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Ryan Kesler

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Blog Entries posted by Ryan Kesler

  1. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>It’s still hard to believe that the season’s over already and that this will my last blog for the year.

    This year definitely had its ups and downs - I mean I don’t have to tell you guys, you’ve all lived it with us. It was a tough year with all the injuries we’ve had to deal with but it as a really good group of guys this year and we’ve dealt with everything pretty well. There’s been a lot of adversity and narrowly missing the playoffs was so tough but we have to move on and be better next year.

    Coming into training camp, I was really excited and I really wanted to prove myself because I didn’t get to play much last year with the injuries. It was tough having to sit out for most of the year so coming back for me this year was huge. This year, I not only had to prove to myself but also to my team and the fans, that I’m even more capable of being a good player. It was great to stay healthy and play out a full season, it’s just unfortunate it ended earlier than any of us wanted.

    People keep saying that the silver lining of this year is that I’ve achieved career numbers but they don’t really matter that much to me. Personally, I judge how I play on team success. I would’ve taken two goals this year for the playoffs. I’d much rather have that than personal success but it didn’t work out that way so we’ll work towards next year and hopefully have another career best year.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/04/040308_oil02_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/04/040308_oil02_t.jpg" /></a>Hopefully this isn’t the best for me – next year the goal is to make the playoffs and continue improving my game and becoming a better player and a better person.

    In the midst of an already emotional couple of weeks, the last game of the year was definitely up there with the support from the fans and the ovation they gave to Trevor. I think I speak on behalf of the team that the fans were so great that game – we just can’t say enough about them. We all knew that before the game was over that it was going to mean a lot to Trevor, to the city, and to the team. We were getting beat down pretty bad there and they were still cheering for him and it was so special to see.

    Coming in as an 18 year old, Trevor kind of took me under his wing and basically taught me how to be a pro and become a pro so I’d have to thank him a lot for that. The thing I admire most about him is without a doubt, his character. He gets along with all the guys and no matter what, he never complains and always gives it his all. He’s just an amazing person and whatever decision he chooses to make, it will be the right one.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/dice21_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/dice21_t.jpg" /></a>Andrea and I will be leaving in a week or two and fly back home so she can be around family to have the baby. She’s due mid-May and can fly up until April 20th so it's better we leave earlier but I think it’ll be good for both of us to be near family when she arrives. We’ve decided on Mackayla (not sure on spelling yet), which is the name I chose and my wife gets the middle name, Rylan. I just can’t wait to get to hold her. It’ll be exciting and between that and getting ready for next season, I’ll be pretty busy. I’m sure my time will be taken up and we’ll get to start the season again.

    It's weird this will be my last entry, I still remember thinking I'll probably have nothing to write about when I first started. Hopefully I lived up to expectations (and maybe did a little better than Burr - I hear his blogs were great). Thanks to everyone for your comments and following the blog this year.</td></tr></table>
  2. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>So here it goes: first blog on canucks.com.

    I’ll be the first to say, I’m not completely sure about writing all this much, but I’ll give it a shot. If Burrows could do it...

    So, most asked question so far has been what I did this summer. Coming off the injury, I had a lot of time off without skating, so I started in early July to get back into shape. I was back home in Michigan and mostly worked out with a few guys from the Red Wings, a couple of guys from Michigan that were in town, and a few other rif raf.

    It was a pretty uneventful summer to be honest. I did get out to Toronto for my best friend’s bachelor party – <a href="http://www.sportsline.com/nhl/players/playerpage/1137185" target=_new>Chris Conner</a>. He plays in Dallas and Iowa for the Stars. That was a good time, but not exactly blog-worthy stuff.

    This was the fist year my dad Mike hasn’t done a skating school, which is kind of a big deal. A lot of stuff happened last year and I don’t think anybody was feeling up to it. He asked my brother to take it on, but I think it’ll happen again next year. We’ll see.

    It’s funny, my dad still gives me pointers all the time, whether I want it or not. Being a skating coach, he gives me a lot of constructive criticism. I don’t want to hear it all the time, but he knows his hockey (he’s been coaching for over 30 years), so I always tend to listen to him whether I want to hear it or not. At the end of the day, he’s usually right anyway.

    I’m rooming with Mason Raymond through camp. For most of last season I was with Burrows. Raymond’s a great kid and he’s not going off in French all the time. That’s a big plus right there.

    I remember my first camp and how nervous I was. We talked a bit last night and I just told him, that he’s got great speed and great offensive skills, so he should just go out and play his game. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to do everything else, and forgetting what got you there.

    I think he’s going to play in this league for a long time. All he needs is a little time at the professional level. He was in the second group today, so I didn’t see him at camp, but we’ve been skating together out at 8-Rinks for the past week or two.

    I’ve been reading a few of the other blogs and there seems to be some misconception about vets choosing beds.

    Yes, I took the window bed. He was in the room first and asked me what bed I wanted. I said I did not care. I mean, it’s a bed right?!?! I’m not one of those veterans who says, “Give me this bed because I’m a vet.” I’m not like that. It’s not an issue.

    All last year Burrows and I would just randomly pick beds. It just depended on who got in there first. We don’t care.

    So anyway, I’m by the window and you can see the golf course from our room. I haven’t golfed all summer, but seeing this course - I don’t know what it is - but I’ve got the itch. I’ve got to play it, even if I’m out there for eight hours.

    I’ll be up front, I’m probably the worst golfer on the team. I’ll try to drag Burrows and Bieksa out there. Those two are probably the only guys on the team who are worse than I am. I don’t even know what my handicap is, but let me put it this way: my clubs are in serious need of a cleaning… from all the dust.

    Anyway, I liked what I saw on the ice today. The new guys are fast and are really good. I think we improved over the off season. If we can be a team that’s tough and play’s physical, we’ve got the speed, so we should be a scary team to play against.</td></tr><table>
  3. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>It’s been a good month since I last wrote a blog but it’s been busy, you know? With Christmas and the crazy schedule leading up and right after the break, there’s just not a ton of time.

    Anyway, Christmas was good, very quiet but good. It was just my wife and I but it’ll be the last Christmas for just the two of us. We’re expecting a baby girl around mid May and we’re very excited.

    We’re first time parents and my mom’s going to be a grandma for the first time so she’s super excited and of course, like all parents, instilling some parental wisdom wherever and whenever she can. We’ve also stocked up on baby books for names and the “what to expect when you’re expecting” books. We’re trying to plan ahead and be prepared and all that.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills18_b.jpg"><img vspace="2" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills18_t.jpg" /></a> Kevin and his wife had their baby boy a few months back and he says it’s awesome but his words of wisdom are “Get your sleep now”. Guess my schedule’s going to change a bit but it’ll be great.

    The Superskills event is tomorrow and I’m thinking they’ll probably put me in the skating competition again, although I’d like to be in something else too! It’ll be good competition this year with all the young guys here like Mason Raymond and Mike Brown. Luc Bourdon won last year and he’s not here to defend his title this year so we’ll see what happens.

    I think events like this are great for fans who can’t make it to game and they get to see hockey at GM Place and in person. It’s fun for them and for us too so it’ll definitely be good.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills22_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills22_t.jpg" /></a> My favourite part of the competition is the pies. I got to pie Alex Burrows last year and that must have been a highlight for me. I wouldn’t mind getting to pie someone else again this year but I think the person who got pied last year get to pie someone else. Alex probably gets to pie one of the young guys this year. Being on the other end, is less fun because I remember when Jarkko Ruutu pied me a couple years back. But Alex got to feel my revenge.

    Predictions for the competition:

    <b>Hardest shot: </b> Sami Salo
    <b>Fastest skater: </b> Mason Raymond
    <b>Accuracy: </b> Danny Sedin

    As for New Year’s resolutions… I think I made some on New Year’s day and it’s only a couple days into the new year and I’ve forgotten them. It doesn’t look like I’m keeping them. I tend to forget them anyway, maybe a resolution can be not making resolutions. We’ll see.</td></tr></table>
  4. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>My wife and I are obviously very excited about our little girl arriving soon but my older sister, Jenny, might be even more excited than us, if that’s even possible. She’s so excited about having the baby around, so that’ll be nice. I know that she’ll be watching the baby the whole summer, we probably won’t even get to see her. But, at least we know our little girl will be in good hands because my sister is the ultimate babysitter – she runs a daycare.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/03/mar1008_kings18_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/03/mar1008_kings18_t.jpg" /></a>Jenny actually just bought a condo back home and moved out of my parents’ place. I think they’re pretty excited to finally get her out of the house – I don’t think they expected having to deal with their kids in the house for 30 years.

    The hardest thing for my wife and I is where the baby will be born. We keep going back and forth on it and our main topic of discussion right now is that I want her around during playoffs but at the same time, I want family to be around too, so that’s kind of the problem we’re in.
    We might have to fly some family out here or have her go back home but we haven’t really decided yet. Some people are talking about the whole citizenship situation but it isn’t an issue – it’s really important to me that Andrea has family around. If they can’t be here, she might have to go home. We’ll see what happens.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec1707_oilers05_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec1707_oilers05_t.jpg" /></a>A lot of people have been asking me about Alex right now since we’ve been playing together pretty consistently through the year and he’s been playing really well. I’ve always said that he’s underrated and now he’s showing it, which is nice. He’s getting a lot of media attention and he loves it, plus he’s not afraid to say anything so he’s just taking it all in right now.

    I think the biggest reason for the change is confidence for sure and finding confidence between the two of us has made a big impact too. There is one thing that’s been hard though – I told him I don’t understand Spanish so he’s going to have to learn English.

    Last few games are huge and going to determine where teams play, especially since they’re all divisional games. I know it’s cliché but every point counts and every point’s huge. These are going to be a major test and it’s going to be playoff-like hockey all the way to the end so they’re going to be fun. Everybody knows the importance of the games and you do feel it every time you step into the rink and maybe you do get that extra stride but that’s what will help us.</td></tr></table>
  5. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>As most of you know, Dice and Ice was last night and it was very successful and a lot of fun. We dealt some cards, got some entertainment, good food, and all for a good cause so it was all great.

    I dealt blackjack and of course, being dealer, I didn’t win… but I gave out a lot of money. I’m not much of a card player but if I played something, it would be blackjack – although it doesn’t really require that much skill. I try to stay out of the cards but once in a while I’ll get sucked in. the guys mostly play poker any way with Roberto being a big poker player and Burr’s really into it too but that’s more their thing.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/02/diceice2008_keslerbieksabur.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/02/diceice2008_keslerbieksabur_t.jpg" /></a>Last year, the rookies had to tell their best joke, but this year it was a little different. There are actually four of them this year, Luc, Alex, Mason, and Nathan. I see Mason wrote in his blog that he knew something was going to happen last night but he didn’t know what. He and the rest of them had to surrender to a dance contest.

    Mason and Mac looked nervous to begin with but Luc and Eddy got right in there. The battle was definitely between Luc and Eddy. It looked like Luc had it at first but I think in the dance-off, Eddy might have been a little better. They stole the show for sure. I think if I got up there, I could win – my best quality is my dancing (of course).

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/121007_vinnick12_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/121007_vinnick12_t.jpg" /></a>Three more months and my wife and I will welcome a baby girl into our family and I’m very excited. It will definitely be different but it’s going to be better. My wife has been so great through everything. She’s looking as great as ever and at this stage in the pregnancy, she’s barely even gained any weight. She just looks like she’s smuggling a basketball inside.

    As far as names are concerned, we’ve been throwing around a couple but we’re not set on anything right now. My wife had originally suggested Kennedy a couple months ago but it reminds me too much of the president so that might not go. I like Mckayla and now she’s saying maybe Rylan but honestly we won’t know until we see her.

    We’re all about the pink and brown right now. My mother-in-law has a crib and a room all set up back home in Michigan but we’re not even sure where she’ll be born right now. It’s all very exciting and new to me right now and I’m going along with everything that comes with it.</td></tr></table>
  6. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>The schedule has been crazy lately but you know what? I think I might even prefer it that way. I mean, at the beginning of the year when we had all those long breaks, it was hard to deal with. I was so bored having all that time off so being busy and playing a lot is good.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/01/011308_blues04_b.jpg"><img vspace="2" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/01/011308_blues04_t.jpg" /></a> What made the trip even better is that I got to go home and see some family and friends, which always makes it better. This was a really good trip because it’s been a while since we visited here and being with family always makes a trip better.

    People have been bringing up stats and number to me all the time because I’m two points away from my career best but it doesn’t really matter to me. I keep it in the back of my mind but I’m not too worried about that. They’re just numbers, I’m more concerned about the team success than my own personal stats.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec0807_practice08_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec0807_practice08_t.jpg" /></a>As long as we’re winning and doing well in the standings my points don’t matter. I don’t think I’m doing anything differently than in previous years but I think I have a little more responsibility but it’s good, I think that’s good for me.

    Since assuming the checking role on the team, I think the biggest change I’ve noticed in my own game is that I focus on other players more than focusing on just playing. It’s helped me become a well-rounded player and I’m more aware of everything going on in the game, and that’s been a huge help too. I think playing against players of that caliber, you’ve got to figure out their tendencies and kind of go from there but it’s not always easy. Hopefully I can just keep improving from here.

    We’ll get a long stretch off for the all-star break but we’ve still got three games ahead of us, including one against Minny, who we’re neck and neck with right now. Right now, I’m thinking maybe Vegas or Whistler but still not sure yet. </td></tr></table>
  7. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>It’s been three days since we last played and honestly, I’m getting kind of bored. I don’t like long breaks between games and when you have this much time, you don’t know what to do after a while – I just want to play. It’s actually kind of painful having to wait so long between games. I’d rather play everyday or play nine games in 16 nights than have one game every week.

    <img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/11/nov0607_guitarhero_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=1 hspace=4>While we were on the road last week, there was less free time and when we got back, we played right away so that was good but this week I’ve had a bit more time on the xbox. A lot of you guys are asking about my online name and I don’t think I’m going to go there. There are for sure a lot of good players out there and always so many people online. Yesterday I played and there were close to 500,000 people playing.

    Like I said, I haven’t really had much time to play between games and travel – the only time I get is usually later at night when my wife falls asleep on the couch. No one else on the team plays video games (that I know of), except Luc but he’s big into Guitar Hero 3 – I think he’s a musician or something so that’s more his thing.

    We did signing day today. Signing day is where the community department sets up a bunch of jerseys, hats, and other merchandise that gets signed by the players and is donated to various charities and foundations affiliated with the Canucks. There is a lot of stuff – but today wasn’t that bad actually. At the beginning of the year, that was the major signing day that was set up downstairs that filled the whole hall and then around the corner and around the corner.

    They’re only set up three times a year, and usually pretty close to the beginning of the year so we get it all done with. They’ve been really good with it and it’s good to do something for charity.

    The only problem I have with it is that the new jersey fabric is really hard to sign because the pen gets stuck in the little holes because it’s kind of got this texture to it. Because of that though, the signatures are hard to read too and they don’t look so great – I mean, I can’t even read my own on there.

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/11/nov0307_avs18_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/11/nov0307_avs18_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=1 hspace=4></a>There were a lot of items that the whole team signs and some of the guys were saying how Markus has the best signature and I noticed that Alex Edler's isn’t that good. You couldn’t read it, it almost resembled a seventh grader but I’m also not saying that mine is that much better.

    It’s definitely changed quite a bit since I was seventeen and definitely since the first one I signed. I think the first one I ever signed was at the big Quebec tournament when I was in peewee on the local Little Caesar’s team in Michigan. It was just regular cursive, “Ryan Kesler”. I don’t write out my whole name any more, now it’s just “RK”, it’s much more efficient, especially for signing day.

    We’re practicing tomorrow in the morning and then flying out to Calgary for the game Thursday. I think if we play a solid defensive game, limit their opportunities, and just play a hard working game, we’ll be right in there. That’s how we’re going to have to win now with some of they we have out of the lineup.

    I think everybody played well Saturday in Colorado, Roberto had a great game, our power-play was clicking, I think we really limited their opportunities, we played a good line matching game and I think that was the difference. We’ve just to keep it up and come out with the two points.
  8. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>With Thanksgiving out of the way, Christmas is making its way into the house – actually Christmas arrived while I was on the road.

    Usually we start setting things up the day after Thanksgiving but because I was away, my wife actually set up the tree and the little village so it was all there when I got home. My wife is definitely a Christmas person and the place looks great, it’s all festive and decorated so that’s a nice way to come from a busy trip.

    Growing up back home, my family would always set up a Christmas village with all these houses and things like that so we’re starting one up here too. Right now it’s only about three houses big but in time, I’m sure it’ll grow.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec0307_tree_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec0307_tree_t.jpg" /></a> Another tradition I keep with me goes way back to when I was about five years old. I made this Christmas ornament when I was in kindergarten with beads and we still have it. I still put it on the tree every year and I mean, I’m 23 now so it’s been through a good amount of time, and even travel, now and it’s not in bad shape. For something I made in kindergarten, it’s sure holding up well.

    We left Minny right after the game so we didn’t get much time to spend there before we flew out straight to Chicago, which is probably the best city of the three we’re visiting this week so it’s nice we get to spend a couple of days here.

    We usually don’t get time to in Chicago but I like going to go shopping on the Magnificent Mile – I think that’s what they call it. Maybe I can even start looking for some Christmas presents but we’ll see. I have some family coming down to that game and my best friend will be there so it’ll be a good visit.

    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/12022007_wild12_b.jpg"><img vspace="2" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/12022007_wild12_t.jpg" /></a> We’ve had a little momentum going when we left for this road trip but I think we can bounce back from last night but we’ve got to be more disciplined against a team that’s top ten in the league with the man advantage.

    Having played at home for the past week, we now have to get used traveling a good amount (playing three games in four nights) but I think we’re playing well on the road right now so we’ve just to continue doing what we have been lately when we play a full 60 and we’ll be fine.

    The team’s got a good mindset right now, we’re confident but not overconfident so I think we’ll be able to carry that on here. We have to fix the mistakes we made yesterday and come out to play the game we know against Chicago.</td></tr></table>
  9. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>
    It&rsquo;s been almost two weeks since we&rsquo;ve been on the road and this is definitely a crazy one. With three games in four nights, we spend more time on the plane than in the cities we&rsquo;re visiting. <br />
    <br />
    With Minny and Edmonton, we&rsquo;re here so often that a nice quick trip like this fine but if we were going to California, a couple of extra days are nice. It&rsquo;s 0 degrees in St. Paul right now but it feels like it&rsquo;s below zero for sure. <br />
    <br />
    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/11/nov2107_kesler_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/11/nov2107_kesler_t.jpg" /></a> Last year, we went to Montreal in January and it was freezing with snow covering the streets but I&rsquo;d have to say it was probably my favourite trip. I don&rsquo;t know what it is about that city but most of the guys will say it&rsquo;s one of the best to visit. We had a couple days off while we there so we actually got to spend some time in the city and explore a little.<br />
    <br />
    I&rsquo;m rooming with Mike Brown right now but he&rsquo;s the third roommate I&rsquo;ve had since the season started. Ryan Shannon and Jannik Hansen also had to deal with me too. I was also paired with Mason Raymond during training camp. I keep getting all the young guys &ndash; I have never heard of anyone cutting one of their roommates loose but maybe that&rsquo;s why I haven&rsquo;t been assigned with any of the vets &ndash; just joking!&nbsp; <br />
    <br />
    I'm not a bad roommate - ask Alex Burrows, I was with him last year.<br />
    <br />
    The new additions and rookies are fitting in just fine. They are all great guys and everyone gets along really well. Road trips and even training camp were really good for that because it really gives you a chance to get to know everyone and that helps on and off the ice.<br />
    <br />
    Some places have already started playing Christmas music and all the red and green are starting to come out but it&rsquo;s not even Thanksgiving yet! The &ldquo;real&rdquo; Thanksgiving &ndash; haha, I mean the American Thanksgiving. <br />
    <br />
    <a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/11/nov2107_tree_b.jpg"><img vspace="2" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/11/nov2107_tree_t.jpg" /></a> It&rsquo;s too early to be thinking about Christmas stuff. Our day off is actually on Thanksgiving so it will consist of me, my hotel room, and some good movies since everything will be closed in the States that day.<br />
    <br />
    We&rsquo;ve got an important one coming up tonight against the Wild &ndash; the last game of our eight consecutive against teams in the division, that&rsquo;s a lot. I think as a team we go into those games playing hard and smart and know that we have to carry that over to non-divisional games as well and we will move up the standings. <br />
    <br />
    That&rsquo;s what we&rsquo;ve got to continue doing to get win in those big games, especially tonight because they&rsquo;re going to want to get a win at home after they lost to us 6-2 last week.<br />
    <br />
    Our non-divisional record has not been very strong this season so far so hopefully we can come up big tonight and continue that into St. Louis on Friday.
  10. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>Okay, so I never actually read any of Burr’s blogs last year but I’ve been told my name’s been mentioned a couple of times. Well let me tell you something that I’m sure he’s never mentioned in any of his blogs. Just recently, I bought him tickets to the Justin Timberlake concert and every time I ask him, it seems like he doesn’t have any money on him. In the past, he’s got the alligator arms because he can’t reach his wallet. He’s the cheapest guy I know – just joking. He’s a good guy but seriously, the Justin concert was last week.

    My wife and his girlfriend went to the concert and they gave it rave reviews. I’m kind of mad I didn’t go because I had tickets but I didn’t end up going. I had testing the next day and I was tired so I decided it was better that I skip it but now that I think about it, I should’ve gone. I’m a huge fan and I think he’s a great performer.

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp16_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp16_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=1 hspace=4></a>While I’ve never really thought about being a performer, it seems like such a glamourous job but there’s always perks and there’s always downsides, you just don’t get to see the dark side of it. It’d be fun to try but I wouldn’t want that to be my life. That seems like a hard lifestyle to live. I mean, it’s hard as a hockey player too but here you can get away a little bit, there you can’t get away from it. There’s always someone writing about you, taking pictures, or talking about you and everybody knows you. I think it would tough for sure to deal with all of that all the time. I'm definitely glad I do what I do.

    I mentioned to Mason that I was doing a blog but that was pretty much the extent of our conversation. He didn’t have much advice or anything to say to help me but he’s a great kid. I remember my first training camp and it was tough so we just talk about that and try not to talk too much about hockey. I try to tell him to take it all in because it is his first training camp and it just flies by.

    One thing you might not have known about him is that he’s a neat kid. I know that if I was living in that room by myself for a week, that room would be destroyed with clothes everywhere. I came in the first day and everything was nice and neat, I was pretty impressed. Normally I’m pretty messy, I hate to admit it but I am. But right now it’s not so bad, I’ve got all my shirts hung up in the closet and it’s not like we’re here that long so the mess can’t get out of control or anything like that.

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp09_t.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp09_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=1 hspace=4></a>We went downtown and went to Cactus Club for dinner last night and then we just came back up to Bear Mountain and crashed. Just a nice quiet night after the first day of camp. I went to bed a little later than Mason but he falls asleep early. I can’t get that much sleep – I remember when I as that age, I need that much sleep too. I know I’m only a year older but the first year of training camp is always the hardest.

    As for plans for the rest of the today… maybe the pool, maybe golf, and there’s fishing too. I haven’t made up my mind yet but I’ll just talk to the guys and we’ll probably just play it by ear.</td></tr></table>
  11. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>We had a day off yesterday, which was nice since we’ve going pretty hard since the season started. It’s kind of weird to have three days between games but it’s good because the next week will be pretty intense. Typically on off days I sleep until 9… maybe 10 but I actually slept in until about 11:00, which is unlike me but you know what, sometimes you just need it.

    It was a pretty low key day, I played some video games. I got Halo 3, which was released just recently but hadn’t really had much of a chance to test it out so I got to pull out the 360 and play some of that. I was playing four on four with some random people online. It’s still pretty new so I’d say that I’m average but I can hold my own.

    <img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/10/Nationwide_Arena_tt.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=1 hspace=4>Lately, my favourite restaurant has been a new place that just opened up downtown called Italian Kitchen but for dinner, my wife and I went to Gotham Steakhouse. It was the first time in three years that we’ve been there and I forgot how good the steak there was. I should probably think about going more often.

    While Halo was great, the highlight of my day was actually the Kanye concert. I went with my wife and Taylor Pyatt and his wife. I sat probably as far away as you possibly can for Ludacris and then I finagled my way to the front for Kanye. Wait - okay finagled might not be the best word - my buddy had tickets up there so we went to join him. It was the first time I ever sat front row at a concert so it was pretty neat. I like Ludacris more so it was kind of disappointing that we were so far away for him but but Kanye was really good so I have no complaints.

    I actually had a pretty busy and I would say productive day off because usually I just lay around the house all day so this was definitely good for me. If I have family in town, I’d bring them to the Suspension Bride or something like that. I went last year but I wouldn’t go there that much, it’s one of those places that you go to show people who are visiting from out of town.

    Speaking of family, I get to see them next week when we play Columbus because it’s about a 30 mile drive from Detroit. I’m excited about the road trip – the first real long one since the season started – but it’s going to be an expensive one because of all the tickets I’ll have to buy. I think there’s gong to probably close to 30 people from my family at that game and we’re playing Detroit too so it’ll likely be a repeat of that when we go there.

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/092607_sjsharks01_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/092607_sjsharks01_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=1 hspace=4></a>The best part of it is that I get to see my little niece Aubrey. She’s my wife’s brother’s daughter and it’s always so much fun to see her. She’s almost three years old and she loves hockey too, which is great. Maybe she’ll get into it too but I’ll leave that up to her parents to make that decision.

    Every time I go back, I bring her a gift so if I don’t have something she’ll ask where her present was. It’s really cute. She’s got our old jersey but not the new on yet so I got her one of those. There’s no number on it yet but I think my mom’s going to do it when we get there. It’ll be fun for sure.

  12. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>The season is finally about to start up and I can’t wait to get going again. With the way the season ended last year with the team and for me, personally, with the injury I’m just excited to start up again. Even though this isn’t my first year, every year is just as exciting when the regular season approaches.

    The level of anticipation and the buzz of the season never goes away and it’s still something I look forward to the same way as the first year. But this year’s a little different for me because I’m trying not to be so uptight out there and just have fun with it. I mean, there is a limited amount of time that you can play this game so I want to enjoy it while I can and really make everything count when I’m out there. It’ll be a good year as long as I don’t forget why I’m doing this.

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/092907_oilers02_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/092907_oilers02_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=1 hspace=4></a>Going into tomorrow, I feel really good because I’ve had a pretty good pre-season so it’s definitely helping my confidence and hopefully, it’s just the start of what’s to come for the rest of the year. It definitely helps to start off well and build my confidence so that I can do what I’m asked and feel comfortable making plays. The team’s looking for scoring and I want to be one of those guys to step up.

    But that’s the big question eh? Can I continue this through the season?

    I think I should be able to if I continue to go into every game the same way I have so far. I think the last couple of pre-season games, especially the one against Calgary, I felt really good and I was happy with the way I performed there so I’m ready for the season to get going.

    I’m happy with the way the schedule starts off for us with back-to-back games. For some reason, I always find that I play better the second game of back-to-back games so it kind of works out well for me. I usually don’t feel like I get right into it until the second game but I’ve already played two back-to-back games in the pre-season so theoretically I should be all set to go, right?

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/092607_sjsharks01_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/092607_sjsharks01_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=1 hspace=4></a>But I do think that it’s harder to start at home than on the road because there’s a lot of pressure and you want to put on a good show for the fans but I mean, it’s definitely not a bad thing to start at home.

    We had a team meeting yesterday in the morning and then we had the rest of the day off but it wasn’t all that eventful. I just moved into my place and we’re pretty much settled but there’s just little things to figure out now but that’s all the stuff my wife does. Decorating and all the little things, I just try not to get involved – it’s probably better that way.

    One more sleep until the opening faceoff… I can’t wait.</td></tr></table>
  13. Ryan Kesler
    <table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>After five training camps, what’s different about it is that I feel more comfortable this year. All of the other years, I didn’t really know all the guys that well and this year is kind of like family and coming home.

    Every year, they change the systems a lot so there’s still something to learn every year, which is good because it keeps us on our toes. You’ve got to pay attention every year because there are always little things that they change.

    Something I’ve noticed in particular this year is that there’s a lot of skill this year, there are a lot of young guys that are good. Watch out for my roommate Mason, he’s going to be good for a while.

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp20_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp20_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=1 hspace=4></a>I think that the worst part of camp is the testing but once that’s over with you can relax a little bit and enjoy being back on the ice again. The first day’s always hard because you’re trying to adjust getting back to the on ice training.

    You don’t normally skate that hard or that intense in the summer and it’s hard to get that kind of practice during that time. The first day is always hard to get back into it but after that, it’s easy.

    Just to get back into the swing of things and just to get back on the ice with the guys, it just seems like it’s been forever since I’ve skated with them with how my season ended last year. It feels good to get back out there and skate with them.

    After practice yesterday, I didn’t actually end up going outside or enjoying much of the sun unfortunately, a couple of us just ended up sitting around the hotel. We didn’t do much at all, which sounds kind of lame, I know but we worked hard all day. We went to the Copper Rock Grill for dinner back at the hotel and that was about it.

    Tomorrow I get to play my first game in a while so I’m definitely excited for that. It’ll be fun to see what the younger guys can do out there. It’s always fun to have a little competition after a long summer.

    <a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp17_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep1407_camp17_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=1 hspace=4></a>Even though I’ve played in some games in the past already, it’s still competitive and fun. I think it’s going to be a good time out there. I’m excited to play with a couple of the young guys out there and it’ll be good to get a chance to play with some of the newer guys on the team too.

    Overall, it’s been a good training camp and I can’t wait for the season to start. </td></tr></table>
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