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This is what the next Canadian government should do...


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Actually nothing turns me on more than split income personally

It certainly benefits the families where only one spouse is the primary breadwinner. It's just that most Canadian families are not like that.

It's a miracle really, how the right can convince the public that something is good for them when in fact it is bad, or at most irrelevant, for them, reading from a few of the posts here on this thread and other similar threads on CDC and the internet in general confirms that.

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The following is my opinion

1)Simplified tax system

A road map to eliminate GST/PST - Force provincial government to at least match GST or lower in the first five years, then decrease GST 0.5% per year until such tax is eliminated. This would effectively encourage consuming and therefore able to stimulate our economy. From the government perspective there will be no sudden decrease in revenue and there will be plenty of time for the government to come up with an alternative income source.

Eliminate capital gain tax - Government should encourage investment, not the other way around

Eliminate carbon tax - this tax doesn't make any sense, enough said.

Established RHSP - Medical system is getting expensive and it will become a major burden for Canada. This plan will help Canada to pay its humongous bill in the future.

Tax form should be easy to fill for average Canadian to fill, it shouldn't be such a hassle every year.

2)Decrease military spending

Canada is neither invading other countries for her benefit, nor is Canada being threatened in any serious manner, nor is Canada in a position to challenge any country in military. We need a smaller army, in case of an emergency we can depend on the US to bail us out.

3)Retreat from the Middle East

Why are the Canadian air force fighting a war against a country that has nothing to do with us, stop wasting money that doesn't achieve anything and start helping out Canadians in need.

4)Undo everything Harper has done in regards of privacy, anti-terror law

Harper would like to peep your daily life, a normal Canadian government doesn't do that. We don't combat terrorism with fear, we stop terrorists with better education and immigrant system.

5)Unban automatic weapon

Guns are just simply tools, imagine a gangster is able to acquire automatic weapon via illegal source, and law abiding Canadians are not allow to do the same to protect themselves?

6)Encourage healthy lifestyle

Increase cigarettes tax by 500%

Increase alcohol tax by 200%

That's all what i can think of so far, what do you think of it and what do you think the next government should be doing?

You fail when legalize marijauna is not your first change.


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