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Canucks are Bieksallent

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Status Updates posted by Canucks are Bieksallent

  1. bear bear!

    MSN soon kay?

    I miss you. <3

  2. umm hey jc :)

    - i - l

    - - u

    m - - -

    y - - r

    b - a - b - a -??


  3. - y

    - e - r b - a -

    i -

    a - a - i - g

    - n d


    l - v -

    h - -

    l - t - s


  4. omgg "czech this out"

    you made me giggle :)

    i think i got the secret message. how bout this zinger.


    k - n - a

    - - a - t

    - y

    b - - r b - - r


  5. ummmm.

    you're czechzellent!

    just like you know who :)

  6. really?

    they're just going through a rough patch. willie and lou will help them fight through it.

  7. yeah i know what you mean, i still like him though. meh, im not the greatest, but okay. whats happening with you?

  8. hm = homework, in case you didn't get it the first time :)

  9. awww. you said hi.

    you made my day :)

    i hope you're doing good!

    you know i'd help you with your hm if i could <3

  10. aww, you know i was kidding about your name. :)

    im pretty hooked on that song you told me to listen too. did you like matt costa?

  11. really? you think so?

    i think the name is pretty average.

    very plain jane. ;P

  12. do you have come home by one republic? its reaaaaal good.

    good. i think you'll like matt costa.

  13. its pretty good.

    give matt costa a listen. also one republic. their cd is really good!

    haha show up late.. aren't you cool.

  14. whats there to do at 9:00?

    nuffin much, pretty bored.

    which song? the raynes one that you posted?

  15. Wouldn't that be like amazing? Heheheh. (:

  16. :(

    the boys will come out with a better effort tomorrow night though :)

    yay! one day.

    this week has gone by so fast!

  17. ummmm.... hi bear bear :)


  18. omygaaahhh.

    pillie!! <3

    jamesy is gonna be on et in a few minutes


  19. did you read the article about Pillie? and how he's kind of a candyman?

    He's my gummy bear :)


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