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Posts posted by Tigs

  1. I always enjoy me some BB.

    I had a huge adoration for BB back in like Grade 9 or 10. All I listened to was them. Grade 9 or 10 was around 5 or 6 years ago?

    It was grade 11 or 12 for me, 4 or 5 years ago. Diary of Jane was my favourite song. I still listen to them, although my music library has grown and diversified quite considerably since then.

    I definately have a special place in my heart for BB. Glad you guys enjoy them as well. :)

  2. Try the masque of clavicus vile it is pretty awesome looking and fits on both the ebony mail and daedric armor without looking out of place. I you trigger the quest by walking one one of the roads leading to Falkreath(I think).

    It starts by you finding the talking dog on the road; he starts talking to you and wants you to make peace between him and his master. Then Clavicus Vile (his master) wants you to go to some random dungeon to get some random weapon. After you get the weapon and bring it back to Clavicus you have a choice between keeping the weapon (You have to kill the dog with the weapon, if I remember correctly, to keep it) or getting a "different" piece of armor (by saving his the dog's life); this "different" piece of armor will be the mask (Which has a pretty badass enchantment on it).

  3. The Elemental Fury shout is sooo OP. My brother was at my house the other day and he plays a caster, where as I play a dual wielding one hander guy, and I went up to a (blood) dragon and killed it in about three seconds with that shout, and as well as killing a dragon priest in about 4 seconds with the shout. My bro was amazed, it takes him as a caster a lot longer to kill stuff.

    It also helps that I have two legendary daedric maces though....

  4. In an off-topic note, should I get this game? I am tired of all of my games now. The only thing holding me back is the fact that my friend got totally addicted and wouldn't leave his house(besides school) for almost two months after the release. But I need an opinion if it is worth it or not?

    Lol, why do you think your friend didn't leave his house for two months.......that in itself should prove it's amazingness.

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