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Posts posted by dank.sinatra

  1. That is such a bull$&!# hit. Literally the only type of hit every player learns not to make from the youngest ages. Don't &^@#ing deck a guy in the numbers. Just an absolute retard brain move by Sceviour. 


    Having said that, I'm actually not sure about all the noise around the "lack of response" from the other Canucks on the ice. Because 1. it looked like most guys didn't see the hit right away.


    And 2. when your teammate is down like that you're not thinking about retribution. Your heart is in your &^@#ing stomach and you're praying he's ok. A fight at that time would not have made anything better.


    Yes I would love to see Sceviour get his face smashed next game but this just wasn't the right time. 


    Should also be a lengthy suspension. Just such stupid hit. I almost can't believe a pro would throw that $&!#.

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  2. 4 hours ago, HKSR said:

    I hear your chances of success increases once you have a Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, and Kris Letang trio in your core.  The other guys just kinda fall into place after that.

    Oilers say otherwise. Things haven't really fallen into to place over there despite having McD and Draisatl.


    Good management is crucial even if you already have the best players in the world.

    • Cheers 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Harold Drunken said:

    Boeser is due $7.5 if there's a qualifying offer. So the question is this, is he currently worth that? If you say yes, you're hinging your hopes that he's going to return to previous form or even improve upon that. That's a big gamble with big money. Yes he's only 24, but that kind of money is a risk especially when we just paid Pettersson and Hughes. Boeser struggles with his speed, he struggles to hit the net and he's wildly inconsistent. To me, $7.5 is too much for the status quo. We need Brock to be a consistent offensive contributor along with Petey and BO for this team to win.

    Yeah true actually. I forgot to take the QO thing into consideration.

  4. 38 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    But he’s a 3rd pairing Dman?

    Myers playing 28 minutes is notttt a good thing. Only happened because OEL and Hamonic are out. It's not sustainable at all but he didn't make too many big mistakes tonight.


    In an ideal world Myers would be playing third pair minutes, yes. Unfortunately we live in a world where Jim Benning was for some reason allowed to construct a hockey team for eight years, not very ideal that.


    Awesome win though! BRUCE THERE IT IS BABYYY

    • Wat 1
    • RoughGame 2
  5. The highest scoring bottom six player(s) are on pace for 21-points in an 82 game season.


    That's a problem. A really big problem.


    Special teams have been part of the problem but overall roster quality is the main problem.


    It's easy to overlook as fans because you naturally start to like "our guys." But eventually you need to take an objective look and decide if "our guys" are even worthy of a NHL job... let alone the contracts some of them have.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/15/2021 at 4:44 PM, bbllpp said:



    Other than Edler and Horvat every player on this team has been brought in under JB administration.  Gillis his key pieces from Burke and Nonis.  Burke inherited his key pieces from Quinn and Keenan 


    Go away and think about the implications of that


    Yes, and you're still trying to argue he's a good GM? I'm confused.

  7. 1 minute ago, 180sret said:

    Dank, Bracket was offered a contract, he chose to leave for a promotion with the Wild. Again, please stop throwing the contents of your diaper. In 50 years this is the best pool of talent this team has had. So why do you hate Benning? You think Chia would have been a better hire?

    Again, I've stated before, I don't hate Benning. I just think the team would be better off if they moved on.


    I've stated my reasons why in length and I'm sick of repeating myself. The content is there if you want to look.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, canuck73_3 said:

    Just because you say your posts contain substance, doesn’t mean they actually do. 

    Also I didn't even say my posts have substance. 


    The reading comprehension is clearly not strong with this one.


    I've said the Benning Bro's posts have yet to have any substance.


    I just said I've sourced multiple articles in mine. If you don't want to see that as substance, fine.

  9. 1 minute ago, spur1 said:

    You might want to look in the mirror. First you are just like the Trumpers attacking JB with nothing to really back it but rumour and half truths. 

    Please, please for the love of God show me what you have to back up your support for Benning.


    I've literally linked to over five articles that show what I'm saying is valid.


    I've yet to see anything of substance from you guys.

    • Haha 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, spur1 said:

    Where would you suggest? HFboards has nothing but anti-JB posts and wall to wall negativity. You would fit right in. Or maybe we could go to the SN comments where there is some fool named Arty who spouts the exact same crap as you. 
    No thanks. 

    Twitter, Reddit, actually go to a bar and talk to people. Listen to the radio.


    I would suggest Twitter out of all the social media platforms as there's more accountability in it being a personal profile instead of people hiding behind message board avatars.

  11. Just now, 180sret said:

    What? Canucks on HF? Sorry Dank, I believe those dirty glasses you've been looking out of are really clouding your view. You don't have to like Jim, but don't be telling the rest of us we have to share your view. You haven't figured out yet that the so called media experts like to run with the negative (click bait) and you're using them? Like I said, use some CONTEXT....... or keep pooping your diapers and flinging it! I LIKE Jim, so I'll support him. You do you

    Ok that's cool you can like and support Jim all you want. I don't care.


    I'm just asking for some valid reasons for that support.


    Also calling out the media is insanely stupid. Those guys literally live and breathe Canucks. They know a lot more than you do and report it accurately. I'm sorry if some of it upsets you but that doesn't mean it's not true.


    Again, very Trump supporter like from the Benning Bros.


  12. 4 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

    When Minnesota asked to hire him and Benning let him leave for a promotion. But continue rewriting history. :lol:

    He was let go like months before signing in Minny.


    You guys are literally the ones coming up with false narratives to support jim. It's nuts hahah. Feels like arguing with Trump supporters actually. 


    The blind loyalty is just mind-blowing.




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