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Everything posted by MattWN

  1. Like I always say, if you don't want to give up, thats fine. Just quit.

    It sounds better.

    I never give up on anything. I just quit a lot of ****.

  2. So today I went into work around 730.. I officially quit around 1230.

    Good times.

    It was like some sort of sweat shop. I think two people spoke english, and I was one of them. Back to being unemployed/

  3. I promise you, whatever we run into. Il be there to hold your hand, our love will pull us through. I promise you .

  4. haha, thats so crazy it just might work!

    finally I can provide for my many children.

  5. when is the big test?

    im nervous for work =(

  6. I did!

    last night i tried to send a message, but it kept erroring.

    so i gave up (i do that quickly)

    and yeah.. then i forgot about it, but i honeslty meant to say it last night after you messaged me.

    So good luck :d

  7. nope

    not really

    9 bucks or something.

    im pretty ashamed acautally, but im sick of applying.

    i applied at like.. 3 places this month alreayd haha

  8. i got a job today..

    working at some lighting store, haha.. yes.

    sounds really boring, and thats because it probably is

  9. Darlin' the tears are in my eye now, knowing I can try now. To make it back to you. Darlin' I love you more than ever, I wish we were together.

  10. P artttttttttttttttttty

  11. its been too long,

    I want to sit down and write for you the perfect love song. I wanna shout it out in a silent crowd.

  12. how are you doing?

  13. nah, not too much better.

    i got some stuff to take today, so it should get better soon.

    lucky for me I cant do soccer tomorrow, so i get to listen/watch the game!

  14. I have an ear ache, it suckkkkkks.

  15. Dammniit, I already did that song =(

    Keith Urban - Everybody.

    you should get it

  16. So don't give up now

    You're so close to a brand new day

    Yes, you are and if you just can bear to be alone

    I'll stay

    Cause everybody needs somebody sometimes

    Yeah, everybody needs somebody sometimes

  17. Nope, I heard the first period on the radio before soccer though. I can't wait to see Saturdays game on sportsnet.

    How was your night?

  18. So don't give up now

    You're so close to a brand new day

    Yes, you are and if you just can bear to be alone

    I'll stay

    Cause everybody needs somebody sometimes

    Yeah, everybody needs somebody sometimes

  19. alright, have a good day with school and all.

    talk to you later, goodnite

  20. bracelet sounds so gay.

    for now on, its the thing.


  21. nopee.

    well maybe.. but im not in thinking mode.

  22. I have no idea what that is.. lay it out to me.. is it cool, or no haha.

    you cant really tell who it is anyways though, uness you look closely.

  23. too much to read.

    im going to assume hes cool, and keep wearing it.

    unless you tell me otherwise.

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