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Vancouver Sun Run 2012


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If it is your first time, register for one group ahead of the time you want to shoot for, and then get to the race early and stand right up at the front. Get ahead of as many people as you can right away.

I love the Sun Run, but don't do it to try to get a good time. There are just way too many idiots.

I ran it twice, once when I was able to do 10k in 38 minutes and one at 42. My times were 46 and 55 minutes because of all the traffic.

The last year, I registered in the fastest group that wasn't the "elite" runners group. I was a bit back of the starting ribbon and was standing next to a woman with a stroller and her 8 year old kid. IN THE ~40 MINUTE GROUP.

The race started, the group shuffled to the start line and we headed off. After about 400m of dodging very slow people who had no business being that close to the starting line, I had to hit the brakes hard because there was a group of 6 very unfit women who were WALKING beside each other, taking up half the road, just 400m from the start line.

My first km was about 5 minutes because of all the traffic, so I just settled into a nice relaxing pace, enjoyed the absolutely gorgeous weather and scenery and plodded along.

Point of the story: If you are racing for a time, go up a division and start close to the ribbon. Otherwise, don't worry about your time and just enjoy the course.

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