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Vote for a line nickname for the Sedins and Burrows and win autographed photos of all three players!



Thank you again to everyone for their suggestions for a nickname for the Sedin, Sedin and Burrows line. There were lots of good and creative entries for sure, and our favorites are:

  • Richard picks "The BroBury Line" (suggested by Terri)
  • Alix picks "The Treadmill Line" (suggested by Archii)
  • I pick "The Trois Kronors" (suggested by Bryan)

Congratulations to Terri, Archii and Bryan – we'll contact you by email and send you your Canucks 2009/2010 Yearbooks.


Now, we mentioned in the last post that we've added a part 2 to this contest.

Richard, Alix and I here at Canucks Hockey Blog are excited to partner with canucks.com and ask you – our fellow fans – to give Henrik, Daniel and Alex their "official" nickname.

CDC is running a poll right now. You'll see our picks – "The BroBury Line", "The Treadmill Line" and "The Trois Kronor" – as well as "The Twin-Burr Line", which was selected by Derek Jory from canucks.com.

Click here to go to the poll and vote for your favorite. We'll randomly select one of you to win autographed photos of Henrik Sedin, Daniel Sedin and Alex Burrows.

(Note: You'll need a canucks.com account to cast your vote.)

You have until Saturday night to vote. Let's hear from you, Canucks Nation!


Recommended Comments

3's company

The Swedish Twins and the French Finisher

the Swede's and the Finish

The Make Work Project..cause they make the opposition work so hard

ADHD - Alex, Daniel and Henrik Dominate..WOOOOOOOOO

The Tri-Hards



THE FULL HOUSE! A Pair and 3 goal machine!

THE PICKUP LINE - cause they often carry the team ;)

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Where is the "none of the above" option?

Forced nicknames always suck... these ones take it to a new level.

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The Mad Hatters - because they all have hat-tricks this season.

The Magicians - they are magicians with the puck, and "Burrows wears the hat, but the Sedins carry the magic wands", thanks Weekes :P.

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