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٩(-̮̮̃ -̃)۶

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Status Updates posted by ٩(-̮̮̃ -̃)۶

  1. you're thinking of vancouver jajaja

  2. how's the rain in van?

  3. u hurt my feelings by blocking me on msn =(

  4. ya but you're full of shiet

  5. uhhh i dont see how you're awesome


  7. whoa thats some attitude u got there. i guess i wont be bothering u anymore

  8. maybe i have already...

  9. haha u're like my good luck charm

  10. of course you're not...

  11. even better to have some in my room

  12. yea but sadly there was only one girl i'd consider to be pretty in this class..though there may still be surprises in the two other courses i've signed up for :)

    none of which were history or poetry..haha sry!

  13. ya dunno if it's a good thing that girls here are smarter haha..obviously there are pros and cons, but i dont know which one outweighs the other :P..and about the live feed..i do have some but apparently it's punishable by huge fines/prison time if caught (unlike in canada)

  14. aww thanks..it's true i get more opportunities to see the canucks live, but the problem is that the canucks are never on tv here..so in a way it sucks. i actually just got back from a business course i signed up for and i must say the people here seem a lot more intelligent than those i've encountered in U of T haha

  15. yep california now, it's like a dream really since i've always wanted to get a co-op job here in the silicon valley..i know the canucks are playing the sharks twice in march so i'll go to those for sure (i'm much closer to SJ than LA/ANA, but I'll probably end up going to those games if I can find the time)

  16. not bad, first week of work was pretty much what i expected..it turned out that palm is giving me free housing for 8 months so im pretty happy about that =D

  17. oh..you're still alive

  18. aww thanks..you can come with me if you want haha

  19. i can't really remember..when i bought the g37s i was given three options by the infiniti dealership..i chose the medium level tint (forgot what percent...i could probably find out pretty easily)

    never else has been done to the car other than the addition of subwoofers

  20. mannnn you make me jealous

  21. not too bad i guess..my parents weren't in town so i didnt have a family dinner or anything...how was yours?

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