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Stinky Tofu

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Junior Prospect

Junior Prospect (1/14)



  1. Okay thanks. UniverCity. How creative.
  2. Oh okay. Thanks So to the right of the cam is into SFU? To the top is going down to Hastings? And to the left is going down to Lougheed?
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the truck is there to stop people from going into SFU as they're trying to plow the place. But I don't know if I'm right because the stuck car is trying to get into SFU. Also, I'm not 100% sure if to the right (cam-wise) is going into SFU.
  4. Yeah. They never tried pushing. But now it's just showing the stupid SFU truck. I want to see if those guys got out!
  5. Thanks a lot. Haha, they're trying to use a stop sign to shovel out the snow.
  6. http://www.ots.sfu.ca/ots/gaglardicamlive Okay so. What is what street? Is left to right Lougheed and going UP is going to SFU?
  7. No problem. Looks better now with the caps lock off. It was getting quite annoying . Raining over here near Hastings and Renfrew. Hopefully SFU is closed tomorrow. Got a class that ends right at 4:30 and I REALLY want to watch the Gold Medal Game.
  8. Are you using Windows? XP? If so, please follow: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Accessibility -> On-Screen Keyboard And then using your mouse, click on lock. Thank you.
  9. Ahh I see. I hate it when teachers do that right before breaks. Well good luck with those tests. I don't think school's going to be closed. -EDIT- Nevermind. I just heard Surrey is pretty bad right now. Maybe you won't have school tomorrow.
  10. Dude. Don't you only have two more days left of school?
  11. Yup, I'm right here. It's so damn cold over at the Biology building. At least it stopped snowing. The wind is picking up though.
  12. Oh okay. Thanks. Well it's not letting up here at SFU.
  13. Yeah. I hope I'll finish. Good luck studying! @Death: You said 15-20cm, where did you see that from?
  14. Yeah, I have an exploratory paper due tomorrow. This will force me to finish it.
  15. Haha, that's me. I'm stuck behing C9200.
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