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Posts posted by Gerg

  1. You call this a party?

    When I got back, I saw that there was a crapload of activity since I left.

    Sadly, it ended with my return.

    Flood control is enabled on this board, please wait 30 seconds before replying or posting a new topic

    I did not need to see that tonight!

  2. Have you seen the recent Canucks podcast? I think it's the New Years Resolution one. Rob Davison said that he's reading the Twiligh series.

    "I like the vampire, the sci-fi, and the love story. It touches me."

    When I heard that I was like WTF!!! LMAO.


    Guh, whatta wimp

  3. I never read the books so I never got into the craze.

    haha... I totally laughed at a lot of the scenes that weren't meant to be funny as well. It's probably only being called that because it did well at the box office.

    Ya, bringing in the money doesn't always mean quality

    Twilight (I base it on hearsay) and Nickelback are prime examples of that.

  4. No one gets that good at drawing without practice. Wink, hint, wink, hint, hint, hint.

    g-g-gerg, if you squeeze your finger tip, does it turn white and then red real quickly?

    Yea, like all my other fingers.

  5. Too much isketch? Didn't think that was possible. You guys seem so addicted. :lol:

    It's possible. I used to go a lot.

    I credit MattWN and a couple others for breaking that addiction by drawing penises on every turn.

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