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Posts posted by VoiceOfReason_

  1. I work out 4 days a week.

    I just do a upper body and lower body. 1 day of each is heavy weights. I day of each is lower weights with higher reps.


    One Arm dumbell rows.

    One arm lat pull down.

    Pull ups.

    Incline bench.

    Flat bench.

    Military press.


    Skull crushers.

    I do floor flattners and smr my chest with a lacrosse ball btwn most sets.

  2. This is where you post sources video and evidence or get torn apart for fanning the fire of an already rabid fan base.

    If you didn't see it with your own eyes don't post it, if you cannot produce evidence do not produce a rumour

    I did see the video with my own eyes. 16th floor. Level apartments. 8 guys walk in. Burrows included.

    Kesler, another Canucks go upstairs with 3 other guys. Some words are said. No mic. Kes gets thrown in the elevator and absolutely served.

  3. Physiotherapist said my SI joint is in perfect alignment and has full range of motion. Lower back strain/stiffness is from over resting.

    For 6 weeks:

    No deads. No prob.

    No squats. Sucks.

    No barbell rows. Brutal. I love them.

    Oh well. Seems I'm over the acute phase. Just need to use the area lightly.

  4. Also, has anyone tweeked their lower back before? What do you do about it? It doesn't seem to be going away. I really notice it after doing squats... I had to call it quits after 4 sets because it was really getting uncomfortable and I didn't want to push any further being a lower back issue and all..

    I'm sure squat form is fine... i've been doing it for years and I always check it a few times in the mirror as warm up..

    Describe area pain is in. What kind of pain.

  5. Went to a massage therapist twice this week.

    Man. Getting butt massages is so awesome. Who knew? Elbow with good amount of pressure = Heaven.

    Got 2 visits to physio next week. Let's see how that goes. Should be back to working out by March I would hope.

    Gonna take my time with this injury. Scared me quite a bit.

  6. Well, hip flexor pain finally caught up to me.

    Have been having very, very tight hip flexors after leg day and started being a naggin injury. Tried foam rolling, mobility excersizes, stretching, everything and nothing worked.

    So I was doing dealifts last week and was almost at the peak and heard "Snap, Crackle, Pop" Down go the weights and off i go to my friends sports injury clinic.

    He heats the area, massages my left buttcheek, does some electronic pulsating thing and ices it. Go home, eat a muscle relaxer and go to bed.

    OMG. Woke up and my left butt cheek felt like a bone was ripping through it. Brutal pain. Shooting in to my lower back. Left hip and down my entire leg. Literally crawled out of bed and called my friends wife, she is a massage therapist. Comes over, looks at me once and tells me "You have a SI Joint injury. Get up and get in the car".

    She drives me to a chiropractor and he adjusts my SI Joint back into where it should be and I literally get up and walk ouy with no pain. Crazy.

    Why did it happen? Cause my hip flexors were to tight. Everything else was compensating for it.

    Im doing active recovery now. Mostly body weight squats, leg extensions, leg curls, lunges and calves.

    Terrible feeling,

  7. For cardio I do dead treads.

    Turn on your treadmill and leave the speed at zero.

    When it reaches 1 minute push the track and run on it without the engine on. Stop at 1:15.

    Start again at 2 minutes and stop at 2:15.


    Good luck making it to 15 min.

  8. So I've been stuck at a 11.5 percent body fat plateau. As a kinesiology student, got a fellow classmate to do a skinfold caliper body fat assessment every two weeks and it fluctuates between 11.2 and 11.8 depending on what I've eaten and whatnot.

    I'd like to get down to 9% by the end of January. Thus far, I just stick to the basic supplements (MusclePharm Amino 1, MusclePharm Combat, and MusclePharm Bullet Proof) as I've learned through my education what supplements are actually worth taking and which are basically just placebos.

    Are there any supp's you guys, specifically with cutting experience, would recommend to take 1 cycle of just to break the plateau? I've never recommended fat burners to anyone, but the Animal Stack seems intriguing.

    Dat dere clen.

    I use:

    Whey Isolate

    Xtend - during my workout


    Udos oil

    Edit: And I eat Quest Protein bars. Oh, lawwwwwd. The White Chocolate Raspberry might be one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten. Best tasting bars, AINEC.

  9. Oh. My routine for lower body is:

    4 sets of squats.

    4 sets of deadlifts.

    3 sets of forward lunges.

    3 sets of Bulgarian split squats.

    1 leg TRX squats.

    Calve raises.

    Core. TRX fall out. Weighted prone bridges.

    Do 1-2 warm up sets per excersize.

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