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Everything posted by ronthecivil

  1. You don't need a plethora of top picks. You just need to retain your picks instead of continuously trading them away. Trade away the peeps you can't sign instead of letting them walk (like they did with Horvat, and should have done with Miller). Sign the people that are good value (like Quinn). I am not saying tear it down (unless your the D corps that is). But the legacy of "reloading" shows in OELs contract, in our buyout cap hits, in the future trade where we drop another roster player for a downgrade. This team has reloaded for a decade. You want to track something? Watch the team not make the playoffs next year too. Watch the empty seats at games.
  2. Your right, if you draft players, they rarely become top players on an ELC. When you trade for them, they never do. When you trade picks for those players, you take away your chances for cost controlled players. They don't all have to be Petey and Quinn, both of whom played a year in Sweden/College (driven mostly by them), and gave us cost controlled contracts for years before graduating though. You can have cost controlled third and fourth liners too. The less chances you have to swing for the fences, the less you swing it out of the park. The philosophy of "win now" and "draft picks are risky and take time" just guarantees cap hell and mediocracy.
  3. Yup now since energy prices are cyclical it makes sense to not count it in the main stat (like when oil prices were negative a lot of those things went temporarily down, which would have shown deflation, even if that was not the overall case. However, you shouldn't ignore it either. The thing is, whether it's a central bank, or just lenders, that ultimately make the call, the only way to reign in costs is to increase the cost of borrowing, until people, business, and government get religion on not borrowing, prices go up. The debt services/interest payments are meant to suck up the money that goes to everything else. Business is getting religion on not borrowing. People are coming around. Governments are as bad as ever, still borrowing money to "fight inflation"! In summary, if you think its bad now, just wait.
  4. Just wait until you get your property taxes! My utility bill (they do it utility and then property) has like gone up 50% in the last four years. And looking at the projected rise in the next five years it's gonna double by then. Vancouver 9%. Surrey 17%. Surrey can blame the cops (or their own bungling of it) but Vancouver just blames inflation. "Inflation is coming down" I agree with you on the lol of that.
  5. Er I meant to say I hate retooling, and vis vis the investements, I meant to say you do it each year, and eventually, it keeps paying off, each year.
  6. The issue isn't the player, or the time it would take a pick to develop. It's the cap, and our lack of depth. Sure picks take awile, but have a bunch, and it's like an investment, and if you put into it each, after a while it continues to pay off consistently. Rebuilding and going to the cap? It takes away flexibility, putting you in a bad position for trades, sometimes forcing them. It's like going into debt. It's ok going into debt short term, say if your a presidents cup winner and you want to take a trip to the final. But the rest of the time, you should be investing, and stocking up, so that when the day comes, your ready.
  7. Exactly. We have to have some luck and loose NHLers, and that's the best case scenario. The core is a little better sure, but the supporting cast is getting worse. That's why I hate rebuilding. Now, at least we still have lots of picks. But please, with sugar on top, stop trading them away!
  8. Brock seems to have come alive again and is once again taking shots and trying to drive play. No shock he's been showing up on the score sheet as a result. I have always thought his problems were phycological and could turn it around. If we trade him we might get something back, and that would fix our cap problem (in that we wouldn't have much space at all but at least we would have some). But then were down a Brock Boeser too. But ya, Kuz has replaced him so it does make him expendable. The problem has never really been the forwards though.
  9. Lol both of them have injury concerns but I doubt either of them are going to literally get bit by a snake or any of the other sadly comical type recurring Salo injuries.
  10. Count on the bargain bin bottom of the line up. Maybe we get a cheap Bear. Maybe we get a cheap Schenn. Then at least we start with six NHLers. Burrows and Wolanin are AHLers! Wolanin was great in Abby. He is also 27. Still no guarantees on getting rid of Myers, which looses and NHLer, no matter what you think of him. OEL still only has value in LIR. We might be stuck with him even in the press box or in an even longer cap prison punishment.
  11. All those things apply to the Canucks as well. If you trade him away from a pick, sure you have a better Dman, and sure, it's cheaper, for now. But your now down an NHL defencemen, and the next man up is probably not that good at all. From this year, even with a better core of Dmen in terms of skill and mix, you still have the same number that are proven NHLers. And on forward were down a centre. All in it's probably a sidegrade. Such is the situation of retooling. Depth is still need bottom of the league. In the event one of these guys gets injured, and one already is, then that depth thing smacks them in the face, just like it always has.
  12. Sure but it's sure as hell not happening by the start of next season. Which is why we need all our draft picks, and more, so we can start developing a system. Or we can call up Stevey Y and grab another dman. I am sure he would love to have both the firsts we had.
  13. Um ok that's not terribad (but it gives us a buyout cap issue for years) and assume you know the guy and he's good and then it's Hughes then Hronic then Bear the Livingston the rookie ten the 27 year old career AHLer then well it's not even worth mentioning. He also might want to play on a good team, so maybe he doesn't want to play here. Who knows for sure? Sure, harvest free dudes if you can, but they are probably free and undrafted for a reason. Sure you can harvest some gems, but that's not a sustainable pipeline, nor a for sure retool.
  14. Ya, they also lost yesterday. Who is going to replace the AHLers on defense, especially with one or two of OEL and Myers generally agread to ideally not be around? What happens if one of them goes down? Sure, we picked up one NHL quality defender, who is currently hurt. Put where's the depth and the pipleline. The quality goes down fast from Hughes, Hroenic, and Bear. Everyone else is an AHLer or a liability. How are we going to get three more "retools" with no cap space?
  15. We have a mediocre prospect pool which I guess is an improvement on like no prospect pool. I guess we have mediocre depth. You know what would have improved that? Two high picks in a deep draft. Oh, and cap space.
  16. And with no pipeline, then we will never have any depth. One injury and you take a massive downgrade at the position. If we rebuild, it might not work fast, or at all, but it might. Retooling as they call it, being perpetual buyer, definitely won't work. Alvin thinks were going to make the playoffs next year. How? The team isn't really any better. Lie to us, lie to ownership, but don't lie to yourself.
  17. Well we can be optimistic. If he brings that I will be happy as clam. Only notice bomb from the point and clears on the PK. That would be good. It's exactly the model to build to. Build build build. Solid upon solid upon solid. Still waiting for solutions to cap prison and the "major surgery".
  18. Watch how long it takes Detroit to once again to make the playoffs for like forever. Stevey Y is building a deep organisation. Even from a money grubbing perspective, ownership would be wise to accept that kind of idea. Always make the team stronger. Even rich guys fail at math though, it's kind of tragic.
  19. The beard, the work guy lunch bucket attitude, the confidence, he will be good. I have never been sad about that. Cap prison still irks me.
  20. Well at least were 100 percent aligned hockey wise. As a general rule, agreeing with me is a bad idea, so there's that too.
  21. I don't need you frightening me. It could go well. Or they could marry themselves to mediocracy and cap prison. And people are worried about keeping Hughes and Petey. Be buyers with a bad team? They might like it, but in a year or two, well.....
  22. Signed as a free agent. Sold for something. Something out of nothing. Not much out of nothing, but something. No do the bigger ones.
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