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Canucks are Bieksallent

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Status Updates posted by Canucks are Bieksallent

  1. me thinks its pillie's bday soon! we need to have some "dessert" to celebrate.

    teehee. :)

  2. i feel bad for him :(

    do you think theres any chance we steve yzerman might become our GM? (i heart him.. teehee)

  3. *holds*

    hold me back? ♥

  4. happy bday chiklets!


  5. happy belated birthday matt.

    sorry im a day late..


  6. hey bb.

    i went to the game tonight.

    i'll send pics this weekend kay?

    hope you're doing good.

    <3 you. :)

  7. haha thats true.

    pillie = ♥

    how are you doing?

    getting some work done i hope :)

    ps. you're missed by you know who ;)

  8. umm. willie mitchell is a trooper :)

    ps. your sig? OMG its amazing!.. the person who made it must be awesome ;)

  9. thanks hehe! mogilny's awesome isn't he? :)

  10. ps. nb is sad about the game tonight :(

  11. teehee. I know. I replied in your thread. ♥

    bb + nb = this weekend??

    nb's good. but even better knowing that bb is good. :)


    is BB doing good?


  13. keep me updated ;) bahaha.

    ummm did you hear fohlie might play tonight!! nb = :)

    i hope you're doing good, love. ♥

  14. nuh uh, i didnt know.

    do you know what for??

    haha rawr levin.


    nb's scared about fohlie. :(

  15. nb is happy. levin scored! :) but nb is also scared about fohlie :(... nb hopes bb is good.

    ps. nb wants to tell bb that she ♥'s her. :D

  16. bb misses nb more and she wubs her. nb well be sure to tell tedler how much bb wuvs him. nb also wants to say that she is proud of bb for working so hard. :)

  17. still nb wants to make sure bb getss some rest too :)


    - - a - t

    b - a - b e - -


    i miss you!

    i hope you're feeling better!

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