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Posts posted by thema

  1. This whole kerfuffle is about one thing and one thing only: Lou's ego. I totally disagree that Lou "deserved this start" at least if you base that decision on the recent play of the two goalies and if this had been just another snoozefest at their usual rink nobody would have said much about the selection of the starter. But because it's on the BIG stage soaked in hooplah the Cult of Lou is demanding that their hero get the start simply on his star power. That's not how it works in pro hockey, at least not when you need to win something like 15 of the next 22 games. The fact that this has turned into a "distraction" convinces me more than ever that this team need to jettison Lou once and for all. People who say that he's played great recently need to give their heads a shake.

  2. My guess is the Latvians will keep it close for awhile but will ultimately succumb to the superior Canadian talent. I don't understand the posters who mention the Latvian's "trap" or "Nolan's suffocating style" because I sure haven't seen any of that in the 3 games that I've seen of them. They have actually had a terrific tournament despite not winning in the first 3 games and their goalie has been brilliant. All it would take is for him to totally lose his mind and for us to screw up just a bit (tons of penalties, a bad goal whatever) and this game could be historic, for all the wrong reasons.

    Did I (almost) call it or what?

    ...even though it was a different goalie ::D

  3. The penalty was clearly a make-up call for the missed hand on puck on the goal line.

    I'm thinking that the ref concluded that the Latvian player didn't actually "close" his hand on the puck since it sort of squirted away from his hand and ended up at the goalie's side. The ref was in perfect position to see it. At any rate "make up calls" don't make it right.

  4. Forwards haven't been good and price hasn't been good. He's given up a goal that a team canada caliber goalie should save.

    Lui would have 4 shutouts. It's Latvia ffs and he flops. Lui makes that save, Canada keeps momentum and crushes the Latvians.

    Thank god for Weber!

    Pro-Lou trolling is still trolling y'know...

  5. I was on the fence for the whole game since Latvia are my sentimental favorites in international hockey but Canada is "my" team. After two periods of enduring Healy's jingoistic horse manure I was rooting for the Latvians. The Cult of Lou is insisting that Price looked "shaky" but what else do you expect; he was on tenterhooks the whole game. Me, I was secretly hoping Babcock would put Lou in net for this one but having watched it play out I'm glad for both Team Canada and for Lou that he didn't (if Lou would have lost this game he would have been tarred and feathered by everybody in Canada). Pity that it took a crappy penalty to decide it; the refs let everything go for almost a period and then called exactly ONE penalty at a pivotal moment. Team Canada played well but without much in the way of sync; Latvia has something like 8 guys from the same team (Dinamo Riga in the "inferior" KHL) and their coach was superb. Remember that the Latvians were missing their #1 goalie and Daugavins who is about their 2nd best player so their accomplishment is all the more inspiring. This game was the tempering that Team Canada needed; I absolutely guarantee that we beat the USA and handily at that.

  6. My guess is the Latvians will keep it close for awhile but will ultimately succumb to the superior Canadian talent. I don't understand the posters who mention the Latvian's "trap" or "Nolan's suffocating style" because I sure haven't seen any of that in the 3 games that I've seen of them. They have actually had a terrific tournament despite not winning in the first 3 games and their goalie has been brilliant. All it would take is for him to totally lose his mind and for us to screw up just a bit (tons of penalties, a bad goal whatever) and this game could be historic, for all the wrong reasons.

  7. Hope the Canucks make Lupul pay for trying to take off Henrik's head last time they met.

    Hopefully he'll just take out more of his own guys instead.

    This must be some sort of record; only the SECOND post in and someone has identified this game's bogeyman. As long as this obsession is in effect this team will go nowhere.

  8. Interesting tidbit for this season:

    Player-for-player transactions involving Canadian teams: 18

    Player-for-player transactions involving just all the other teams: 8

    While the majority trades involving Canadian teams have been minor, they have been plentiful compared to what our American counterparts find themselves having to do. This to me indicates that Canadian teams don't have the prospect pools and development needed to avoid making trades. We've seen it today with the, yes, minor Weise for Diaz trade, which is one primarily made due to our lack of prospect depth, and depth in general.

    And why don't Canadian teams have decent callups and prospects like our American counterparts? Because the league is growing the game in the US. Not only is it cheaper to have good prospects as opposed to vets in these depth roles, which helps budding markets down south cap-wise, but it is very important for the NHL to have most of the marketable young talent down there regardless in order to attract more fans.

    Don't be surprised when Canada, in particular the Canucks, who are now on the decline due to an everlasting lack of prospect development and holding onto vets for far too long, funnels more and more talent down south soon.

    This thread has been mildly entertaining in its galloping paranoia but you are now grasping at straws. If I interpret your gibberish correctly you are alleging that the reason that the Canucks don't have a decent prospect pool is that the "NHL is growing the game in the US"? Exactly how is the evil NHL accomplishing this? Are they hypnotizing the Canadian team GM's? Are they poking pins into voodoo dolls? What's next? Maybe next you'll uncover a devious plot where the NHL provided Luc Bourdon with a dangerous motorcycle... against his wishes, of course. Geez Louise!

  9. Done? As in "done like dinner"? Are you kidding me? The twins are tied for the team lead in points and are +7 and +9. Meanwhile Kesler, Kassian, Burrows, Edler and Sestito (to name only the obvious offenders) are all at least -6. The Sedins are NOT the problem, believe me...

    Patriotic bass solo for Kes...

  10. Hartley is as slimy as they come but he's no fool. I agree with Remy and stawns; Torts got played like a big fish. Canucks are .400 since the big statement game with the only points coming in one goal games against the terrible Alberta teams. They were .633 before that. Let's see what the record is in 5 more, eh?

    • Upvote 1
  11. This is getting ridiculous.

    This past week has been a disaster for the Canucks and all because we are letting everybody else in the league push our buttons at will. In the LA game we were still choked that Brown had the unmitigated audacity to be shoved into our goalie by an idiot defenseman while scoring a big goal and to make matters worse on of their less skilled players ACTALLY ATTEMPTED A HIT on our twinkie soft Swedish captain (sound familiar?). We send our gorilla out to mug the offender and then scream blue murder when he gets penalized for it. Of course we lose the game; we aren't even playing hockey by this point with our Dutch Gretzky slewfooting LA's stars at random and guys like Kassian running around chirping like budgies. No problem guys, it was a "moral victory". So having shown the league what badasses we are we go into Anaheim and get our butts handed to us in no uncertain terms so, once the game is totally out of hand at 7-1 we goon it up again (I have the strangest feeling of deja vu). The game in Phoenix was a tad less ridiculous, probably because the Nux were tired from the nonsense the night before yet, despite our showing everybody how "tough" we are Martin Hanzal manages to dismantle three of our players without much effort or retribution. Next come the terrible Flames who, having watch the disturbing transformation of the Canucks from softies into goons put their 4th line on the ice to start the game. Rather than put out a line that is superior in talent and try to score a goal we once again play right into the hands of the Flames and another donnybrook ensues. Because of the unmitigated audacity of Bob Hartley in icing a line that doesn't meet his approval Torts goes completely nuts, challenging Hartley at the bench and then proceeding to melt down outside the door of the visitors dressing room (a huge no no in the NHL). Poor Canucks, those nasty Flames iced a line that we don't like. Now it looks like we will be without the services of our "firey" coach for at least a few games while still being mired in a dreadful slump that is largely of our own making. All because we are reacting to everybody else's moves instead of forcing them to react to ours. Can another Bertuzzi incident be far behind? I mean, we are creating a new bogeyman nearly every game and since we refuse to let things stay in the past it is inevitable that one or another of our favorite bogeymen will fall into the sights of a guy like Sestito or Kassian and one of them could make a "mistake" just like Saint Todd.That would sure show the world how "tough" we are wouldn't it?

  12. I wish no one had restrained Torts, I bet he was going to take McGrattan on himslef. I mean if your coach can take on any opposition heavyweight, what does that say about the canucks new level of toughness.

    Torts would have had the crap kicked out of him and if McGrattan would have sustained even the slightest of injuries would have likely received a season long ban from the league plus a lawsuit plus... whatever else. What he did was beyond foolish. He will be suspended and fined, probably quite harshly seeing as the Canucks have been gooning it up recently and have got away scot free (so far). Shanny will be sending this team a strong message I fear...

  13. See it's that attitude that's wrong. It IS about respect...watch the game from years ago and see how that rings true. It's the loss of respect that's killing the game... So don't encourage intentional injuries...there is no place for that here.

    Thanks Deb; apparently posting that you wish injury on an opposing player is not allowed at HF Boards. Wish that were the case here; sometimes people can be disgusting when hiding behind their computer screens. The posts about injuring Willie Mitchell (who was terrific here) really make me wonder. The hockey gods are also not amused and one NEVER messes with the hockey gods...

  14. Cause putting a hurting on LA worked so well in the end result.

    Going back even further "putting a hurtin" on Steve Morre really gained us alot of respect too right?

    It was certainly a popular move around these parts. It sure helped us in the "repect" department, eh?

    On a side note did the Bert/Moore court date ever happen? I'm sure there are many people who would just love to know the part of Crowfish and Burke in that incident...

    Edit: nevermind I found it http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/trial-date-set-in-steve-moores-lawsuit-against-todd-bertuzzi/article15073970/

    "Secret" agreement, eh? Hmmm...

  15. Or just hire a bunch of MMA fighters to play for us. Take out all the NHL's pet-project teams like ANA-LA-SJ-PHX in a blaze of glory.

    Isn't that what we tried to do in LA? During the dying minutes of the Anaheim debacle? Didn't work so good did it?

  16. I'm not mad a selanne, it's BB that's the piss, okay give him some time, but dont keep putting him out there, if the roles were reversed you don't think it would be classless to but Daniel, Henrik, or kesler out there?

    Also that's the time when stupid things can happen and players get serious injuries , and as a coach do you really want you top players out there?

    I remember literally hundreds of posts here calling Tony Granato "classless" because he put checker Steve Moore out on the ice the last time the Canucks gave up 9 goals instead of his stars...

  17. Why is Booth the best looking player out there tonight?

    Why is Luongo a healthy scratch in a divisional game?

    Why aren't the Sedins producing (no RW)

    Why is our PK 1/5?

    So much for a statement game... they look nothing like the team that played last night.

    Lou is a healthy scratch? News to me...

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