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Why does everything sports in Vancouver have a nickname but the media ?



Why does everything sports have a nickname but the media? The Canucks are called ,"The Nucks", The Lions are Called."The Leos", The White Caps are Called, "The Caps", BC Place is called,"The Dome" and up until recently the hockey arena was called,"The Garage". Everything sports seems to have a nickname, everything but the media.

I am one of the minority. I was born within the actual borders of the actual city of Vancouver instead of Greater Vancouver. For as long as I can remember I have listened to the sports media on the radio, watched the sports media on TV, and read the spor.ts media in the newspapers. Having done this I have come to the conclusion the one prerequisit of being in the sports media in Vancouver is you must either be clinically brain dead sports wise or have crap for brains sports media wise to get a job. They never

Thus may I suggest we dubb the sports media in Vancouver with the nickname,"The Toilet" in hopes they begin to flush out origial thoughts instead of constantly spouting verbateum whatever is said on"the Toronto Sports Network, as if whatever they say is Gospel!


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