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Spotted Zebra

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Posts posted by Spotted Zebra

  1. Gawd I hope Rock doesn't win the title. I get that some people are tired of Punk having the title, and I love the Rock as much as the next person, but it's just plain bad to give it to someone who comes for 4 nights a year.

    So if he doesn't lose it to the rock at the Rumble, is he going into Mania with it against taker?

    Looks like they want Cena Rock part two, at wrestlemania, which in my mind would be the absolute perfect time to turn Cena heel. Rumor is the Rock will be way too busy the whole next year, so maybe have Cena beat him up enough after the match to give him some time off?

    Curious what they're going to do with Lesnar. Say what you wan't about him, but he IS a draw. As much as I like Trips, I really hope he stays away from a match with Lesnar at WM, but right now I think this is the most proable scenario. Lesnar isn't working full time, and he's already got a semi - feud with Hunter.

    Not likely to happen, but A ryback feud with Lesnar could also be intersting, just because of the size of the guys. Might not be a great match but I'd watch it.

  2. Your posts never cease to amaze me.

    And your failure to understand logic never ceases to amaze me.

    What is the WWE? Is it a place for the best athletes to entertain a crowd? Is it a place where the most talented individuals get the best treatment?

    No. Like the NHL and all other forms of sporting entertainment, it's just a business.

    Of course to anyone with half a brain that should be obvious. If you manage to understand that statement then you should understand that in order, the main priorities of the WWE are :

    1) Ratings

    2) Merchandise Sales

    3) Sponsorships

    4) Arena ticket Revenue.

    5) Advertising Revenue


    6) Finding the poster boy

    7) Drawing ing NEW FANS

    7) Storylines

    8) Finding appropriate talent for mid carders

    9) Developmental System

    10) Pleasing old Fans

    Surprised? You shouldn't be.

    If I were Vince McMahon, you think I would care what the IWC cares about the product he is puting out? How much money have you spent the last year on WWE merchandise? the answer is probably insignificant enough for your opinion to matter to them.

    Oh sure, you guys can bitch and complain about "Supercena" all you want, but the fact is untill Ryback or anyone else who doesn't have a Pepsi Tatoo on his shoulder turns into his guy, John Cena will be the most profitable and marketable thing the WWE has.

    Who do you suggest Ziggler face to get the reaction he did last night? The undertaker might be the only other active guy to get Ziggler that Over.

    The fact is, in 10 - 15 years, you are no longer the targer audience. Your children are, and their children, and their children. This will always be the case unless another company challenges the WWE, like WCW does, when that happens, then the in ring product becomes the number one priority, as everything else will follow.

    This logic is why you see guys like Alberto Del Rio Jobbing, they don't sell. Apparently Sheamus and John Cena do, regardless of their ability. Like I mentioned above, the WWE is trying to gain new fans, not keep old one's, because they know people like you will complain about the product but will still watch.

    The Average fans wants to cheer the stereotypical wrestler and the guy with the biggest "heart". They also don't care about womens wrestling and just want to watch hot chicks in the ring.

    Sorry, but this is the truth

  3. Well the Shield won.

    Just another group that the normal fan isn't going to think twice about.

    The worst thing the WWE could do is sacrifice what Ryback has going to push these guys. Anyone remember the Nexus? Look at Barett now.

    Punk will NEVER be the number one guy in the WWE, with Cena's body slowly feeling the effects of his career, may as well get the Ryback train going.

    Ambrose is the only impressive one in the group

  4. You need to take off the CM Punk goggles and look at it from a neutral perspective.

    Punk is a good heel he's not elite or even great. It's not hard to go into Montreal, insult Bret Hart and get heat. Sin Cara could do that. Nor is kicking out JR on his appreciation night anything special, he's gathering momentum as a heel from doing everything generically.

    People like JBL and Jericho didn't need to do anything, Muhammed Hussan as well if you remember him. Those guys had that arrogance and swagger on them that made you hate their guts, AKA played their role to perfection. Punk hasn't done that.

    IMO the hardest thing to do is stay fresh as a face. Orton couldn't do it, Sheamus isn't doing it, and while Punk had a decent run as a face, but unless you blindly support him as much as you hate Cena, you'd notice his act was wearing thin as a face as well.

    When Punk was at his best was at about a year ago, when he wasn't a heel, and he wasn't a face. He was CM Punk, he was the guy who didn't give a damn and you loved him for it. Now that Vince is trying to force feed him to us he's lost that.


    Note that I am not critiqueing him as a wrestler, but as a performer which is what WWE is, Entertainment.

  5. How old do you have to be to play in AHL? is he eligible for the upcoming season?

    You need to be 20 to start the year in the A, so no he's not elligable, however if I'm not mistaken, once his next season in the OHL concludes, he is elligable to Join the Wolves if they want him for the last few games of their season and into the AHL playoffs

  6. The formula for winning the cup has never involved having a bunch of small players on your roster.

    You need size, you need toughness, and you need fearless players. Even the wings had a bunch of sandpaper mixed in with their skill.

    You're missing the point.

    Every time a team wins the cup it's comething new that does it for them.

    Boston buillied vancouver out of the building.

    Chicago Philly showed you needed great forwards and a solid 3rd line.

    Pittsburgh and Detroit showed you need finesse forwards.

    Anaheim grinded it out

    And now LA is showing that you need three big centres.

    the point is that it's pretty much a guarantee that a different factor will win the cup each year. You can't worry about what other teams do. You need to pick a system before the season starts and acquire the players that will fufill that. Changing your strategy every year is a recipe for disaster

    • Upvote 3
  7. Adding Schroeder to the roster kind of goes against Gillis saying he wants to get bigger and stronger.

    I guess we can always upgrade in other positions though.

    And so what happens when the 2012 - 2013 champs are filled with skilled players under 6 feet with no tough guys? DO we trade Booth, Kassian, Jensen etc??

    The canucks need to find their own identity and stick with it.

    • Upvote 1
  8. cypress is so overrated for the price you pay. i'd rather dish the extra cash and go to whistler aka a real mountain.

    If you want to drive 2 extra hours and pay for gas there and back go ahead.

    Nothing comes close to whistler, here at least, but Cypress is miles ahead of Grouse and Seymour

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  9. There's a lot of players who will put up great numbers in the A but sort of fade away in the NHL.

    I think Jordan has an opposite effect, playing in the NHL with players who can finish his great passes more often will really benefit him.

    That being said I'd like to see him shoot more

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