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Posts posted by Podz19

  1. On 7/30/2021 at 4:48 AM, BigTramFan said:

    I am a little concerned with our bottom 6 center depth. If Dickinson or Sutter are injured (a matter of when for Sutter...) it would be great to have a veteran center on a 1 year $1m type contract to have on our 4th line or as 13th forward.


    We have Motte, MacEwen, Dowling, Petan as options, but Motte/MacEwen aren't very strong on faceoffs, and Dowling/Petan are very small build for 4C in the NHL.


    Someone like E Staal, Zajac, Bozak, Richardson, who are all still available as UFAs. Could we sign one for 1m/1 year?


    E.g. Bottom 6 + 13th forward could be:


    Pearson Dickinson Podkolzin

    Motte Staal Sutter





    Pearson Dickinson Podkolzin

    Motte Sutter Highmore


    I was thinking Richardson a few weeks ago when looking at UFA’s. I’m not sure how much gas he has left in the tank, but he’s a heck of a leader, good in the circle and would come cheap!

  2. 25 minutes ago, vancan2233 said:

    Good read, and why training camp and pre season is so important. There seems to always be someone that steals a spot in the line up. 

    he won’t steal a spot from Juolevi simply because he doesn’t have to clear waivers and you need to develop all your players. The canucks are not giving up on OJ after he had a fine start and was then impacted the worst by covid. He’s shown at every level he’s improved and is an NHL defender. 


    You make room for Rathbone as needed on injuries etc because unless OJ is just awful you don’t want him wasting in the press box. 


    I find it hilarious how many of the same people who scream about “asset management”, never consider how to manage assets! lol (not you)



  3. 1 hour ago, vancan2233 said:

    Good, I am high on Rathbone too. I agree OJ should be playing in the NHL. 

    amazingly, we generally go through defenseman like they are toilet paper due to injuries. Who’s to say both players don’t see 50 games each as a result. End of the day OJ is ready and needs to have get ice to develop, and he will, and moreso because it’s becoming clear his long term role on the canucks is as a 2D or 3D, and most likely the latter if Rathbone develops as expected. 


    That being said, Rathbone has played all of 16 games of professional hockey, 8 in the AHL and 8 in the NHL, while i love the kid too, people as usual are assuming a lot at this stage. I remember a lot of people screaming about Shinkaruk, Gaudette, Jordan Subban, on and on. And while I do think Rathbone is a great talent, let’s also be a bit objective, vs shiny new toy syndrome. 


    Rathbone is hopefully our future 2LD, so you let him play in the AHL in the 1LD role to prepare, you call him up as needed as he’s 45 minutes away, and you develop OJ into the 3LD role, a more offensive Tanev so to speak.  


    If we get to a point where we need to make space for Rathbone in a year or even 2, you can always move Juolevi for a lot more than now, and or move OEL and retain some salary. 



    • RoughGame 1
  4. OP seems to want to trade our best players all the time?


    We have 2 young men who are as talented or better and more importantly have shown character beyond their years.


    Eichel has quit on his team, seems to be a bit of a prima donna and yet you want to trade him for Petey, who’s actually put up similar numbers, is younger and clearly is a leader. 


    QH has a 0.75 ppg average 

    Dhalin has a 0.53 ppg average 


    I am not sure how you say Dhalin blows Makar, Hughes, etc out of the water. 


    I feel like OP makes up trade ideas based on what draft pick a player was vs their performance. As he says here “generational” for Dhalin, but he has not looked as such, nor has Eichel, and in fact our guys have outperformed them. 


    How about we keep our best players who are young and win a cup rather than making trades for the sake of it 

  5. 19 hours ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

    Thankfully, I think with all the changes, Podkolzin is going to get a fair amount of cover, with the fans having lots of other players to focus their attention on, both positively and negatively. If our roster was largely unchanged, and Pod was the only notable new piece, I’d imagine there’d be a much bigger spotlight on him.

    Yes, and he will either start on the 3rd or 4th line and maybe get some 2nd PP time. They will give him the Bo treatment and let him earn his way up, and if he does, which I suspect he will, the level of depth we’ll have is terrific. Assuming our other guys perform as expected. 


    As you said, what’s great is there will be no pressure on him, other than learn to play the NHL game (which he should be ready for) and be strong in your own zone (which he’s shown he already is). I suspect he will really add a lot of offence to that third line. 

  6. On 7/31/2021 at 4:10 PM, ButterBean said:

    Is Myers someone we can rely in that role? I want him to succeed but he makes way too many obvious blunders. 

    Hopefully the new defensive coach will work with him and have him stay at home more. If so, he has all the tools to be a great defender, size, skating ability etc. Some players are often tasked with doing too much and it causes them to be less effective. Myers has always been seen as a big offensive dman who can play both ways, but this has hurt his defensive play. Allowing him to simply focus on his own end, and let OEL manage the offence could help him. we shall see 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Bertuzzipunch said:

    Well he was also a kid that had chatfield played a lot over him before covid happened. Doesnt sound like a coach thats super impressed, just have to wait on see how he does in training camp.

    actually you’re misinterpreting 


    Chatfield is a RD

    Juolevi is a LD 


    So suggesting Green choosing JC over OJ is a bit ridiculous since they play different positions. As such, your interpretation is invalid. 


    also JV played 18 games 

    Juolevi played 23 and that’s after having to miss most of the post covid games. As i said earlier, it’s common knowledge now, OJ was out post covid because he was the worst hit on the team and lost a lot of weight and his fitness. 


    Facts matter bro 

    • Cheers 2
    • Upvote 2
  8. On 7/30/2021 at 4:10 PM, NUCKER67 said:

    Juolevi has size, he skates really well, and he's got some smarts. I wish Green would give him more opportunity to grow and gain confidence. I think he'll still become a very good Dman if he's given a chance. 

    With our new D coach we will likely see that. Baumer is awful. Btw the reason Green sat him post covid was he was the worst hit on the team. Apparently he lost a lot of weight and it hit him really hard. it has nothing to do with his play or green being typical green

    • Upvote 1
  9. On 7/30/2021 at 4:10 PM, kanucks25 said:

    Juolevi likely has little value on the trade market.


    Makes more sense for us to keep him and see if he can tap into some of his potential.

    Exactly right. You let Rathbone develop in Abby, let OJ show his worth and if we have a problem of too much talent on the left side you deal from strength. you then trade him for a young RD who may be more physical and make a hockey trade.


    Not sure why the OP wants to sell low and try to get a second for a kid who showed well last year until he got the worst hit on the team from covid. 

    • Cheers 2
  10. 20 hours ago, King Heffy said:

    Miller-Pettersson-Boeser - don't reinvent the wheel

    Hoglander-Horvat-Garland - Garland wants to play with Horvat.  This line will irritate the hell out of opponents while scoring consistently

    Pearson-Dickinson-Podkolzin - Shutdown line with some scoring punch

    Gadjovich-Sutter-Motte - Good defensive line with a couple of physical players on the wing

    MacEwen, Highmore



    OEL-Hamonic - Strong defense, should be our shutdown pairing

    Hughes-Poolman - Poolman skates well and is responsible defensively.  Ideal partner for Tanev

    OJ-Myers - Nice size for a third pairing.









    Don't know enough about Poolman to say he should be higher than Myers but I like your line up and hope he is better. If so, it will mean we have a very strong team on the backend.

  11. 3 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    probably not. I do think we'll see them on occasion tho, depending on who's on the PP or PK and who ends up on a shift together after that. 


    Green likes to mix it up so I think we'll see a lot of interesting lines this year. 

    Ya green has some great winger optionality this year based on who's going. Now he has some guys on the third line that can legitimately be bumped up on injuries or to go with the hot hands. A third line of Pearson Dickenson Podz could be quite a challenging group to play against. All very defensively responsible, all have some good hands, and if Podz shows he has the ability to lead that group offensively you have "almost" a 2b line.


    Should be a fun season!

  12. 8 minutes ago, lmm said:

    If Kane is betting on his own games

    he could get hot for a bit, bet on the other team then get cold, whiff on a couple of passes or not backcheck

    2 goal difference, easy

    "Oh Kane had a rough game"

    next game back to normal

    hmmm, suddenly I am thinking about JT.... oh nevermind, kidding, I was kidding

    Sure, but his wife clearly has an axe to grind and probably legitimate because her emails sound like he's a real douche....but it can be just that, an accusation to screw up his life more than he already has on his own, and for payback for his lack of responsibility for his kids. Ie "you're not paying for your kids but paying for your partying, well I am going to make your life miserable by taking away your paychecks." 


    And again, if you look at his stats, they are pretty darn good. If you're going to tank it, you probably aren't scoring almost a ppg, getting into alot of fights, and hitting as much as him, you coast all around. Again, doesn't pass the sniff test to me when you look at his numbers, and the fact his wife, clearly has an axe to grind (and likley for legitimate reasons).


    Regardless of the truth, which will be hard to prove anyways, he sounds like an immature douche and who's got alot of problems. As a side note, I remember seeing him at a game in vancouver when he was with the Jets, and this was when so many wanted him on the Canucks.


    It was the third period, 1:20 to go, timeout by Winnipeg, they were down 1 goal. He skates the bench the coach is drawing up a play, and we were behind the Jets so I could see him really well. He looks up in the crowd, clearly makes eye contact with one of his buddies, grins, and knods, like what's up boys, we're going to the roxy. That moment told me everything I needed to know about him. Your team is in a playoff race, down 1 and you're looking in the crowd for where the party's at. Dude is low character and so much keeps coming out to show it. That being said, this is an allegation and we should wait to see what the proof is first before vilifying someone.

    • Cheers 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Dazzle said:

    It's nothing new. Basketball is NOTORIOUS for gambling. They specifically have numerous ref scandals involving them betting in games that they can control. We just haven't discovered it yet in hockey.

    Ya the reffing in the NHL is so atrocious I have wondered for a while if there are some that have been threatened / paid off. It would make alot of sense. As you said its happened in basketball, FIFA soccer etc. Where there is money to be made and lost you can expect it. And I am sure Bettman who thinks his refs are remarkable wouldn't even consider the thought.

    • Cheers 2
  14. 1 hour ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

    I thought about this as a possibility a few years ago in sports. Like really with how much money is being gambled out there, what's really stopping a team from throwing a game to make some extra money? Like if the pay out is that big and a team says hey we can handle a loss for a game, what's really stopping them from doing it? Like their getting paid good money already and losing a game isn't going to make them lose money they get paid no matter what, but if they can lose a game that has a good pay out what's really stopping them? 

    How much impact can Kane even have? Look at his stats, he's certainly not been tanking it, doesn't pass the sniff test for me. That being said, if someone is going to tank it, a goalie I can see as he has the ability to determine the outcome of a game on his own. Also, the refs they have the ability to change the game as they see fit, if anyone is going to threaten and bribe a player or participant to throw games, it would be to use the refs or a goalie.

    • Cheers 1
  15. I am no Kane fan but innocent until proven guilty folks. I find in today's social media world where people love to pile on controversy and drama, any accusation automatically means guilt. We have no idea if his wife has a grudge against him and wants to create more chaos in his life, etc. People lie all the time and make false accusations all the time. As someone who's studied law, It's good practice in your life in general, across all issues, to never make your mind up on an initial information, assess all facts then decide. When you make assumptions on limited information and others 'opinions' on the same limited information, you simply are trying to be part of the 'gang' not being an intelligent and objective observer.


    Do I think Kane is a bit of a goof, yes, but that opinion is based on his public persona, I don't know him, that also has no bearing on him trying to throw games and tbh, he's not a goalie, its not even like he has much of an impact, unless he's firing pucks into his own net, which clearly he isnt.


    On top of that, if you look at his stats, he certainly has been putting up very strong numbers for a number of years and played with some fire. Some simple research makes me see these accusations as suspect.

    • Cheers 2
  16. 53 minutes ago, Dixon Ward said:

    Khaira has had concussion issues.  I assume a red flag for a guy you want as an enforcer.  Also, with the situation with Ferland, they are probably gun shy.


    I look at it more as "team" toughness.  


    Garland, Motte, Highmore and Hogz are smallish but agressive and don't get pushed around and don't tak crap.

    EP and Hughes, Rathbone and OJ are slight good enough that they avoid the mess generally.

    OEL, Boeser, Sutter, are good sized and don't get pushed around but don't really scrap.

    Horvat, Podkolzin, Myers, Dickinson, Pearson, Poolman and Miller are a little more surly, have size, and will throw down if necessary.

    MacEwen, Schenn, Hamonic will drop as necessary.


    I guess if you look at it, we have enough fight in us, but of the 3 fighters, only 1 is a regular in the lineup.


    I am not really worried, but it wouldn't hurt to add a regular playing 3rd liner that will throw down.  Shame about Ferland, he would be the perfect player for the situation.

    And Gadj is certainly ready for spot duty and call ups for rough games when required.

    • Cheers 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

    I am a little worried our team is too small and will be pushed around. I really hope not but it would have been nice to add someone like a Ritchie. He’s gone to Toronto. Any thoughts on this. I know Podkolzin has size but he is a rookie. I am not sure what Dickinson is like and if he possesses some toughness. I am not talking about fighting but just the ability to not be thrown around when it gets physical.

    I would have liked to see us grab Richie as well for that reason but we aren't small. We do have some big guys but they will need to play more physical at times.










    All the above are big guys and guys like Motte, Garland and Hoglander and Podz aren't scared to play hard, so while not big, they are not going to back down. That being said, I would also have loved to see Ritchie here, or for the very rough big team games, have Gadj in the lineup. I hope he makes a statement in camp and is ready for regular call ups. This may be why they stayed away from Ritchie as well, we have a potentially better player in Gadj, knocking at the door.

    • Cheers 1
  18. 4 hours ago, coryberg said:

    Don't know ow what the Kings are doing. They should be rebuilding... instead they want to be the 2006-2015 Calgary flames.

    they’re doing what we did with the twins and trying to “re tool” for Kopitar, Doughty and Brown. They all had strong years last year but I’m betting Brown was a flash in the pan and will regress. Doughty is still a strong dman and Kopitar will be the same. When it will hurt them is in 2-3 years when those players really decline. 

  19. One advantage i just thought of that probably has been discussed, but i’ll say it


    The ability of our coaches at the NHL level to have a bit more of a relationship with our coaches in our farm team may also benefit our young players. 


    I am sure there’s not much time but even a coffee after a game when Green and Cull can sit down and discuss coaching, development etc, helps Cull, helps our players. Likewise, someone like Ian Clark would have the ability to occasionally work  with Diepetro and our goalie coach down there, or at least likely have more contact. The proximity will make a difference. 


    I really think this abby move is going to

     help our team and of course great for the fans! 

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