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Posts posted by Drewman

  1. 7 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Petey is better without the puck that both Miller and Bo.  Miller and Bo kind of cheat a bit for offence.  Petey doesn’t.  

    But he's not better at winning the puck in a faceoff is my point. Yes he's our top player for takeaways (tied with Miller) but he's also one of the top give-away players. I don't know, maybe I'm old school with the notion your top centre needs to get you puck possession instead of chasing the puck for possession.

  2. 8 minutes ago, stawns said:

    I like Kane, so let's get that out of the way.  He was expecting a reverse hit?  C'mon, he cross checked right in the numbers three feet from the boards.  That should be a big suspension

    This is exactly how I feel about it too. I'm ambivalent to Kane, but it's REALLY hard for me to feel bad for Kadri with the crap he pulls, but it definitely wasn't a reverse hit type of situation, Stick in the back was way too low for that to be a reasonable excuse. I don't think it matters if they suspend Kane or not, cuz Edmonton's season is done.

    • Cheers 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

    I wasn't suggesting it should be THE workout but you won't convince me that having good aerobic capacity isn't beneficial in hockey.


    In other words, the Sedins flying up the Grind certainly is beneficial to their overall fitness.


    The discussion wasn't really if it's a "good hockey workout".....moreso that it does support the Sedins being fit. And that applies to any sport really. 


    But sure, ok whatever you say then...cycling/incline running BAD for hockey. Got it.

    As a former competitive track athlete (not on any ultra-competitive scale, but a few national competitions), I can attest to the fact that aerobic exercises can supplement anaerobic athletics. The cardio built from aerobics like the Grouse Gird can help stamina and recovery levels when your going hard competition for like 30 to 60 seconds, then resting for like 2 minutes. Then when you're back out there going hard for the next shift, your body is capable of recovering because of the stamina you've built from that aerobic exercise.


    When I ran competitively, my offseason was a fair amount 5-7 k running of hill works similar to the Grind, which allowed me to compete in a range of events from 200's all the way to 1500's. The stamina I gain from the of season aerobic work really helped me, especially my 400 time.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Rubik said:

    tbh i'm not that familiar with the story, but the way viking mama presented the case it just sounds like a low quality conspiracy theory. as tortorella said, we should get over 2011.


    but even if i give it a thought, right at the beginning it doesn't make any sense. if the league wanted to help the bruins to a cup so much, why didn't they help them when they were up 3-0 against philly the previous year? like they didn't need game management then, but in 2011 they did?

    Not that I buy into the conspiracy at all, but 2011 is when Gregory Campbell joined the Bruins, so I think that's where the conspiracy part is founded for a lot of people.

    • Cheers 1
  5. 7 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

    While I think we all can agree that Demko, Quinn and Petersson are keepers, I think they are the only ones that are SAFE from being traded or let go.  JR clearly stated early on in his tenure and again recently that this team is too slow, not big enough, lacks grit and has a long list of grievences on the way this team plays, so I strongly suspect that there will in fact be wholesale changes.   They obviously won't all happen this coming year but will - over the next 2-3 years, as he begins "The Purge" and attemps to right this sinking Canucks ship that has not been a threat to anyone for over a decade and keeps missing the playoffs.   Don't even be surprised if Horvat is let go, if he decides this team needs new leadership and of course "One dimensional" players like Brock B are likely not to be kept - especially at $8.5 Million.

    Where the hell are you getting $8.5 mill for Brock from? That's WAY over his qualifying offer. Makes it hard to take what you say seriously when you throw those kind of numbers around.

  6. 5 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    Honest question: what has Podkolzin done that makes you think he's worth keeping around? He clearly still needs a lot of development.


    If he wasn't a first round pick for us, would you still be as high as you are on him? He produces like Dickenson and he never controls the play. The only thing he has is he's solid defensively for a kid his age. He doesn't hit. He rarely is engaging. What exactly makes him untouchable? 

    The kids top 10 in hits on the team, and a +5. For a rookie, he's been really solid and it'd be insane to move someone who is so cheap and has a lot of promise.

  7. Just now, combover said:

    I just took it off the stats sheet maybe I’m read it wrong 

    but it reads ice time PP and that what it says. Show me a different one. 

    I think gurn means OEL's pp time on the Canucks, not ALL TIME pp minutes, which is what you're showing as 3:23. I think for what gurn us saying, AJ is more accurate

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  8. 6 hours ago, Dazzle said:

    But the statement that she is a crazy broad is not inconsistent with the statement that women aren't always right.


    Honestly, there is (or was) enough to suggest that Kane's wife was crazy. Look at her messages honestly, and you might come to the realization that there's two sides of a story, maybe even more.

    This position that I'm describing does not in any way validate Kane because he has his issues.





    Being frustrated and angry doesn't make a person crazy ffs. There are, in fact, 3 sides to every story; his side, her side, and somewhere in the middle is the truth of it all. You're fighting so hard to position her as crazy, yet we only have the ONE instance of her lashing out on social media. Maybe t all just finally came to a boiling point and she had enough? Can you actually show us a consistent propensity of her acting "crazy"?

    I mean, way earlier you stated something about her wanting attention or something like that? She has what? A whole 6 posts on her Instagram? That doesn't strike me as an attention grabber. 

    I feel like you're reaching hard to reinforce a preconceived narrative in your mind. I've seen how living in that kind of environment effects people, and that fact she kept quiet as long as she did is impressive in my mind. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Dazzle said:

    Thank you! I believe they're both narcissistic in their own ways.


    Their relationship was bound to fail because of their character defects.

    Since I'm not familiar with their dynamic, I don't want to speculate as to if they have character defects or not (though I think enough has been made public in the past about Evander to assume he probably does). But, as a person who grew up in a household of addiction, I can legitimately say that sometimes good people who remain in that environment too long become completely different people than they started out. All the cheating and lying and gambling he's done over the years could (and most likely did) have some kind of impact on her becoming the person she has outwardly exhibited through those Instagram posts.

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  10. 23 minutes ago, TheCustodian said:

    It would really be convenient to ditch Myers contract since it's very inefficient in terms of value. I think one of Schmidt or Myers is toast regardless since they are relatively redundant players with Hughes and now Rathbone likely penciled in. I would rather keep Schmidt since he's a couple years younger and on a better deal. I think the opposite will happen though, and Schmidt will be traded.


    It's not good to have Myers and Schmidt at the current combined cap hit and I think that's one of the reasons the blue line took a step back this year.

    Not sure how you can see them as redundant, as they play a very different type of game to each other. Schmidt (and Hughes for that matter) were hot garbage as far as I'm concerned when it came to turnovers and puck possession this season. I'd be way more comfortable losing Schmidt instead of Myers, and contract-wise they're pretty much identical so I don't see how $50,000 less is that much of a deal. 


    I'm not going to be surprised if they essentially give the whole roster a do-over  next season and THEN decide who they need to move out (at least that's what it sounded like to me in the presser with JB and Green)

    • Cheers 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, JohnTavares said:


    Let's talk about how he absolutely fumbled the bag by trading a second and a prospect trending up for Toffoli and didn't even give him an offer at UFA?

    Or do you want to talk about how he overpaid a backup goalie in Holtby for 2 years?

    Or do you want to talk about trading Gaudette at his lowest value, or re-signing Jake instead of shipping him off at his highest value?

    Or do you want to talk about how he's running the organization on a day-to-day basis or runs out of time when negotiating with free agents?


    Or do you want to talk about how his lack of communication with the league/fans when the Covid outbreak happened, or when Jake's allegations occured?


    Or do you want to talk about how he re-signed Pearson 3 years x 3M despite Pearson having a down year and seems to be on the decline and not trying to trade him for a pick?


    Which one ya want?


    Is duce in the name meaning deuce? It's suitable because that post was akin to a $&!#.

    That "prospect trending" has a whopping 4 points in 13 AHL games, so I wouldn't be too shaken up over that if I were you. 


    Gaudette, I'm pretty sure it was previously stated in another thread, nobody had interest in, and after the Covid/girlfriend/social media fiasco it was probably the smart thing to do.


    I'll agree that we should have cut ties with Jake. I was surprised how many chances management seemed to want to give when they should have just moved on.

    As for someone that wants to have an honest discourse, they way you interact with anyone who disagrees seems confrontational. Maybe you're too emotionally invested and need to take your own advise and go outside?

    • Cheers 1
  12. 1 hour ago, lmm said:


    idiotic media?

    you are blaming idiotic media?

    people with something to say, will have their voices heard


    but back to your idiotic media comment, I am much more amazed bythe idiotic excuses fans have come up with to support the ongoing mediocre

    Deb said Bo couldn't speak because he had to play with his baby

    the excuses just keep on rolling in

    Anybody who thinks that a person's priority should be to do a media scrum right after you've had a variant covid run through your system and been removed from your new born son for days has a serious values problem.

    It's not about excuses, it's about being a human being and not asking someone who is physically and mentally drained to deal with something that will be mentally draining (yes media is mentally draining)

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  13. 7 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    It’s funny how mental midgets take the word “Boeser.” as a response to another poster as a claim of truth. Maybe you and your other account can get a room and hold each other tight, and dry each other’s tears. 

    Typical. Instead of just embracing the fact you were wrong, you attack others to make up for your own insecurity and need to feel relevant. You should stick to your one word responses, at least they don't make you sound touchy.

    • Vintage 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, Virtanen#18 said:

    So....  Gaud's wife is not happy a lot of ppl are showing some hate towards Adam... 


    Well, I don't mean to judge here but we in the 20-30 age group gotta step up to protect the vulnerable elderly... He and/or his wife must have let their guard down!! I stopped hanging out with friends since April 2020... Only go outdoor hiking with my own household members.... Always mask up indoors, always sanitizing my hands... 


    If you really make an effort to avoid Covid, it's effing doable!!! I just feel bad for senior home ppl, healthcare workers...  Horgan is right, a lot of young ppl are just being so selfish and ignorant!! It's like ppl can't live without partying... 


    Sorry for ruining the mood here!! My family and I have done our part but evidently so many ppl still don't give a crap!!! 

    I hate it when people post ignorant things.


    You don't know what they have or haven't done to keep themselves safe. For all we know Adam got it from Hamonic or the person of coaching staff and jus showed positive before them. You can't and shouldn't make assumptions like this and call people out. 


    It's like the people yesterday saying the other player is Boeser just cuz he went on a dog walk with Adam. It's just stupid and people need to stop.

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Phil_314 said:

    We gained Demko (who's showing himself as a legit #1) and freed ourselves from another $6 million x 6 contract.
    We opened a roster spot for Hoglander (looks good on Bo's wing).
    We didn't tie up our cap space on a safe and mobile but injury prone D-man without physicality (Schmidt and Hamonic can hit and defend). 

    Just want to qualify this statement, in that yes, Hamonic can definitely hit and defend. Out of all 4 defensemen in question though (Schmidt, Hamonic, Tanev and Stetcher) Schmidt has far less hits than the other 3. 


    I'm not saying we should've kept Tanev and Stetcher, I just want to be clear that Schmidt is not a physical force (or all that great in his own zone as far as I'm concerned). 


    Benning definitely made the right call With Demko and Marky, and I think almost everyone saw that decision coming. Toffoli; I'm a bit surprised how well he's playing for the Canadiens, but I figured we'd have Hog or Podz coming in this season so some kind of space needed to be made, I would have preferred moving Roussel or Sutter to make that space though.

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