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Posts posted by TrevorLinden4ever

  1. It possibly looks like we can get excitied about JOrdan Schrader, because he was showing a few chances last year. If he can improve playin down on teh farm team, we can call him up for a couple games and we will make teh playoffs and he can go play in Utica

  2. People over think things way too much.

    Just because Benning wanted Seguin gone doesn't mean that he conducted the actual trade.

    Newsflash: Chiarelli called the other teams, not Benning. It clearly showed that in the movie.

    Benning wasn't the only one on board with getting rid of Seguin.

    People on this board speak of it as if it's like: "OH NO, BENNING TRADED SEGUIN!" Chiarelli makes the final decisions imo.

    I guess if you are a slob in Switzerland, you're also one in Boston?


    “The parquet floor was littered with coins worth 220 francs,” Blick reported.

    Coca-cola bottles, garbage and dirty linen lay scattered across the floor, while rotten bananas were left on a table, the newspaper said.

    The bathroom was a shambles and the cleaning company spent a full day tidying the apartment.

    In December, when Seguin returned to America, the staff were met with a similar stiff challenge.

    Blick said the hockey player was “not versed in appliances” and as a result tried to wash his clothes in the dryer.

    “He also did not know how to operate the dishwasher . . . when he ran out of clean plates, glasses and cutlery, he bought plastic tableware.”

    Marc Lüpold, the managing director of the cleaning company, was diplomatic about the revelations.

    “You could tell it was the first time a young, single man had an apartment,” Lüpold told Blick.

  3. Everyone says that Benning is to blame for the Seguin trade, yet no one has proof that he's the one that pushed for the Dallas package.

    He may have very well pushed for a better more attractive package, and if not he may have even pushed for better pieces in the Dallas one. Nobody knows.

    Im not going to fart all over this hiring as I hope Benning does this team well. But on the Seguin deal:


    “We didn’t know we were going to move Tyler until after the season. (GM) Pete (Chiarelli) was doing all his work behind the scenes and with the cap and everything. You have to be ready as scouts when your GM comes to you to ask questions about other teams’ players, and what our likes and dislikes are. That was the case with Dallas. You’ve got to be ready for every team. We have a book on every team. Between (assistant GM) Jim Benning, Donny, Pete and myself, we go over certain scenarios. We have an A plan, a B plan, and I think Pete was on top of it all along. You have to give a lot of credit to him.”

    Bradley and crew were very keen on making sure Smith was part of the package that headed Boston’s way in the swap.

    “It was a major desire that he was one of the pieces of the puzzle,” said Bradley, who’s been part of Boston’s staff for over two decades. “You don’t give a player away of Tyler’s stature, caliber and potential without getting potential back. We saw the potential in Reilly as a group. Adam Creighton, Donny Sweeney, Jim Benning. We work pretty closely on that front. Pete takes everybody’s information and makes that decision.”


    It also was obvious during the episode that the Bruins hockey operations staff believed there were “too many red flags” concerning forward Tyler Seguin and all agreed it was time to trade him.

    At one point, assistant GM Jim Benning said, “We’re not babysitters.” He then added if Seguin gave the Bruins half of what the Blackhawks’ Patrick Kane gave Chicago, Boston would have won the Stanley Cup.

    In the meantime, according to Mike Smith, fans dont look at the wrong stats necessarily and chances are there is no "...but...." to be added with any fancy analytics sideswing, seeing its rather obvious when you measure up Seguins performance last year to Patrick Kane


  4. http://www.theprovince.com/sports/hockey/canucks-hockey/Botchford+know+Canucks/9860757/story.html

    First analysis from Botch man has him inviting the masses to criticize the Seguin deal. Second has him applauding his drafting record. Add both points to the stew and we should adopt the notion that in the event he drafts a stud then trades him, it will be great because it defines the undertaking of a bold move. You don't need to beat a lesser team like Montreal.

    Meanwhile, Kane and the Blackhawks have won two Cups since 2010. But perhaps winning only one is good enough - screw momentum. And if the Blackhawks win it again this year even if Kane takes a sidetrip to the Roxy...?

  5. Not sure if mentioned by anyone or not but Seguins partying was out of control. The last straw was when they couldn't get him to behave himself for the 2013 playoffs. He has done well in Dallas and maybe will mature but I agree that it was a decent return. Sometimes quantity just can't buy quality though.

    I guess the Stanley Cup champs Blackhawks should trade Kane, meanwhile the Bruins haven't won it since trading Seguin. Hahahaha.

    BTW if you think Kane is more "becoming" vis a vis partying ethics, you're naive. I've heard some vividly explicitive details on Kanes partying conduct. Think "which 'explicitive' wants to 'explicitive' my 'explicitive'" while pointing at his "explicitive" hanging out in plain view.

  6. Eriksson is a Selke quality forward at RW.

    Smith is a young potential 30 goal scoring RW

    Fraser has high-end 3rd line scorer/banger potential.

    Morrow could be a LH top pairing d-man alongside Hamilton for a decade.

    They got the equivalent of multiple 1st round picks and prospects. Not even close to the Thornton deal.

    Boston needed to fit under the cap and maintain organizational depth and Seguin didn't fit into their plans, in or off the ice. Peverley, a 3rd line player, may never again for all we know. Button is a spare part.

    This is the exact framework of a type if deal the Canucks need.


  7. Lets skip aside Linden for a minute and just focus on the Tortorella firing alone...

    There's a couple things outta place with this firing. First, his hiring was made into a huge deal where the media had a frenzy.

    The amount of time and resources this organization put into the week Torts was hired was big. They had hours and hours of pressers and interviews, not to mention the Gillis Torts duo that took fan questions at BC Place. In fact MG pointed at Torts and said himself "this is the reset".

    Second, they made a huge investment. Thats 4 years and 8 million. Not chump change. Who's gonna pay for that, the ticketholder? This tells the fan that this organization lacks in making decisions with a long term vision.

    It also seems like Torts was used more by the media way beyond what is customarily accepted. They spent so much time trying to get him to reassure them of his "PR remake" than imaginable. And for what? To have continuous speculation on your future and piles of criticism with regard to how they think he should coach.

    I think at this point they should have kept Gillis for the remainder of his contract and Torts for that matter, and slashed the payroll. This team doesn't seem to have a long term vision. They make dumb mistakes with regard to inflated LTC's, NTC's, and buyouts, with players, coaches and managers.

    This whole Tortorella signing then disposal is all at the benefit of the media and not the fans. it almost seems like the media craves such instability but if this organization hasnt realized how expensive that is, then they should real fast. When is this team going to wake up and get organized?

    • Upvote 1
  8. Don't know why everybody thinks Torts is so done already. Linden has always stated that he would base his decision on interviews with players AND COACHES after the season is over. Obviously this process will start on Monday. Personally I think it would be a major disservice to Torts to simply dismiss him out of hand, and rather stupid on Linden's part NOT to garner as much info as possible from a person I consider to be VERY knowledgeable about the game. (Torts)

    Really can't see how Torts can be blamed for inheriting a team that was already on a downward slide (1 win in their last 11 playoff games) and exposing them for what they really are. A team of aging veterans that were babied and coddled for AV for 7 years, and now can't play the game the way the "new" NHL wants it to be played. We all seem to forget how well they played in December and early January (before the injuries hit) when they finally bought into Torts "system". To me that was VERY exciting "up tempo" hockey with great transition and pace. Torts only went to the defensive style when injuries dictated he do so. Besides he has already admitted his fault in not returning to the more up tempo style (more quickly) after the injuries returned.

    Lastly. I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of Mike Gillis for hiring a coach that was not suited to our current team and for failing to supply Torts with the proper players for his so called style. Obviously Gillis has already paid the ultimate price for that mistake. Don't think Torts should pay the same price for simply doing what he was hired to do. Besides, if the team is going to change (younger, bigger, faster, stronger) over the summer, who better than to coach that team at least for one more year? I say Torts is the man.

    Absolutely correct. Torts is The Man. He was a great coach for this team this season. All ther stinkers on this board who slight Torts dont know what it takes to put it all together and make it happen. It was a process and now Linden will have to bare some hard realities about the difficult situation this teams ion moving forward.

  9. This whole "getting ride of Torts" thing is the media's way of doing things, in which if they had the satisfaction of seeing it happen, would be quite a waste for the canucks financially. JT has 4 years left on a huge contract, which would be a huge expense to buy out. WHy should the ticketholder bare the brunt of the liberal hasty vision this media has of doing things? SHould we pay more just to see this team screw itself? Haste makes waste.

  10. This is just my opinion. Everyone has their own perspectives. So before you guys explode just remember that. Boy is this going to be controversial.

    Gillis has never really been allowed to make the moves he wants. He got hired to add pieces to a team that had it's core intact and in their primes. I believe he never got to build the team he wanted. He got forced into trading Hodgson. The Luongo saga of course didn't play out as he had anticipated.

    Anyway I like to look at both sides. Every general manager in the league makes mistakes. They have to take risks to succeed. Here's a look at the positives..

    Took team to the finals (added key pieces in Torres, Erhoff, Malhotra, Samuelsson..)

    Dan Hamhuis


    Eddie Lack and Joackim Ericksson

    Dane Fox signing

    Signed the majority of the core to bargain deals before cup run

    Drafted some gems (Jensen, Horvat, Corrado, Cederholm..)

    Traded Luongo and that Contract (an accomplishment in it's self)

    I'm missing some but Gillis has done some really good things here. Yeah we have been crappy for a couple of years but Gillis has us stocked for the future. Our prospect pool has never looked better. I really believe we will be back in the playoffs next year. Our teams future is exciting.

    The Negatives..

    Let Torres and Erhoff walk



    Didn't get enough for goalies

    Garrison?? (Overpaid imo)

    Bad timing for Hodgson trade.

    Etc etc

    You get the good with the bad. I say give Gillis another year. Let him clean up his own mess. If we bring in another GM it's going to take him months just evaluating this team. Let Gillis see this through!

    It seems the negatives outweigh the positives. He wasnt forced to trade Hodgeson, he just traded him and got fleeced as usual.

  11. 1) one of his main strengths is understanding the salary cap. He does a very good job at this actually and we have seen it in guys sitting on the IR maybe a tad longer than they could have as well as his convincing players to stay for a.little less $ (in exchange for ntcs, by making it more.comfortable for our players with the little things, and stuff like that)

    2) he is patient to a fault. It worked when he kept av around and didnt.dismantle the team when he first came on board. That being said he doesnt act quickly on things either and they tend to get.drawn out over long periods of time.

    3) i dont think he likes risk. He would rather do nothing than take a chance

    4) he prefers balance than a combination of.elite players and lower tier players. He would.rather roll 4 lines of.guys who are all 2nd-3rd liners than have a true first line and true 4th line. On d he wants 4-5 top 2nd pairing guys rather than a true elite guy or 2 and a couple weak links

    5) he prefers good skating and skill over toughness and determination

    6) his trades are based on getting rid of small assetts in exchange for what he hopes will be diamonds in the rough. No blockbusters as.its too much risk

    One of the biggest weaknesses of the Canucks, if not the biggest, is the lack of drafting over the past two decades. Nothing, really, has changed on that front. On points 2 and 4, lets recall how Pat Quinn gutted the 1994 roster by taking out a lot of those awesome hard working blue collar guys that made the team what it was. We all know where it went from there. Then we had that really intelligent Messier signing which nailed it.

  12. We've known about that lack of physicality for a decade now. What is there to discuss? Either we accept it and work around it or deal them and build a more physical skilled top six. Clearly we accepted them a long time ago for the players they are

    Yeah but we have to talk about Torts going loco because he though Hartless was trying to endanger the first line. Give me a break. It all goes back to the same thing: the twins are brittle. Just put them out there next time. Tough guys are smarter than their coaches sometimes...

  13. I'm sure they don't feel that way. That isn't the type of player they are and they know it. What if one of them managed to hurt one of the twins? Then Torts would get all the heat for doing nothing about it.

    Two scenarios here: Hartless ordered a can of whoop ass for the Nucks top line, or Hartless intimidated Torts not to put the brittle twins out there, and ordered a whoopass for any other line. I think the Sedins reputation is totally known though so I'd hope scenario 1 wouldnt happen. I would have loved it if Torts had called Hartleys bluff though, that is if he was bluffing...

    What really tires me though is that we're forced into another discussion about their lack of physical prowess again.

    You think they should have sent out three guys with broken ribs, a broken jaw, and a concussion history for a staged rumble with three goons?

    Nope, if players are injured, sit em out and call up the kids from Utica.

  14. Am I the only who thinks the Sedins should not be encouraged to feel like cowards against a fourth line? Just put them out there, and play the game.

    IMO the real crime here was not his tresspassing antics but his lack of respect for fourth line guys, or his lack of confidence in his top line either way.

  15. We have a bigger problem though and that will be the fallout from an increasing difficulty in trading Luongo while Schneider takes a growing percentage of games. How can any coach provide polite interlocutors to a feasting media that would naturally prey on proliferating a controversy and expect the problem not to affect the team? Maybe a yelling match with Ian MacIntyre is the perfect antidote, who knows??

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