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٩(-̮̮̃ -̃)۶

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Status Updates posted by ٩(-̮̮̃ -̃)۶

  1. mzcrosby's really a female dog.

  2. i TRIED to start on saturday but after watching the avs game i continued watching the cbj game then the ducks game then sunday i watched the blues game and got mad i cant go to clb then for the whole day i didnt wanna do anything :S

  3. aghh i think im gona miss the draft lottery tmr 8pm est

  4. ooh i knew that hahaa..and i duno i guess school should take priority but its rly hard to stay focused esp if nux are in the p/o

  5. lend me a dictionary :P

  6. i have until like may 5th to do it so there's plenty of time, but since the nucks are going all the way im afraid too much time's gonna be devoted to hockey haha

  7. lol ~6000 words to go...maybe i'll get something done on the plane...

  8. haha i know..i should be doing my work term report but i just keep procrastinating cus of hockey


  10. hay u should be wrking on ur papier

  11. ahh i see..well i dont have exams so i might watch a few other ones ..and no, wasting money to watch non-canucks games is stupid so ya i meant on tv :P

  12. i duno if i can easily sell them since lower bowl tix are still available on ticketmaster :S

  13. and i meant if ur gnona watch any non-canucks games or not

  14. now only gm 1&2 since nux arent playing CBJ..i was planning on driving to CLB after flying back to toronto :S..i have to try and sell the CLB tickets that i bought early

  15. yaya but im flying during the day so i can still watch the non canucks games..which series u gona watch?

  16. wat u mean? theres no game tomorrow lol

  17. TOMORROW!! too bad i can't stay for long though :(

  18. haha profile view =/= popularity

    take a look at this guy's profile view... http://forum.canucks.com/index.php?showuser=24909

  19. but u have so few views..lol

  20. i said also too may times there..

  21. oops..forgot to add: so her profile count is pretty ridiculous too..also probably also cus my profile was my homepage for a while

  22. lol cuz i used to comment a lot with - -Belle*87 aka mzcrosby87

  23. lol if my parents ever found out..she'd be pissed im pissing money away like that

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