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Posts posted by 23•Qwerty

  1. Is it a pro-perk that makes you not appear white hot on thermal scopes? I see the odd sniper not appearing on my thermal so I'm guessing it's ninja pro? Any help appreciated so I know what to aim for. Also what pro perk removes your big red name over your head during matches?

    Cold-blooded makes you not appear on UAV, Thermal Scope.

    Ninja Pro removes your name in the enemies crosshair.

  2. The only difference between PSN and Live besides it being free is that 360 has a superior party system that allows you to have party chat, which is a very handy thing if you don't have access to a computer and ventrilo or steam while you play. The servers are pretty much the same online, having played both. If I didn't have access to a computer, and actually cared about talking to people over party chat I would of gotten a 360, but it doesn't bother me at all.

    There is a myth about 360 having a lot more mics. It's actually not true, a lot of people on the PS3 have mics, but they don't use them for whatever reason. Having played MW2 on both systems, I'm quite happy with that, because the amount of retards you get on MW2 singing or screaming randomly is horrible on the 360 side of this game.

    Only one of you guys added me for PS3. I am sad.

    I have a mic, I just hate talking to randoms.

    So annoying.

  3. just got it, i'm a major noob though.

    you guys got it for ps3 over 360?

    any non-idiots play it on live?

    edit: i'm not calling people who play it on ps3 idiots. my two last questions are totally unrelated. just surprised that people acutally play ps3 online. always thought xbox was the console for online play.

    Haha, not at all.

    People always assume that Live is better because you pay for it.

    Not really.

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