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Posts posted by Freddy40

  1. 3 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

    Not once does green or jake  say it was fitness........it was the reporter.....no quotes backing up what you say.....your reaching just like that reporter

    Dude - wow. Yep offseason goals for a professional athlete are really how many games you win on NHL 19, he must have just missed it by 2 wins and told the coaches after his fitness testing and that’s why they sent him a message. Really, his offseason goals as a pro athlete had nothing to do with fitness. It’s just a coincidence that the issue arose after fitness testing. Yep! 


    They really wanted him to meet that offseason nhl 19 goal of 200 wins, that’s gotta be it! 



  2. 14 minutes ago, Rick_theRyper said:

    Not getting it? He did great with the role he was given last year... I don’t get the hate. He makes chump change sure he isn’t the best overall 6th pick but hell he isn’t terrible. Unlock the eye of The dark lord dude he isn’t the worst thing or biggest problem on the team

    Not getting it by the simple fact that he has top 6 talent but doesn’t want to “earn it”. Just because he did great in a bottom 6 role (and I’d say “better” as he was inconsistent and I do like him), doesn’t mean that’s “enough”. He was a 6th overall pick who has 25 goal ability and a lot to offer. The lack of professionalism he’s shown by not giving the effort in the offseason now 3 out of 4 years does suggest he’s not getting it. We didn’t draft him to be a 3rd/4th line winger. Now if that’s where he ends up because that’s his ceiling so be it, but you have to be your best to know where your ceiling is. He isn’t giving his best. Do you think if he came to camp in great shape (like Bo and Petey have), showing he was really committed this offseason people or the coaches would be on him? No, in fact he’d get a lot more rope because it would show he’s motivated and cares. His actions suggest the opposite.

    • Haha 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, stawns said:

    Did he?  Can you provide that quote?  I must have missed it



    do you think he was taking about how many jelly beans were in the jar Green has? Or were “off-season goals” about fitness.


    it seems many here want to play semantics and ignore common sense when it comes to what the issue is. 


    I could care less if you want to be that ignorant. I like Jake but anyone who can’t see this is blatantly about his fitness is in denial. 

  4. Just now, Kanukfanatic said:

    Wow....what a stretch haha.


    Pre season games are two days away yet you know exactly what the issue was (fitness) and now Jake is gonna be traded so many times he will be out of the NHL altogether.



    Jake himself said he didn’t meet his fitness goals. Do you think the issue is because he was supposed to bring Green a Happy meal from McDonald’s and forgot? Dude really?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Rick_theRyper said:

    I don’t think anyone can say 100% what it’s about although some seem to think so.. if People really watched Brock and picked apart his fitness like they do Jake you’d see some similarities. Only Jake and Green know what really were his goals were. For all we know he just didn’t come in at end season weight or lower, big deal man everyone but BoHo loses weight during season Jake is a solid future piece of the teams puzzle everyone is acting like they forgot LE is the whipping boy. I’ve seen countless pics of Jv all summer he ain’t 230 or close to again so I’d stop worrying bud it’s most likely a lot more minuscule then everyone is making it out to be. 

    I think it’s about the maturity, attitude and professionalism. He’s no rookie. He’s been in the league 4 years now, the fact he’s not getting it yet is worrisome. Look at how Petey and Bo prepare and train, if Jake would put in the same effort he would be putting himself in the best position to become what he’s capable of. The one thing he can control is training, the fact he’s not understanding that yet, to most fans is disappointing. It’s suggesting that he may never “get it” because he just doesn’t want it bad enough. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, apollo said:

    Edler had a better year last year than he did in 2011. Almost identical stats and he did it on a weak team last year. 


    Edler's best years are going to be his next two imo. He's never been in better shape, his legs are tree trunks, he's matured and more calm on the ice. 


    Tanev wasnt much in 2011... Salo was one of the best dman we'll ever see, Hamhuis was ineffective all playoffs, Bieksa was prime for sure. 


    Edler, Myers, Troy, Tanev, Quinn, Jordie, Biega is the best top 7 we've had. 


    And I'm tempering my expectations on Quinn, he could put us in cup territory if he can do 40+ points. 

    I agree on Edler, and now having a d corps that can help carry some of the load will only make him better. He’ll be fresher on the ice and able to not have to shoulder all the hardest matchups. That’s the advantage of depth, players are fresher, the coach can be smarter with matchups, less injuries and less pressure on players allows them to play to their best. I’m really looking forward to watching our D this year, JB did a terrific job improving it. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Knucklehd said:

    Gaudette - looks ready to play with the big team, but is probably better served getting high, all situation minutes in Utica.  Likely 1st call up

    Joulevi - looks like he has been off for 10 months, will get prime minutes in Utica, fully expect to see him in a Canuck jersey in the future.

    Demko - looks good, moving well, big in the net both he and Marky look ready to lead the team in goal.

    Lind - fairly quiet, but did impress with his speed and tenacity at points, but mostly overshadowed by the big boys.  Hopefully he keeps improving in Utica, has potential to see time on the big club, but not for at least another year...maybe 2.

    Gadj - meh, not very noticeable in a good way.  Skating will need to improve or he may not even make Utica.

    McKewan - solid.  Great size, good speed, nice shot.  Should play a big role in Utica and maybe, if all goes well for him a 4th line call up.

    Thanks! Seems similar to the other response!

  8. Just now, Jester13 said:

    Gaudette looks good. He was gassed at times, but only because he works super hard and not because he was hanging out with Jake this summer.


    Lind and Mckewen looked good as well, working real hard, but Gadj has a ways to go. Looked a few steps behind in his skating, and his shot isn't very good compared to the rest.


    Noticeable a for me from today:


    1. Meyers is huge and can skate lime the wind. He is going to put up some serious numbers this year. I was super impressed.


    2. Petey and Hughes are just so incredibly skilled. Unreal. Speechless. Got a new Petey designed hat today and had him sign it too. I'm Pumped.


    3. Ferland is jacked. He's seriously built like a truck compared to most our guys. Can't wait to see him protect Petey.


    4. Our team rocks.

    Awesome thank you! 

    • Cheers 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

    No way Jake goes to Utica, and he knows this. Possibly why he never bothered to train hard this off season. His place on the team is safe. 



    Doesn’t mean he can’t be traded. If he wants to stick on Vancouver he better wake up, and if traded, eventually he’ll run out of chances. You can only “tease” talent so long before you get passed by. Hunger will beat talent 10 out of 10 times, and it’s not like Jake has Petey level talent where he can pull this crap and think he can stick in the NHL long term.

    • Haha 1
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  10. 9 minutes ago, Rick_theRyper said:

    Exactly I don’t think this is 1000% about fitness more so even being basically a grown up on the team stop being a kid.. 

    It’s 100% about fitness which is tied to being a kid and not maturing. If on the first day after testing the coach says the team is really fit other than.... and the player admits he didn’t reach his offseason goals it’s blatantly obvious it’s about conditioning and fitness. It’s not about Jake stayed up late watching a movie friend. 

    • Wat 1
  11. Anyone who’s there, I would love to hear more on how some of our key prospects are looking.


    Gaudette - not much talk about him (which is good imho because he’s flying under the Canuck nation radar, meaning less chance of becoming a whipping boy while he develops).


    Juolevi - seen a bit on him but not much analysis 


    Demko, Lind, Gadj, Mckewan


    thanks in advance! 

  12. I really like Jake and have often defended him vs many of my buddies who have been vocal in their dislike for him. That being said, it’s really disappointing to me as a fan to see a kid with all the tools, who really needed to show he was maturing and taking the next step to develop into an impactful pro, to not come into camp in ELITE shape. 


    Jake was well aware what he needed to do, we have a team full of great role models (twins, beagle, burr, Roussell, that he’s been exposed to in regards to offseason preparation), and that ignores young players like Bo, Stech, Marky, etc, and he failed to do one of the simplest things within his control, show up in excellent shape. 


    What this tells me is he really doesn’t get what it takes and maybe is just “satisfied” being in the NHL. If you have the drive to be the best, to compete, you train like a demon in the off-season, especially when you’re still haven’t proven a thing. The greats also are never satisfied and come back every year like they’ve never proven a thing, that’s what makes them great. 


    Yes it’s nice to see Jake saying the right things now, but he said the right things at the end of the year last year, he clearly isn’t walking the walk. 


    Sadly, I think this may be Jake’s last year with us if he doesn’t really commit now. His leash has shortened with all the wingers we have, the young talent still coming (podz/hogs). 


    It may may take a trade away from his hometown to wake this kid up. I would hate to see it, because that trade may wake him up and then he may turn into what he can be and we miss out on it. But the sad part is, it seems if he stays, he may never “get it” here. Basically, someone else may benefit from all the pain we’ve gone through to get through to him. 


    He’s a 22 yr old Pro Athlete. You have one job, one thing you can control, that’s your fitness. To show up out of shape at this stage of his career, given he’s done it before and knows it’s unacceptable, is as I said, truly disappointing. 

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