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Posts posted by Snugglebug

  1. I wouldn't be too concerned...

    it's next week, which is always hard to perdict more then 5 days in advance.

    And it says the highs for the day will be between 2-5 C. That's rain weather, maybe some snow in the middle of the night, but mostly just rain

    you have made me feel moderatly better. thank you :P

  2. You look like totally differant people in your pics including your avatar.....haha weird

    Yea most people arent fortunate enough to be photographed by an actual artist...and also B&W with its higher contrast tends to give things a more surreal effect.

    the top two were taken with her proffessional camera while my avatar was taken with my own digital camera by her as a comparison of the quality differences between traditional film and digital (shes a traditionalist). then my party pic is with plain old makeup done by me. and the last pic is just me with no makeup hiking with my dad.

    most people just have photos taken with a standard camera, candid shot no proffessional makeup. thats why they all look different.

    if youve seen Americas Next Top Model its crazy how different each girl looks from each pic

  3. Geez.

    Purse modelling?

    That's low.

    I'm kidding of course.

    on the same but a different note, Does anyone want to go fishing?

    I mean, Yer sooo priddy. you should totally go for it.

    No, really. You are.

    I'm just having a hard time believing that anyone ever called you ugly or threw you in a dumpster.

    yeah well...if i find any pictures of what i used to look like back when i was a quivering country girl whose best friends were chickens...i wont be showing anyone...i think the abuse started when i moved here in sweat pants and cowboy boots at 11...was so badly teased that i cut my hair off and wore boy clothes so people wouldnt notice me. it actually made it worse, and by that point i just didnt care enough to try. it took a family friend who spent like $500 on new clothes, a haircut and makeup in grade 11 that changed the way i looked.

  4. That must have been fun. :)

    How long did you model for?

    ummmm about 5 years...i actually moved out here to pursue it further but lost courage the second i walked into cactus club and saw the girls that worked there

    logically i can understand that im ok to look at and am unique enough to have had scouts giving me their cards but i still feel like the ugly duckling back in highschool that kids used to throw in the dumpster and laugh at... :(

  5. Oh gawd no.....it just started snowing here....big #%@&ing golf ball flakes...

    guess im hitting the mountain this weekend... anyone got any updates on Grouse? not hauling the Vdub up to Whistler now O.o

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