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Posts posted by TimberWolf

  1. On 8/13/2018 at 1:13 PM, TimberWolf said:

    The usual suspects of this site won't make any predictions and wait for the season to end explaining it went exactly how they thought :)

    yup and they know who they are running around the forums acting like experts in everything except prediction, I suppose.




    We'll have a bad team good start until Christmas where we start thinking about the draft again

    Pretty much, we knew this team was going in the tank. I should have predicted we'd blame injuries and lack of depth again but even I didn't think we'd go for that hail mary 4 straight years




    We'll miss the playoffs again no picks at the deadline (but not trade picks either)

    Even benning isn't bad enough to trade picks this deadline. But is bad enough not to acquire any when we host the draft and are a bad team with the draft being the only thing to look forward to




    Bo will be captain unless the nucks have the ridiculous notion to give it to Sutter

    If Bo was drafted by benning, he'd be the captain already




    EP will have flashes but will not be strong or durable enough to be in contention for rookie of the year. He'll need patience

    EP turned out to be more resilient than I thought. Knew he'd be a player but no patience to see that emerge required, good job EP :canucks:




    Defense will be bad, goaltending will be blamed

    Always knew marky was good but holy crap did he carry the awful defense all year on his back




    The new signings will not be memorable in any way


    All replaceable if not for untradable contracts.



    Overall I don't think any season objectives were met but EP and Hughes are nice additions. Hopefully a new team president will overhaul the management team. Even if we do have the youth of the future we still need a savvy trader, FA obtainer and team builder to fill in the gaps. None of which I believe the current management is capable of. (nope,  hitting on half your high picks when your team you made to win sucks doesn't make you a great GM, Even Edmonton pulled that off)

  2. 28 minutes ago, johngould21 said:

    You can bet that more than a few guys on the bench wanted to do something, and I personally am glad they chose not to. First of all there would have been an instigator, plus a two or five minute penalty, depending on what Matheson responded with. The Canucks would have been nailed, and because of that, who knows, would there be a suspension to Matheson after this phone conference. I get how we're mostly responding, but listening to Keith Ballard, made more sense than those hipster dj's on SN this morning. The game is changing slowly but surely, and if the DOPS is adamant that they are going to eliminate head shots, and lesson concussions in the game, this is the best way to do it. Matheson got schooled by an elite rookie, and I'm sure Sunday morning he was regretting what he did, very much. I don't see him as that type of player.



    Who cares about a suspension? It's not about that game any more, it's about future games and sending a message about what won't be tolerated



    He pulls a knife, you pull a gun, he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.

    • Wat 1
  3. Gaunce is playing to get picked up when he gets sent down. He's not stupid and knows there is no beating out the new vets with the fancy contracts no matter what kind of preseason he has. To avoid AHL purgatory is to catch the eye of other teams.

  4. 1 hour ago, EddieVedder said:

    I noticed Jake had a lot of his rushes coming from the left side.  He could be the perfect fit alongside Dahlen and Petterson.  But, he can also be lethal alongside Horvat and Boeser, in theory. 




    I don't think so, unfortunately, passes to him are where the play dies. Jake just doesn't have elite offensive skills. Sure, it's a hard shot and he has speed but doesn't see the ice well enough to mix with any bonafide top six players.


    This is not me saying we need to throw him in the trash, he's a serviceable enough bottom six player that can chip in once in a blue. It's not ideal due to his draft position but at least he can hang around the NHL.


    I know there are some who think he's going to magically gain levels in elite on ice awareness and become a Cam Neely tier player but even the power forwards that took some time to blossom that are used as an example of why PF's take longer (they mostly don't) still showed the high on ice IQ's that Jake has never shown to posses.


    Still this is not me pissing on him as he'll have a decent enough career and deserves support as it's not his fault he was drafted so high. It's not like you could decline it.

  5. 1 hour ago, MikeBossy said:

    Just curious if anyone has tried the new World Of Warcraft expansion  yet? Apparently they sold 3.4 million copies of the game the 1st day of launch.


    I have, my Death Knight is raid ready with no raids to raid


    It's okay, some think it's the best expac ever and others think it's hot garbage, it depends on what you want, I suppose.

  6. The usual suspects of this site won't make any predictions and wait for the season to end explaining it went exactly how they thought :)


    We'll have a bad team good start until Christmas where we start thinking about the draft again


    We'll miss the playoffs again no picks at the deadline (but not trade picks either)


    Bo will be captain unless the nucks have the ridiculous notion to give it to Sutter


    EP will have flashes but will not be strong or durable enough to be in contention for rookie of the year. He'll need patience


    Defense will be bad, goaltending will be blamed


    The new signings will not be memorable in any way

    • Upvote 3
  7. On 7/3/2018 at 7:07 PM, Tortorella's Rant said:

    Remember when gaming used to be relatively cheap? Now you can buy these special edition packs for $130 dollars. Even just base games are about $80 now. Any downloadable content puts the total cost well over $100


    I wait for steam sales. heh

  8. On 6/13/2018 at 1:54 PM, g_bassi13 said:

    I wish it was remotely like Fallout 4. The biggest problem with that game for me at least was that it tended away from RPG mechanics and standards too loosely.


    ...so a game like this that just outright guts nearly all the role playing gameplay, and strips away the story and world elements to the point that there will not even be NPCs? 


    It's less like a Fallout game, and more like a Fallout themed DayZ clone. I mean all the power to the developers and the fans that want to play such a game, but I really wish they were devoting their time and resources to literally anything else. A mediocre single player RPG would at least still be a Fallout game.


    If this is where it's going, I don't blame Bethesda if that is what the current gen of gamers want but I need an involving story. hence why I finish games like new vegas but 4 and Skyrim I have nothing but save files of abandoned characters (good games playwise but the story is so bland in both)


    I'll likely give a scavenging MMO a hard pass.


  9. On 6/13/2018 at 2:46 PM, Alflives said:

    Apology accepted.  I firmly believe, because of his very poor job (especially with the developing young players) WD will never get a head coaching job again in the NHL.  I heard too, his poor coaching hurt our Olympic team too.


    Willie was a bad coach and Virt was not NHL ready. Neither had an effect on the other.

  10. On 6/4/2018 at 10:12 AM, Tre Mac said:


    I remember so many easy ways to level, might have forgotten all of them right now.  The stealth trick never gets old, another skill/spell to level is easily is conjuration, all you do is cast bound 1h  while in stealth, as long as an enemy is near by it'll level pretty fast.  I maxed out conjuration first then refunded my points when I mastered it.  It was getting a little easy having two dremora fighting with you.  To level speechcraft without the dialogue bug is to buy/sell items one at a time, the higher the skill gets the faster it'll level so use the Masque of Clavicus Vile and other items that boost speechcraft.


    I still remember Morrowind was such a glitch fest.  I had perma levitating using the soultap glitch, which is probably why they got rid of spell creation lol.  Fun times though.


    Hey mods, can you revive the Skyrim thread?  It is locked and archived.


    Faster and more intuitive stealth trick would be to grab an basic iron dagger and spam sneak attack the greybeards. When one runs out of health and staggers, find another. They like to kneel and pray away from each other so it's easy to do. Your stealth and one handed both go up. Stealth goes up so fast you may even want to reset it and do it again for the extra perk points. (careful, though. If you get caught. they'll annihilate you., but for some reason they don't care from stealth.) This also works on the harbinger of the companions but he's harder to get alone and it's slower


    If you want to level speechcraft in a second, use the restoration potion glitch (make a potion of fortify restoration, take off all alchemy boosting gear, drink potion, put gear on and it'll be double power, make another fortify resto potion take off gear, drink, put gear back on over and over) keep doing it till you have potions worth millions of gold. Then you not only have alchemy maxed in a few minutes if you sell a potion (doesn't matter if the vendor can afford the gold, he cannot) you'll max out speech in one sale. If you make a fortify smithing potion before fortify restoration buff falls off and drink that, you can temper a couple of dagger and having smithing maxed in a second as well. (unfortunately this doesn't work for enchanting)



    • Thanks 1
  11. Back in World of Warcraft after a long absence. Found myself in an all gnome guild of all things


    Also been playing unmodded Fallout 4 survival mode as a stealth sniper and stabber high charisma and no endurance build for the challenge (also no special stat glitching)


    getting the itch to beat rise of the tomb raider when I get sick of these and probably boot up gta5 again soon

  12. I expect it'll be a fun game with good mechanics and fun modding but will still have a bad and stupid story like most bethesda games(Sorry, fallout 4, you can't hire voice actors that appeared in bioware games and think that'll be enough.). As long as the online junk is completely optional and you lose nothing on opting out


    Just wish bethesda would program the engine and toys and Obsidian would get to write it.

  13. Lots of crap talking.


    Here, I will make a challenge and you can quote me. If we win a cup under benning I will delete this account forever. All I ask in return is the usual suspects that claim benning is great make predictions at the beginning of the season in the prediction thread of their expectations and demands of a successful season instead of waiting till the end of the season to give a thumbs up "mission accomplished"

  14. Hilarious how we're trying to justify this management debacle as a clever stealthy rebuild.


    They tried for three years to get into the playoffs and failed spectacularly. That's all that happened. Getting a few players who's names you remember is a byproduct of picking earlier in the draft due to these failures, not some kind of direct strategy. Thinking we'll contend with these names in the lineup is not a given because the same management will employ the same pro scouting to find players to flesh out the team. 

    • Thanks 2
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  15. On 2/7/2018 at 3:05 PM, stawns said:

    I would normally agree with you, but I'm seeing the same trend in the playoffs as I do in the reg season.  Little to no body contact and a much lower intensity than there used to be.  Sucks for fans of what hockey used to be, great for guys like EP and all the other little guys that seem to be dominating these days.



    We heard that one before then 2011 happened 

  16. On 2/4/2018 at 4:46 PM, Rush17 said:

    Does anyone have any steam game suggestions?  I have some cash on my account and cannot find a game I want to spend on lol.  


    I already have:




    Portal 2

    Rainbow Six Seige

    7 Days to Die

    Gary's Mod (not a fan)

    The Sim's (its ok)

    Half Life 1/2


    Also have some non steam games but I am really struggling to find anything good.  if you have some suggestions please send them my way!  Am considering "Elite Dangerous" but the price for value just seems a tad out of whack.  $80 for the full game is expensive.  (Would rather spend money on something I know for sure I will enjoy)



    Looks like you like story driven first person shooters, maybe see if you can get anything farcry related


    For cheap and fast, blood dragon is hilarious

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