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Schneider To Columbus

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I still think Schneider will be the one to be moved, largely in part because he is too valuable an asset to not move. We know who the players in this scenario are and we stand to gain future stability from such a trade. We all like Schneider...I like Schneider but the fact is we don't absolutely NEED Schneider. Our goaltending is exceptional and Luongo has a few more good years in him where he can mentor one of our great goalie prospects (Lack, Cannata). We're not hurting in the goalie department. Schneider is a chip that we can play in a trade to solidify our future by getting a legitimate young, franchise, impact player. We all know those sorts of players can only be had if you have a top 2 or 3 pick...you know, the can't miss ones, the ones who more than likely will end up as superstars in the NHL. How often have we found ourselves in such a position to draft an impact franchise player (1st or 2nd pick overall) to build around?? Few and far between. With our team, we hardly EVER get a chance to do so. This is a good draft year but players in the top 5 are the ones you want to get. Those are the ones we want to be able to select from, game changers. We need a young game changer. Every NHL team wants this and usually you have to tank a season to get a good pick from the talent pool. We are in an enviable position that a lot of teams are not. We have an asset that a team picking 2nd overall wants badly and will likely pay for. The best part is we don't have to tank for this pick. For the sake of the future of the organization, we must take this opportunity and grab that 2nd overall pick. That pick is a huge part of Vancouver's present and future and a way for Gillis to somewhat redeem himself in the public's eye for the poor handling of the Hodgson trade. In my mind, this is a no brainer.

To Columbus:

-Cory Schneider

-Vancouver 1st (2012)

To Vancouver:

-Columbus 1st (2012-2nd overall)- Yakupov, Grigorenko, or Murray

-Ryan Johansen- needs to get out of the Columbus system and is a blue chipper.

-Columbus 1st (2013)- likely a high pick

- sign Justin Schultz

If we have to add more to the table to make it happen, I am sure we can work something out but if Tampa is willing to give us 2- 1st rounders PLUS a great prospect, we should be able to squeeze a similar deal out of Columbus. They'll still have their 1st rounders from dealing Nash so they might be willing to do this just to get their hands on Schneider. This is a win/win for both organizations.

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wow is Columbus stupid, I don't believe so. They have Steve Mason who is and will be a Wicked Goalie, and there 1 first round pick will not be in play. Nash how ever will be, and the move would more than likely be for lou given his age recent struggles and bigger contract. What about lou for nash and a first round next year (Columbus 2013) Columbus gets a veteran goalie to help bring along Mason like he did Schneider. Vancouver signs goalie of future with less money gets bigger stronger up front with Nash and adds prospect for next draft

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