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Melbourne Canuck

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Posts posted by Melbourne Canuck

  1. Today was a low ebb in the history of the franchise IMO. Allvin didn’t come across well. Basically lies to everyone about the decision to fire Bruce, everyone knew, including the media who reported it a week ago! He played us all as fools. Decision was made today huh? Tocchet just happens to be in town? What a crock! Allvin says they’re building a winning culture? Sure. That’s why the team has sucked on the ice and one of his AGM is involved in a human rights complaint? Sure. Let’s go with that Patrik. I don’t trust this management group. Until they accept the reality of their situation and meaningfully rebuild PROPERLY they’re living in a parallel universe. 

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  2. Credit to JR for standing in and answering those questions. He showed gumption that Benning lacked. My concerns however is that he will repeat a lot of Benning’s errors. When he mentioned players from other teams of their ELC I have flashbacks of Vey, Baertschi, Grandlund etc. that all worked out well didn’t it? Major surgery is encouraging but we need to be open to building a stockpile of draft capital and using the development resources they’ve just employed. I have fears that we’re going to see the Benning plan again with JR & PA in charge instead of JB & JW. Time will tell. 

  3. I’ve liked the commentary of Brett Festerling when he’s stood in for Janda while he was hosting HNIC punjab. Janda is terrible on special comments and Riccio was just as bad this past week. What is more irritating than their poor commentary is when Batch and Janda are just having a general discussion about random topics while the play goes on and in some cases, a goal is scored. That may work on TV where the audience can see the action but on radio, the audience need to have the play described. Frustrating. 

  4. I’ll give the management a bit of rope considering what they inherited but I think they’re full value for misreading the Miller situation and signing another anchor contract for what I believe to be a winger. 

    This team already has Garland, Mikheyev, Boeser signed on deals of near $5m or more after we saw the massive depreciation of wingers in the last off season with Max Pac being given away for cents on the dollar and the likes of Rodrigues, Milano etc last long into free agency. Next season VAN will have approx $27m tied up in wingers (Miller, Pearson, Garland, Boeser & Mikheyev), probably needing to replace Bo at C, only Myers signed as RHD. How do they address their main issues at C and RHD? There’s no prospects coming at those positions but there is on the wings with Podkolzin, Höglander, Karlsson, Lekkerimaki & Klimovich. 

    They simply cannot compound this problem by signing Kuzmenko at $5-6m. As good as he’s been, he must be monetised at the deadline or included to get off one of the bad deals somehow. They need to take their lumps and deal all of Bo, Kuz, Schenn & Burroughs as well as anyone else they can. 

  5. Garland has been under utilised IMO. They way he’s been deployed it’s like they signed a $4.9m version of Antoine Roussel given he’s consistently in the bottom 6 and sees basically no PP time. Find it funny how guys like Boeser are given prime opportunities with EP40 to find offense but Garland is playing 8-10 mins in the bottom 6. They’re not maximising his potential and depreciating the asset in the process. Currently he’s a near $5m third/fourth liner. Madness. 

    • Vintage 1
  6. Is it possible this management group had the wrong focus from the start? Trumpeted the hires of Doerrie & Castonguay who are now embroiled in a human rights complaint, again screamed “look at me look at me” when hiring Cammy who was part of the scouting group that assembled that dumpster fire of an expansion draft roster in Seattle and the first Swedish GM. Don’t we all feel good about these moves? Was the focus misdirected on “diversity” instead of the right people for the job regardless?

    I’ve followed the Canucks for 20 years and all l want to see is the team even remotely look like winning a cup in my lifetime. Quite frankly, I DGAF who delivers it but what we have now is MORE anchor contracts, no cap space  and a net loss in draft capital. The Habs played in a Stanley cup final series 2 years ago and already are more advanced in getting back there than the Canucks. The Miller signing was a mistake. Mikheyev has been good value sure but he’s not fitting this teams window, so a wasted signing. It’s going to take another year before the likes of Myers and Pearson are remotely trade-able, unless you want to part with more draft capital as they did in moving off Dickinson. In all likelihood the team will lose Horvat and Schenn before the deadline as a minimum and you don’t get better losing a Horvat type, it’ll take years to replace him but losing him for a bounty of draft picks and or prospects could be one of the only moves they have left. IMO nothing this group has done so far can be deemed a success. That cannot be smart? 

  7. Doesn’t Myers’ contract become really easy to move next year after his bonus? Think I saw somewhere that he’s actually only owed $1m in real money despite the cap hit. He’d surely become an asset at that point and the club could get some value for him. IIRC Pearson is in the same situation. I think next off season is when we see some meaningful cap space carved out but will also have Bo & Höglander to re-sign and EP & Podz the year after and some D to improve while Demko is on his sweetheart deal. Lots of work to be done. 

  8. I may be in the minority here but I really don’t like the Mikheyev deal. I don’t see him as a top liner, a middle 6 at best yet he’s signed to a 4 year deal just shy of $5m. It seems to contrast the whole message of JR & PA of clearing cap space and upgrading the blue line. They’ve been on point describing the situation they inherited as capped out and not a playoff team yet here we are again. I like the player but I don’t like the deal. Lazar is a nice addition and I don’t know about Joshua but I thought the VAN free agency period was very underwhelming and they’re one of the “losers”. 

     For me, the biggest losers have to be the Flames. Gaudreau is a star player and IMO their heartbeat. That loss is gonna hurt and if they lose MT next year… it’s rebuild time. I also think they’ll miss Gudbranson too. 

    Winners? Tough to go past Carolina IMO. Max PAC and Burns to add to an already good team, I think they’ve improved despite the guys they lost. D’Angelo out performed his deal but was never re-signing on that. They. Need to get over the playoff hump the same way Colorado did this year. Nice work from Carolina and proof of what you can get if you have cap space (something VAN hasn’t had in a decade). 

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