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Posts posted by Chalky

  1. I have a great rule of thumb for anyone wanting a good first tattoo.  Get an idea first, pick and artist, have a consultation. I'm not saying you can't a good tattoo with same day service, but my worst tattoos have come from that scenario.


    Gastown Tattoo has some awesome new artists, Mitch was my neighbour until last year, and I would recommend him to anyone.  I have been going to Steve at Ashlar tattoo in Squamish for many years, formerly of Sacred Heart. It's really important to find a person who specializes in the style you want.  Don't go to a person who specializes in Traditional Scratch for an Asian Dragon.


    Instagram is also a great tool to find new artists.  People should consider a road trip somewhere to get a tattoo...like saaaay, Portland OR.  Portland has a great tattoo community.


    My sleeve.


    My 18 year old walk in.  No regrets, I could get it covered, but I never would.


    • Upvote 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, riffraff said:


    Pretty sure they're playing in Vancouver tonight.


    im bummed.  Living on the island makes it tough.  Tomorrow I have to leave the family for six weeks so staying home. Would love to see the show.  Good reviews.  They've been on tour with Future islands but I'm not sure if it's a double bill tonight.

    It's with some other bands at Fortune Sound Club.  Bogan Via from Phoenix and a local band Low Levels.  I may check it out if I can drag someone out. 

  3. 56 minutes ago, Gooseberries said:

    Id like to see your mock draft. Doubt you had larkin over ehlers.

    I was totally just being a douche and making commentary on how inexact scouting and drafting is.  I love do Virt's game though.

     As for Larkin, I have a good friend connected to the Wings and I can tell you from their mouth, to my ear, to my fingers, to your eyes, that he has exceeded their expectations thus far.

    • Upvote 1


    "Regardless, all these songs I'm hearing are so heartless
    Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless
    Honest, there's a few songs on this record that feel common
    I'm in constant confrontation with what I want and what is poppin'
    In the industry it seems to me that singles on the radio are currency
    My creativity's only free when I'm playin' shows"

    This is exactly how I feel....despite being a no-hit blunder.

  5. I binged watched movies this weekend.

    The Rite - An exorcism movie I'd seen before but really liked, perhaps because of Anthony Hopkins. 7/10

    The Exorcism of Molly Hartley - Predictable. Not scary. 5/10

    Fright Night - A classic.  Still love it after all these years. Probably the best I watched all weekend 8/10

    Creepshow - Great franchise, must watch for any B movie aficionados. 9/10

    Creepshow2 - Not quite as good as the original but still mandatory watching. 6/10

    The Possession - Decent, but predictable.  Not overly scary but scary enough.  Kyra Sedgwick adds clout...probably because I love Bacon and she is married to him.

    The Babadook - Wasn't scary, barely suspenseful.  It was a relentless build up with poor ending.  After all the hype I expected better. 4/10

    Oblivion - Great concept, decent acting, good F/X.  Tom Cruise is crazy but he makes decent flicks.  7/10

    Elysium - I had seen it before but didn't remember it.  Now I remember why I didn't remember it.  Not Blomkamp's best work.  It wallows in it's own crapulence.  I get it Neil, the human race sucks. 5/10

    Payback - ol' Racist Mel's revenge flick.  Admittedly it is a guilty pleasure.  Something to be said about a movie where you never worry about the protagonist.  I can't rate it too high, but it really is one that makes me smile 5.5/10


  6. Action in this thread is great news. Hockey is here!

    I sincerely think Burrows could be the vet JB tries to move if a prospect makes the team. If his ribs aren't 100% then he will be less effective in making space for the Sedins. We don't need more bottom 6 players, he won't fit there either if he can't battle in the corners. I want to believe he will be fine but I have my doubts about his effectiveness this season. I hope to be proven wrong.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I was more upset at her possible blindness then Jon Snows death. I see alot of people upset with the death of Jon Snow, I will be the same when Arya dies. I always wondered who the first name was, so many characters to keep track of...

    I just really want to see some sort of Stark reunion. Always thought this would revolve around Arya and Jon Snow and they would be the first to unite. Oh well. Is poor Sansa going to trek to Castle Black only to find out Jon is dead, a la Arya in season 2? She's been thru enough!!

    If she is blind i will be sad. I don't think she is though, not all of the cliffhangers can be true...can they?

    I hope Sansa gets Brienne and opens a can of whoopass on Ramsay Bolton.

  8. Can't see Jon being dead. Zombie Jon is also free to lead the wildlings against Winterfell and fulfil the burning Bolton banners.

    Maybe wishful thinking.

    I do, however, think Stannis is dead.

    Melisandre can raise the dead..sort of. The Onion Knight was at Castle Black, and there was foreshadowing of Samwell Tarly learning healing. Jon Snow may well be saved, the show gave it some finality with the blood pouring out though. I bet he's back next season. Maybe Bran has a hand in saving him.

    I agree Stannis is dead. He should be dead.

    Man, I can't wait to see the Ramsay Bolton and the Sparrows get what they deserve.

    The books were different on so many levels, as far as I'm concerned the show can go where ever it wants now.

  9. i think, this could turn out very good...canucks scouts and management must feel this was worth doing...

    You'll forgive my lack of faith. I'm not crapping on the trade, I just don't have tons of faith in our scouting dept.

  10. He probably won't be knocking people over while on offense in the NHL like he is in junior, but it is a great sign that he will be a net presence. His game is going to translate well to the NHL, he operates with precision at speed. This is the most excited I've been for a prospect in a while.

  11. Yeah, Grand Budapest was very good.

    Not sure why you thought Adrien Brody stood out though. Thought he was one of the least effective of a strong ensemble. I especially enjoyed Willem Dafoe's performance, along with whoever played the girl.

    I really bought how much of a dick he was, especially the scene when he was tearing down Gustave.

    "I thought I was an f'ing fa.g.t.."

    "You are, but you're bi."

    That cracked me hard.

    Agreed. Willem Dafoe was brilliant. The scene when he kills Jeff Goldblum, also killed me.

  12. I watched The Grand Budapest Hotel last night and I'm fairly sure it is going to end in my all-time top 10. I do love me some Wes Anderson, but this is his finest movie yet. Ralph Fiennes is amazing as is Adrien Brody. I seriously can't recommend it enough if you are at all inclined to like that style of movie.




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