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Light Bearer

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Posts posted by Light Bearer

  1. If we're building our future core around Shinkaruk and Nylander, forget about competing in the West. These guys will get bulldozed against teams like San Jose, LA, and Anaheim.

    We have some big guys too. Jensen, Kasian, Gaunce, Mathias. If the Canucks added Virt that could be a good start

    Sedin Sedin Jensen

    Shink Horvat Virtanen

    Kassian Gaunce Burr

    Rich Mathias Fox

  2. Seriously? the article says that the draft is deep up to pick 20 like any other draft would be but there is no top end superstar talent in it. It says the complete opposite of what you keep saying.

    Reinhart is also born in 95 which makes him older than the majority of the league and draft class and he STILL isn't the even the undisputed first overall pick.

    Yeah I've heard several times that the top of this draft doesn't have a single bonified 1st line forward. There's several good second liners but that's about it. I can't see Reinhart being worth Shink + #6 + roster player, especially when he doesn't project as a #1 NHL centre. Classic case of a too much focus on one player that people start to become fixated to the point they can't see what else is around them.

    Its a social phenomenon sort like a self fulfilling prophecy

  3. My feelings on Reinhart is that he'll be good, but not that good. ie. Kinda like the Nuge, a bit better perhaps, but nothing to plan a parade about. Kinda saw this in world juniors, actually. He wasn't a big difference-maker in that tournament. He has a good hockey mind, sure, but the physical skills aren't quite up to speed to consider him NHL elite. Kinda knew this heading into the draft, which is a pretty weak one.

    These thoughts were concurred by a father of one of Reinhart's junior teammates, who I just talked to regarding the rumour about the Canucks trading up for Reinhart:

    "Reinhart might be the most-overrated player i've ever seen. (Me, eyebrows raised: Wow, really?) Ya, he's good and all, very smart, but I don't see him taking these points to the NHL. Now, he migh be a freakish 'huh?' scorer like the next Mike Bossy or something like that, but the reason Bossy comes up is in that case is because of how rare it is for that to happen.

    No I don't want the Canucks to sell the farm for him. It's a weak draft class. If it was next years' class, then yeah go for it. Or at least pick the safer guy, like Ekblad. Reinhart's a bit small."

    He thinks and I think the Canucks should just stay pat and draft the BPA this year. Then tank next year like it's been suggested over and over again.

    Face it: Nobody expects a cup from this group. Quit killing our teams' future by not planning for more than a month/year ahead. Next years' draft contains some winning-capable franchise talent. Take steps to acquire it. Thanks.

    I actually believe RNH will end up being a better player than Reinhart. Once he fills out he can be a top centre in the NHL.

  4. Jaysus... This team finally starts to stock up on prospects and now are ready to trade them before they play even a single game. Two very promising young prospects ( Shink and #6oa ) for one very promising young prospect. Why does this franchise continue go backwards year after year after year after year. Stop trading the young talent away and put in the time and effort into developing these kids. This team just doesn't get it. No matter who we bring in to run the organization, there just isn't any continuity from top to bottom.

    Get on the same effin page TL and JB... for Pete's sake

    • Upvote 2
  5. Reinhart reaching his full potential would be a HOF player.

    You say he won't be that good yet you treat Horvat + #6 as if they would reach their full potentials - which would be the only reason you wouldn't trade Horvat + #6 for Reinhart. They are both potentials. It's a good gamble because Reinhart has the best potential out of the 3 pieces.

    Reinhart is going to be a 1C while Horvat nor the #6 won't be. Best player in the trade would be Reinhart which means we win the trade. We can easily pick up a 2C to fill Horvat's role in the future, but the same cannot be said of the gaping void we have at 1C after Henrik retires.

    I did write CAN"T MISS HOF prospect so as to not confuse the difference of a player who may reach full potential and a can't miss HOF prospect. I thought it was pretty clear from the way I posted it, I guess I was wrong

  6. I think this article explains it well. Ignore first couple paragraphs.


    The flaw with a chart like that is the generational players who go #1 skew the entire production distribution. The Lemieux's, Crosby's and Lefleur's of the draft cause the #'s to reflect top heavy production. If they took all the drafts that had no generational players or consensus #1 player it might not reveal the same results
  7. not enough. Way off. Hansen is worth nothing

    Tanev and the #6 pick isn't worth nothing though. I can't see the logic in trading Tanev, he's Vans best young d-man by a fair margin. If we had the 12-15th pick and wanted to move up then I could see making a trade involving Tanev. The thing is, the #6 pick offers an opportunity to get a very good young player. Trading two good young players for one good young player is not smart business
  8. Kuzma was on 1040 stating that it would take more than Horvat + 6th to acquire 1st OA...Ridiculous IMO...!...Everyone knows that Tallon and Murray are not dummies,but it seems to me that the asking price is going to be exhorbitant.....It's almost a formality now of teams in the top 3 stating that their picks are available if the (unrealistic) price is right....

    If Tallon was offered Horvat and #6 oa, He would jump all over that. Kuzma has no clue what he's talking about. If Bennet, Dal Colle or Draisatl fall in the draft...which a lot of pundits believe could very easily happen, then he would be turning down possibly;

    Horvat, Draisatl

    Horvat, Dal Colle

    Horvat, Bennet

    ... any one of those combo's is better than just Reinhart and both Murray and Tallon know it

  9. People need to get it through their minds. At least one scout has said that opening bids for the first and second picks are 2 established young players and an upper first round pick. People on CDC want to keep throwing average to slightly above average players at the Panthers and the Sabres, but it isn't enough... Tallon and Murray are not dummies.

    The only realistic cheaper picks are the 3rd-5th picks. The 3rd pick's cost would sting a bit, but it is attainable by the Canucks.

    In other word's Benning would have to give waaay too much away in order to get into the top 2. Trading up to the 5th pick is pointless, 4th pick is good, but the semi-affordable optimum realistic pick would be the 3rd one that is held by the Oilers.

    Also, you have Kassian starting on the fourth line. That would be one heck of a way to stifle his growth. He is part of the Canuck's future.

    What do you mean Tallon and Murray aren't dummies? The Panthers have picked in the top 5 something like ten times and they still suck!!! I can't imagine what Van would do with 5 first overall picks in this day and age. Buffalo has been a lot better than Fla but they are hurtin right now. They may squander their talent just like the Panthers. The Canucks would actually be doing those two teams a favor by getting their picks from them
  10. Horvat was slow and underachieved in the world juniors, memorial cup, and through out the playoffs. Everyone is so high on him because MG made a stupid trade for Schneider and an even stupider move by not picking Nishkushin. Yes he's good at face offs and great defensively, but that #2 center spot should belong to Henrik in 3 years and it's not difficult to get a #3 center. Or use Cassels, Gaunce, FA pickup

    If we can get a future #1 center that happens to be from Vancouver, pull the trigger.

    Up until the final week we would have picked

    Anywhere from #6-14. We need to stop saying ohhh it's EHLERS and Horvat for Reinhardt!

    We were lucky to even get that pick, if we can turn it into a franchise center then do it, it might be our only chance to draft a true #1

    Depends on what you call a franchise centre. Neither LA or NY have a true franchise centre

    depth on all four lines is what it takes to win in todays NHL. Teams can shut down franchise centres in the playoffs so having four very good centres is better than one franchise centre

  11. where did you hear that talon wants a dman, a swap of firsts and a roster player? cause that could be Tanev, 6th overall, Hansen which is something I could for sure live with.

    That could end up as Tanev, Dal Colle, and Hansen for Reinhart. Not sure we wouldn't be better off with Tanev and Dal Colle in our line up. Or possibly replace Dal Colle with Draisatl if he' falls to #6

    our 1-2 center spots would be



    and the Canucks still have Tanev in their top 4

    • Upvote 1
  12. Getting the number 2 would be contingent on trading Kesler.

    If the Anaheim deal is accurate, and Kesler does in fact want out, then I don't see a deal not getting done.

    I was blown away that Murray or Shero didn't sell the farm to get Kes. The core on both those teams are set up to win now. You have to strike while the iron is hot. I think both those GM's are going to end up regretting not going for it at the trade deadline

  13. I do agree that Tanev and the 6th would be fair value, although I just don't think that would get us the 1st considering there are other teams out there in the sweepstakes that might offer more. I'm not saying I would trade away that much for the top pick either. Staying at 6th is fine, but we would need to overpay if we wanted the 1st IMO. In my proposal we still keep the 10th, and 24th overall and add DSP to FLA to get us over the top for the first. We could also keep DSP and offer the 24th, 6th, and Tanev, Or 24th, 10th, and Tanev. My suggestion was just a starting point. Maybe florida throws in a 2nd rounder to us to even it out I don't know. I guess I'm just spit balling a deal here. I appreciate your opinion and insight.

    I completely get the idea of having to overpay for the #1 pick, I just think its a terrible idea. Judging by some of the proposals out there, I believe many are discrediting the #6 pick. I rather the Canucks keep the pick and develop their young players instead of trading them away

    • Upvote 1
  14. And I think you should do some research on basic supply/demand principals.

    With three very motivated teams with higher draft picks bidding against us, the price becomes inflated.

    It's irrelevant what moving up cost in years past, it's all about where the market is NOW,

    And right now, 1st overall is worth whatever the highest bid is.

    Do you really think FLA will look at an oilers offer that includes better prospects and higher picks, then at our Tanev, 6th and a 2nd offer and say to themselves:

    "Well, the Oiler's offer is better, but Vancouver is offering what teams paid last year, so I guess we have to deal the pick to Van"

    I think it was meant as a base of reference. When you're looking to buy a house its very common for the agent to find out what houses recently sold for in that neighborhood. Usually they refer to the most recent house sales for a way to gauge what is a reasonable price. Same thing can apply to Draft trades. Van gave up Scneides for pick #9 at last years draft so that can sort of be a baseline for this year. A very good goalie returned the #9 pick and most thought the Canucks should have got more. So Tanev and the #6 I feel is a very fair return for the #1 or #2 pick in this draft. We should remember that the talent of this draft is considered good but not great like last year. There is no Mackinnon, Jones or Drouin at the top.

  15. We are essentially trading Tanev and the 6th overall for the 1st overall, and Kesler for 10th, and 24th. Smith-Pelly adds incentive to florida to get the first overall jackass because Tanev and the 6th wont get it alone IMO. I mentioned that this is just a starting point and there could be modifications. We can even keep Smith-Pelly and throw in the 24th whatever. Like I said just a starting point. I'm tired of stupid punks thinking they know better than everyone else on here.

    If the Canucks Offered Tanev and #6 oa pick, I think Tallon would give it serious consideration. You have to account for who's available at #6. If Dal Colle, Draisatl, or Nylander are available then I think Fla would have to take an offer like that. Tanev hasn't turned 25 yet, he's just beginning to scratch the surface of what he could become as a player.

    If Van trades away Kesler and then offers up the return for Kesler to Fla + the #6 and Tanev...that would be a poor decision. Giving way too much for the #1 pick

  16. i do believe he'll be better than some of those.

    neither duncan keith nor nicklas lidstrom are/were physical in the slightest and it didn't hold them back. you don't need to be physical when you're as smart with your stick work and positioning as tanev, and in fact, abstaining from that part of the game will likely help his durability.

    Duncan Keith can be a mean and physical player when he desires. Its just that he is so good he rarely needs to.

    Tanev is on par with with Keith in terms of hockey sense but he has no mean streak in him. His mindset is perfect for a PMD and he will be a very good player for the Canucks with a very high ceiling. The best thing would be to pair Tanev with a d partner who is a big nasty, clear the front of the net type d-man who can do all the heavy lifting. If Benning can find that d-man to pair with Tanev then I could see a very good career in the NHL for Tanev

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