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Señor Hoff

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Posts posted by Señor Hoff

  1. EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031963_radiation_exposure.html#ixzz1IgOfZPdd

    Canada tries to out-stupid the USA

    Ah, the fascination of watching this tragic comedy of errors unfold in the U.S. government almost cannot be exceeded. But Canada is sure trying. Its own nuclear monitoring network has simply been shut off, and its website now reads "Please note that as of March 25, 2011, the frequency of data collection by NRCan using the mobile surveys has been decreased due to the low levels of radiation being detected."

    Seriously, see the bottom of the page: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/ed-ud/...

    Yep, since they're detecting low levels of radiation, this is apparently justification for turning off the monitors altogether, which of course is the kind of brilliant early warning plan that could have only been dreamed up by a brain-dead bureaucrat.

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031963_radiation_exposure.html#ixzz1IgPA3500

  2. Bodies of 1,000 victims of Japan earthquake left uncollected because of fears of high levels of radiation Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1371793/Japan-nuclear-crisis-Fukushima-plant-entombed-concrete-radiation-leak.html#ixzz1IDe3XREQ

    Bodies of 1,000 victims of Japan earthquake left uncollected because of fears of high levels of radiation

    By Richard Shears

    Last updated at 9:37 PM on 31st March 2011

    • Police, rescue workers and family members could be exposed to radiation
    • Mother of 'Fukushima 50' member says they expect to die
    • Radioactivity levels in the ocean 4,385 times above regulatory limit
    • Ground water levels are 10,000 times the Government health standard
    • Fisherman warned not to operate within 12 miles of plant
    • Compensation claims could top $12bn
    • Power firm's shares lose 80% of value - may need government bailout
    • President still recovering in hospital recovering from 'fatigue and stress'
    • U.S. sends specialist Marine unit to assist in decontamination
    • Traces of radioactive particles found in U.S. milk

    Up to 1,000 bodies of victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami have not been collected because of fears of high levels of radiation.

    Police sources said bodies within the 12-mile evacuation zone around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had been 'exposed to high levels of radiation after death'.

    It follows the discovery of a body on Sunday in Okuma, just three miles from the power plant, which revealed elevated levels of radiation.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1371793/Japan-nuclear-crisis-Fukushima-plant-entombed-concrete-radiation-leak.html#ixzz1IDe70mkw

    They will probably have to move to entomb the reactors in cement. That is the only real solution for this right now...the problem in the long term is that the radiactive material will eventually melt through the ground and when it reaches the water table it will cause a massive explosion.

  3. Cause of 'yellow rain' found to be pollen: weather agency

    Cause of 'yellow rain' found to be pollen: weather agency

    Thursday 24th March, 04:00 PM JST

    TOKYO —

    The ''yellow rain'' seen Wednesday in the Kanto region surrounding Tokyo was caused by pollen, not radioactive materials as many residents had worried, the Japan Meteorological Agency said Thursday.

    The agency received more than 200 inquiries Thursday morning about yellowish residue left on roofs and elsewhere by the rain, stirring concerns that radioactive substances had fallen after accidents caused by the March 11 quake and tsunami at a nuclear power plant around 220 kilometers northeast of Tokyo.

    According to the Environment Ministry, large amounts of air-borne pollen were seen in the Kanto region and they fell with the rain on Wednesday.

    A health official at the Tokyo metropolitan government also said there is a possibility that the rain contained radioactivity but not at a level to have had adverse effects on people's health.

    © 2011 Kyodo News. All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.



    Remembering Chernobyl

    By NATALIE BANACH Published April 25, 2006, 9:00 pm in News Thinking back to 20 years ago, it's the splashing in yellow rainwater that Antonina Sergieff vividly recalls.

    The third-year graduate student didn't know it then, but the unnatural color of those puddles in her hometown of Gomel, Belarus were due to radioactive particles spewing from a nuclear explosion 80 miles away.


    OH NO, IM SCARING PEOPLE NOW. This is all just a coincidence. Just pollen, I'm sure.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Here's the original article which your link claims to get it's info. In case you want a source not named after a movie character. Instead of just posting headlines to try to scare people.

    Thats a "scary headline" to you? lol You must be some kind of coward to be scared of the truth.

  5. Those poor elderly people. I know the medical workers can't be blamed, but it sounds so barbaric, just leaving them to die together :(

    I watched a video on CTV news the other night...Im not sure what exactly was happening but it looked to me like a bunch of elderly people were being lead out of some building to the front yard...they were all sitting together. The tsunami was approaching and reaching higher and higher up the embankment the people were on. Some people were still carrying out people from the house until it was too late and they had to and try to move the old people waiting out front up the hill just feet from them....the water and debris kept getting closer and closer until the workers helping the old people could only watch as the water started dragging them away....they might have been disabled or real old people because they couldnt really move away from the water even though safety was feet away....crazy scene...people just standing there watching them get dragged off to certain death

  6. its looking like this whole thing is gonna go Chernobyl. They will need to get lots of people to sacrifice themselves to contain all the reactors and eventually entomb them in concrete shells/sarcophagi. If things continue to get worse (very likely) it will eventually make large areas of land uninhabitable almost indefinitely...what a nightmare...

  7. Plants and trees absorb radiation so even if BC doesnt directly get radiation...if the rad. sweeps through the US...California for example..BC imports a lot of veges and fruit products from there...so we could eventually end up eating nuked food. fingers crossed it doesnt happen.<br>

  8. Exposed fuel rods raise fears of 3rd blast

    Also, CNN reported that US navy ships moved away from the Japan coast because they detected a large plume of radiation....this was right after CNN also reported from a Japanese official that no dangerous radiation had been released. lolol When the US military ducks for cover I'll believe them over some govt. 'yes men.'


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