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apparently, you know nothing about mario galaxy.

Seriously, stop being such a fan boy.

But wait, I can do it too!

FF7 but with better graphics? YAY!!

MGS1, but with better graphics? YAY!!

The list goes on. Generalizations with no knowledge on the subject for the win!

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I really think SSBB is gonna be a bust, they complicated it too much and now RED is a character(pokemon trainer off of GB) i mean come on thats horrid

not sos ure about Mario galaxy, i just hope it isnt crap like SS sunshine.

Now stop talking about nintendo in the sony thread, make an official Wii thread :P

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Sarcasm dont mean shyt to you eh? Cant compare ff7 with other ff's or mgs1 with mgs 4. Atleast those games can come up with something better than "bowser kidnaps princess, mario rescues her" (I havent played the recent mario games but ill assume thats what happens....correct me if im wrong though)
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Sarcasm dont mean shyt to you eh? Cant compare ff7 with other ff's or mgs1 with mgs 4. Atleast those games can come up with something better than "bowser kidnaps princess, mario rescues her" (I havent played the recent mario games but ill assume thats what happens....correct me if im wrong though)
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The FF games certainly don't recycle themes (Magic, Chocobos, Moogles, Summons.) They certainly don't recycle characters, either (Dirge of Cerebus, Advent Children • Last Order • Before Crisis • Crisis Core • Dirge of Cerberus • Lost Episode, Cloud appearing in Kingdom Hearts, FFT, Ehrgeiz, Itadaki, etc.) Or plots. I mean, it's not like every single f*cking FF game ever created hasn't been about a group of people banding together to save the world from an ultimate evil. Ditto for MGS. Oh wait. Isn't the entire theme for the Metal Gear series about one character sneaking in and trying to stop/destroy the Metal Gear? Yeah, that isn't a redone plot at all.

Get your head out of your donkey.

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The FF games certainly don't recycle themes (Magic, Chocobos, Moogles, Summons.) They certainly don't recycle characters, either (Dirge of Cerebus, Advent Children • Last Order • Before Crisis • Crisis Core • Dirge of Cerberus • Lost Episode, Cloud appearing in Kingdom Hearts, FFT, Ehrgeiz, Itadaki, etc.) Or plots. I mean, it's not like every single f*cking FF game ever created hasn't been about a group of people banding together to save the world from an ultimate evil. Ditto for MGS. Oh wait. Isn't the entire theme for the Metal Gear series about one character sneaking in and trying to stop/destroy the Metal Gear? Yeah, that isn't a redone plot at all.

Get your head out of your donkey.

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Thing is: I love the Final Fantasy series. Absolutely LOVE FF. I'm seriously contemplating getting a FF tattoo done.

Games are fun. It all boils down to WHAT games you enjoy. Just because a game is a rehash of an older one doesn't mean it sucks. Mario games have ALWAYS been fun for me and lots of other people.

I'm scared to hear what he thinks about the Mega Man series.

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None of you play the MGS games, if you did you would know how amazing the games storyline is, heck its so long and all the games relate to each other so well, if you played MGS4 without playing all 3 you would not know wtf was going on, I played all 3 and I am still confused about the story (that’s the way the games are made, you wont know everything until the end of the last game)

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God, I loved mega man on NES as a kid. The one for 64 sucked though.

Same, I play games that are fun. I don't stick to one system. If it has games I enjoy, and the price is reasonable, I'll buy it. Thats why I have a wii, and will be soon purchasing a 360. PS3 down the line if the price drops some more.

I just can't stand people who only buy one system. Whats the point? You get to limit your choice of games? Awesome! You get to have less fun this generation.

I just think its silly is all.

Are we talking about mario spinoffs? Or just the mario games?

The mario games are still going strong. Even sunshine was fun, you just had to let it grow on you. The storylines may be similar, but as flinch pointed out so is FF.

Yeah, mario tennis, golf, etc. were made. Guess what? They were also super fun. If you didn't limit yourself to one system, you'd realize that. I guarantee you'd jump all over a final fantasy tennis game as long as it was fun.

I don't care about a franchise name, I care about fun factor. Nintendo games deliver, which is why I still buy there systems. 360 developers deliver to, and so does sony. I love shadow of the colossus, an absolutely phenomenal and beautiful game. Take off the homer glasses.

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Your a fukin idiot. You havent even played fukin mgs have you. Mario is the most watered down franchise ever. Mario tennis, golf, ssb (only one I like), mario party 8 I mean cmon its fukin pathetic. Mgs is one big storyline and since you probably only played the first one you obviously dont know wtf you talking about and ff wouldnt be ff without chocobos and summons. Tell me one franchise thats as watered down as mario.
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None of you play the MGS games, if you did you would know how amazing the games storyline is, heck its so long and all the games relate to each other so well, if you played MGS4 without playing all 3 you would not know wtf was going on, I played all 3 and I am still confused about the story (that’s the way the games are made, you wont know everything until the end of the last game)
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Exactly. The storyline is more complex than any game I can remember and its pathetic how Flinch comes in here (who probably hasnt even played the fukin series) and tries to compare it to mario. Give me a fukin break.
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What the hell do you mean, 'watered down'? If you mean that he's their franchise character and is in a lot of games, yes.

If you mean that the games are simply rehashed, you're wrong. I'm not a big fan on the spinoff games, for the most part, but if you say Mario Kart is a lame game, I think we're going to have to revoke your video game privileges.

And you're the bigger idiot. Has the Metal Gear series revolved around stealth and espionage elements and has almost always involved Solid Snake? I'm not talking about the storyline here, I'm talking about GAMEPLAY elements. MGS has perpetually been a stealth based game and the storyline has almost ALWAYS revolved around the Metal Gear tank. Much like Mario has been a platformer that revolves around Bowser kidnapping the Princess.

And seriously, who the f*ck buys a game for the STORYLINE? When I pick up the game, I want to have fun, if there's a decent story attached as well, that's a huge bonus, but I do not rate a good game based solely on the storyline. A game that is horrible to play or is unfun but has an, omg, amazing storyline is still a crap game.

Solid Snake is appearing in a Mario Brothers game, by the way.

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Bingo_Bango, why limit yourself to one console? Why stick your head up your donkey and try to deny that games on wii and 360 are good? You're really limiting your fun factor here. I mean, comon. Why limit your choice of games?

It really makes no damn sense.

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What the hell do you mean, 'watered down'? If you mean that he's their franchise character and is in a lot of games, yes.

If you mean that the games are simply rehashed, you're wrong. I'm not a big fan on the spinoff games, for the most part, but if you say Mario Kart is a lame game, I think we're going to have to revoke your video game privileges.

And you're the bigger idiot. Has the Metal Gear series revolved around stealth and espionage elements and has almost always involved Solid Snake? I'm not talking about the storyline here, I'm talking about GAMEPLAY elements. MGS has perpetually been a stealth based game and the storyline has almost ALWAYS revolved around the Metal Gear tank. Much like Mario has been a platformer that revolves around Bowser kidnapping the Princess.

And seriously, who the f*ck buys a game for the STORYLINE? When I pick up the game, I want to have fun, if there's a decent story attached as well, that's a huge bonus, but I do not rate a good game based solely on the storyline. A game that is horrible to play or is unfun but has an, omg, amazing storyline is still a crap game.

Solid Snake is appearing in a Mario Brothers game, by the way.

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