people on the board should be thick-skinned enough to take criticism, but a professional hockey player shouldn't bear the slings and arrows from rumours on said hockey board.

  9. Maybe it's you who should get a grip, "kid." Like I said you are naïve if you think what we say only stays here. Guys like Botchford feed off the negativity from places like CDC, and they bring some of that into their articles that is unfortunately read by many.

    People are human being, including the players, no matter how much you like to think otherwise. So yeah, you really are oblivious to the point.

    Clearly you missed my point. I didn't say that players aren't human or don't have emotions. My point is that I'm certain that they're intelligent and mature enough not to care what a collection of random people on an internet forum are saying because it doesn't have any value. They are most likely far more concerned with what coaches and management have to say.

    For you to believe that these posts have carry any weight with the players, coaches or management is completely delusional; for the OP to think this is unique to CDC or the Canucks is equally delusional.

    False rumours and slagging players unfairly didn't start with the internet. There's no shortage of examples in hockey history where fans have booed their own players off the ice and criticized them unfairly before the age of computers.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Yes, I am questioning your intelligence. Your posts gave me more than enough reason to do so. Which is also why I'm not surprised you're completely oblivious of the point.

    No, I'm not oblivious to the point. I'm just old enough to realize that it's not important what people say or how many people say it, but WHO it is who's doing the talking. That's the reason why none of the chatter that exists on this forum carries any value within the organization. The stuff that gets said here is no different than the stuff that gets bandied about in bars across the province. It carries less weight than even the useless crap that Botchford writes for a living.

    Do you think for a second head office makes decisions based on the press? No? Then why would they blink at what even less informed people on an internet forum would have to say?

    Get a grip on your sense of self-importance, kid.

  11. Another dumb as hell argument from you. There is nothing wrong with being a human and having emotions. It doesn't make someone stupid or fragile. I do have to question your intelligence though when you act like a broken record and parrot that ridiculous statement that you just made.

    You attach such importance to the opinion of people on the internet and you're questioning my intelligence. That's rich.

    People with half a brain don't believe everything they read on the internet, whether it's on forums like these, Twitter, Facebook or whatever.

  12. They don't have to. Are you really that naïve to think that what is said on these forums stays on these forums always?

    I hate to break it to all of you people, but the OP is right. I'm not surprised to see this level of denial on the subject. Stop acting like we are some small group of people living in the vacuum. We are much bigger than you give us credit for. When enough people talk about a certain topic, it doesn't stay bottled up on an internet forum for long. When it's big enough, it can be brought to the attention of people associated with the team.

    Honestly, if they're that emotionally fragile and intellectually limited that they'd take anything they read on this forum seriously, they're in the wrong business.

  13. They probably don't, maybe they do? One thing I know for sure, it's ignorant to assume they don't have a general inkling as to how the fanbase thinks of them, especially the loud vocal minority.

    Honestly, if they're that emotionally fragile and intellectually limited that they'd take anything they read on this forum seriously, they're in the wrong business.

    • Upvote 1
  14. Don't mind people wanting to trade Kesler, that's fine, but don't make up rumours that you heard from a friend of the nephew that player X doesn't want to be a Canuck anymore, that kind of crap does get blown out of proportion and if believed by the gullible will cause a rift between said player and fans, people are human beings, and I'd like to think that players like that fact that we put our trust in them.

    What could possibly lead you to believe that any player on the team reads what's written on this forum?

  15. Why are Leafs fans laughable? They will have a horrible team and still sell out every game. No other team in sports can keep up with that.

    And say what you want about Bruins fans but they support that team well. That is what being a fan is about. They aren't obligated to be nice to Nux fans.

    I could tell you some of the crazy things I've heard Leafs fans say in my time in Toronto, but there isn't enough space.

  16. Sorry, I doubt the generic crowd of CDC makes that big of a difference in the long run of what is done with the team.

    Can we motivate the players to play game, in game out? On a large scale I hope not. They get paid a butt-load to play hockey.

    Do we affect who the coach pulls from the lineup/inserts? I seriously doubt it. The coach wants to win. If he wants to send a message he's going to pull the player regardless if he's as lovable as one of the Sedins.

    Do we tell the GM's who to sign/trade etc.? Sure....

    Don't be so naive. I highly doubt the fanbase on this forum makes a huge splash in the long run on the team. These guys are grown men, not elementary school kids who if you call ugly will spout the waterworks.

    That being said I do agree the "2011" fanbase does seem very fickle and self entitled, but that just seems to be kids today in general. True fans will stick by the team regardless, it's better to just not let the other fans annoy you as a whole. Healthier too.


  17. There were a lot of 'hard times' in the past .. I remember the disappointment when it turned out Pederson was injured .. self-induced vomiting over Keenan/Messier .. the sadness over Wayne Maki, Luc, Pavel and Ryp .. RIP.

    Perhaps our time to shine will come, and soon.

    I don't quite go back as far as you do—only moved to BC back in 1980 when I was a kid. I do remember the first Cup run and the excitement surrounding it, but I was too young to really know much about the subtleties of the game. Still, since that time, I've stuck with the team through good times and bad; and now that I'm older, I realize that every franchise goes through ebbs and flows.

    I'd love to be wrong, but I do think we're in a downturn. Benning is a good step in the right direction, but I think it'll be a few years before we really see a Canucks team with his fingerprints on it, longer for that team to become a genuine contender again.

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