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Moving to Step Two - SEP.10.07

Mason Raymond


<table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/raymond_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4>It’s been a long week but I’m happy to get the four days out of the way and happy to go to main camp on Thursday. The prospects camp is a good warm-up to the main camp and I’m excited for that. I feel like I’ve accomplished one step on the way to where I want to be and main camp is just step two.

Coming into this camp, I expected that kind of effort out of myself and it’s just one step at a time and I’m looking forward to Thursday already. I’m expecting even more out of myself when the veterans come to Victoria. I mean, I’m here to try and earn a roster spot, so hopefully the coaches will see enough in me and keep me around in Vancouver. It’s where I want to be and hopefully, where they want me to be as well.

I’m definitely going to take a lot of things I’ve learned and bring it to main camp but I want to stay focused and keep doing what I’m doing. The upcoming days will be different for sure, with players who have been in the league for years and who already know what they’re doing. This is my first pro camp and so I’ll be learning but I want to make sure that I keep up with the tempo and the higher caliber players.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie21_t.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie21_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=3 hspace=4></a>I’m sure there are going to be nerves on the first day like there was on Wednesday but right now I’m just enjoying this moment and I’m sure the nerves will be more apparent in a couple of days when it’s closer to actually starting. We have a couple of days off but I want to continue to stay focused and not lose sight of why I’m here and what I want to do.

The camp was great, it was well operated, I enjoyed it. You just come here and do your thing but you get it done with and move on. I feel like I prepared myself pretty well and I felt good overall.

During scrimmage this morning, I went for the puck and Juraj Simek just got the stick up on me. He got one right on my nose, hit my visor and knocked my helmet off. I was lucky it wasn’t any closer to my face, it looked kind of ugly but it wasn’t too bad. One of the reporters was telling me it looked like it really hurt so I guess it was worse from the stands. I had try to re-focus right after my lid comes off and take a penalty shot but unfortunately Ellis made a big save on me and I wasn’t able to put it in the net. It’s a little disappointing I didn’t get a goal a camp but that’s the way the game goes. Maybe I’ll get something coming up, I’ll keep you posted.

I’ve already had to the chance to skate with some of the guys at 8 rinks back in Vancouver but to see the group come here will be great. It’ll be nice to watch them work their magic.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie27_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/sep0907_rookie27_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4></a>I am pretty pleased with what I did at camp and there’s always more you can do but I feel like I gave it all I could. You always feels like you want to showcase yourself more but I’m happy with how the week went. Hopefully, I can do the same thing at main camp. I’m ready for the challenge I’m prepared to do so.

It’s been an intense week and it’s day four so our bodies are feeling it a bit but we’ll have some time right now to recoup before the vets get here. There has been downtime throughout the week after practice and what not but downtime is just it, <i>down</i> <i>time</i>. It’s mostly resting and getting meals in, trying to refuel for the next day. I haven’t even been golfing yet and if you’ve Bear Mountain, it’s a shame because it’s beautiful. I’ve heard the golf is great and I know the guys are talking about wanting to go so maybe I’ll get a chance tomorrow.



Recommended Comments

Good job, continue to work hard and give it your all each day.

I hope management pairs you and Naslund up as roommates.

Can't wait to see you play for the first time in a preseason game.

Best of luck!

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Congratulations on making it to the next round Mason. It sounds like the coaching staff has a lot of confidence in you.

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I enjoy your blogs Mason! Just relax, work your butt off, and remember that your biggest asset is your speed, so use it and you'll be fine.

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Mas, looks like things are going well at camp. Watching the progress from NY. Keep it up buddy. Good luck this week

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Hey good to have you at camp -- I might be getting ahead of myself here, I see you making the team this year, when the main camp starts just play your game, the speed and quick shot of yours should give you time with Nazzy where you could provide time and space for Naslund by using your speed to back up the defence.

I do expect you to be a solid addition to the team -- I am also pretty sure that your minutes may start out low, at the start of the season, but as you earn more minutes and gain confindence you should be ripping up the league this year in no time.

Not sure if you have a goal other than making the team -- I would venture to say, set your sights very high then break them down into smaller steps that can be used to reach your overall goal, this along with setting timelines to go along with your goals should set you up nicely to be a real performer in the NHL.

Please try to answer these questions for me (not required though)

Do you want to score a certain number of goals this year, if so how many? --

How many points do you see yourself getting? --

Who do you try to emulate in your style of play? --

Who was your favorite player gowing up? --

Do you always give 100% during the games, what do Vancouver fans have to look forward to? --

Who did you have the best chemistry with during the rookie camp? --

Who is your favorite current Canuck? --

Thanks and good luck kiddo...

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