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Posts posted by TimberWolf

  1. On 7/6/2020 at 1:58 PM, SILLY GOOSE said:

    I've got some friends that PC game so I'm thinking of taking the plunge into this world.  Thing is, I love couch gaming.  Before I drop the cash on a nice 4k 120hz TV, just curious if anyone has PC gamed with a 1080p TV?  Keep in mind this is mostly for low res games like world of warships

    been pc gaming from my couch on a tv for a couple of years. Haven't run into problems yet.

    • Like 1
  2. because we're Vancouver the rest of Canada will believe this just to hate us all the more.


    Carter was a moron. Tried to cash in after a single good season. Had he stuck around and had another he could have had an easier time translating that to a better payday.


    But race? At least from a fan perspective I don't recall any Canuck player disliked on race. I think some of our favourite alumni have been black and such.

  3. Born with it, grew up with it. Nucks or nothing for me.


    82 really clinched it. I cannot tell you what an amazing atmosphere that was.


    Sure it's well documented that I dislike our current GM but one man doesn't change my loyalties. Despite what certain posters think of me I am firm in my belief that no city deserves a cup more than us any more.

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  4. 38 minutes ago, luckylager said:

    Is it the lack of finished checks and physicality, or the lack of creativity due to rushed play?

    Or is it something else?


    I can't put my finger on it, but to nail it down to a word, the modern era lacks soul.



    Overcoached. Too many teams playing like robots. Creativity is discouraged. (Pavel Bure's first shift would have been condemned by coaching in this era)


    Teams should be only allowed a head coach and trainer on the bench and that's it. Not this army of suits they have today.

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  5. Can't be bothered to read the whole thread because I know it probably devolved into a political debate but I will point out this is freedom of speech working correctly


    Wait what?


    Yup, he can say it but the organization that employs him also has the freedom to disagree and not associate with him. He's not going to jail or anything, everything is working as intended


    Though I do hope that people that are totally on board also remember this when someone is fired for a controversial opinion they agree with.


    This all said, it's too bad that he didn't retire gracefully years ago.

    • Upvote 4
  6. Jake waking up and "getting it" will be him finally working hard enough to be a serviceable 3rd liner that can dept to second line for very short stints.


    He was always going to be high floor, low ceiling. Anyone expecting him to turn into bert or neely? Man I wish you were right but if he were drafted by any other team I am sure you all would be feeling he was a bust as a high pick.


    that doesn't mean we shouldn't support him as a decent bottom six player. It's not his fault our goofy management drafted him where they did. That's where the fault lies.

  7. 6 hours ago, IBatch said:

    Timberwolf you’ve been down on this team for as long as I can remember.   Are you stuck on our golden years with the Sedins as you grew up watching them and can’t see things for what they really are?  Already Miller has shown he’s more then worth the picks we gave up for him,  Benn is showing he’s very difficult to play against and why he was so good in MTL - Ferland will keep guys heads on a swivel and thinking twice about taking liberties on EP and Boeser, Myers is a huge upgrade - literally- and that we can score by committee - one of the key ingredients to a successful playoff run.   


    You really think this team will do worse then last year?  Give your head a shake man, maybe go watch some Sedin or if you were three or four at the time some WCE era highlights.  This team was destined to bottom out after the mess MG left - one that didn’t allow his predecessor much chance of getting anything, from a top team too...


    It takes time to get the 5-6 core guys in a rebuild plus 5-6 support guys.   Four drafts minimum, 6/7 on average - that is bottom five in the league for that many years to get your picks.  JB had managed it in four.   EP,Boeser, Demko, Hughes is five - Podz is likely six.  Then add Horvat the only decent piece we got from MG, paltry return, is 7 - then add Miller (a wise decision given how long it would take to draft and develop an equivalent player) who’s only two years older then Horvat, Myers, Benn, JV, Rousell, Sutter, Beagle, Pearson, Bear, Ferland and even LE and later OJ you end up with a good supporting cast.


    AND he’s got a team for the next two years anyways, who’s top players cap wise are only 6 million.   How many teams league wide can say the same?   Even with one anchor in LE and the Luongo thing he’s created one of the best cap structures league wide.


    There is more chances of us winning the cup this year then doing worse then last year.  Injuries won’t be a concern - Edler and Tanev minutes will go way down and help on both special teams has arrived and they will share the load - plus depth is no longer a concern.  I’m pretty sure we can get 94-104 points this year - and be a hard team to beat come playoff time. 


    This is weird, if you've been following me this closely, you'd know I barely post here any more because it's a pro Benning site and I'd rather not bring the place down (I am no troll) Also even though this is the prediction thread designed not to debate in, you called me out personally, so I'll respond. Though I feel it's a waste of time since you seemed to already have written a back story for me


    If you knew me and seen me on this site I am positive about moves a observe as positive and negative about those I disagree with. My metric to rate a GM is if he did a move for a team I hate would I have to admit it's a good move or not? Benning has made no such move in his time here. Benning has spent to the cap, created holes to plug others called "mission accomplished" that we'd compete and consistently bombed every season


    I am aware that Rome wasn't built in a day. It's Jim "we can turn this franchise around in a hurry" Benning who didn't know that.


    When we first got him, sure. That was exciting. It seemed like we were heading somewhere, we wanted a guy and got him. Things looking up after we turfed lamed duck Gillis out. Then he botched the Kesler trade, traded picks for waiver trash and rode the last gasp of what was a great team to one humiliating playoff defeat. The follwing seasons are one example after another of mediocre moves at best


    had he started cleaning house, stockpiling picks and made savvy cheap moves you'd have never heard me say anything negative. He did the opposite. Think of where we would be now. At least better than a team that rank making the playoffs in a bad division and a league where half the teams make it as some kind of noteworthy accomplishment. (Probably from the same posters that trashed the Leafs for losing in the first round?)


    You can point at EP40 if you like (you also can't find a post of me saying anything negative about him being picked, it doesn't exist) but I would counter to ask what ingenious move did Benning make to acquire him? Did he pull off a savvy deal or did he default into it after another failure season and get him through using one of the minimum picks the NHL hands to you that he actually went into a draft with? I'll credit the pick but it doesn't make Benning a good GM. The contracts for the two yoots are fine, if you can find me yelling about them somewhere as well then feel free to call me out on that. Doesn't forgive the horrid contracts to waiver replaceable bottom six trash, though. Benning still has brutal pro scouting.


    Hey, if I'm wrong and we're a danger to win the cup I'll be happy to eat the plate of crow. Canucks are my only team. When we don;t make the playoffs I don't choose another team to cheer for, they all hate us and I hate them back. And if we don't make the playoffs or are blown out easily and early I won't even rub your nose in it because despite what you and other posters think, I don't want the team to fail. I just want better management.


    I'm not going to pretend Benning is good just because it's my team.

    • Cheers 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    So are you implying that the Canucks are becoming the OIlers V 2 ?


    Old boys club with a few shiny draft picks because they keep losing and the thinking that a few vet signings to join the mentorpede with make the next year suddenly a winner?


    No correlation whatsoever.



    another note:


    reading this forum I am not even sure how to take some posters. I swear they only like the signing because of how much they hate certain fans of this team. I mean the ones just making personal attacks.

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  9. 7 hours ago, xereau said:

    Hobo with a Shotgun.

    The Blood of Heroes. (post apocalyptic sports movie!)


    Came here to recommend Blood of Heroes myself. Underrated gem of a movie


    Also Flesh+Blood surprised me with how few people have seen it.


    RIP to one of my favourites all time actors.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Bo should finally be named captain but could go to EP as he was a Benning pick

    EP will have a sophmore jinx season but still get 20 goals

    Brock bounces back

    Jake shows no significant improvement

    OJ busts

    Team will finish worse that last season as the goaltending will not bail the team out this time

    goals scored to allowed ratio will be bottom 4

    Benning signs ferland to an NTC deal and overpayment

    Injuries and Gillis will continue to be the scapegoats 




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