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Status Updates posted by SixtyMinuteMan

  1. FACEBOOK SUCKS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  2. Who Is Vancouver Facing Tonight??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SixtyMinuteMan


      sounds like a game to me

    3. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      You're a game.

    4. SixtyMinuteMan


      this game was over before it even started!!!!!!!

  3. I Am Back On this forum after a seven year absence and had a hell of a time finding this site, all i could find was a page that said see henriks greatness and a zipper image of henriks head, what the hell was up with that??!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      Are you Tiger's dad?

    3. nux4lyfe


      Man, that's a long prison sentence..what you do, give birth to Tiger?

    4. SixtyMinuteMan


      nope, but speaking of tigers, my team other than the canucks is the detroit tigers

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