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Posts posted by Gerg

  1. Friend of mine was supposed to fly into Van from Edmonton and take off for Thailand.

    Apparently her flight was canceled due to 'threat of an 5 cm of snow' yesterday morning - this being after the storm the previous night.

  2. Why would I try that on for size?

    I know how to drive in the snow... My dad had that happen to him during the big snowstorms of '96. But not since then.

    Generally, that will occur, when you are going too fast ......

    First off, I wasn't actually telling you to try it, so quit the douchebaggery.

    And no matter how fast you're going, when you hit black ice, you're going to lose it and the car will go where it wants until it can grip again. I've bit it at 40 on the freeway before. I've been in a vehicle that nearly slid into a pole leaving a parking lot. I've been in another that hit a snowbank doing 30 on the Coq, the latter being someone who's well versed with driving in the snow.

    And I know how to drive in the snow too, it's the ice that's always a problem.

  3. These are the people who crank their wheels when they start sliding. causing more sliding....

    Try this one on for size, when your car starts sliding that the wheel cranks for you. That's when you've lost all control and can't do anything except hope for the best.

  4. you don't know what to expect on a normal day let alone a winter day.

    too many people driving when they have no idea how to drive, or drive in snow LOL

    Which is why I'm glad I went through driver's training through YDC. Doesn't make me a perfect winter driver obviously, but I know how to not drive like an idiot in the snow.

  5. HAHA someone's already done some free landscaping for a neighbour during an uncontrolled slide that lasted the length of the hill. Now the question is whether I should remove the snow off the big rocks we have on the side of the road....?

    Don't, that just adds to the comic relief.

  6. I cant stop laughing at this thread :P

    Vancouverites are funny :lol:

    The day University of Manitoba is closed due to snow ill eat my block heater cord.

    This is why i'd love to live in Vancouver, if it snowed i'd be the only guy casually cruising around. Well me and the transplanted Albertans, Winnipegers and Saskatcheweans :P

    Don't be so sure. Prairie folk, especially Albertans, are horrible drivers once they get here. They're good drivers in Alberta sure, but even in the driest of weather, once they get here, they're scary. I compare them to old men in minivans.

  7. Yeah it is isn't it. People cry foul over 5 to 10 cm's of snow and -8 temperatures. OMG someone call the cops....

    For me, it's because I was nearly killed trying to drive in it last year.

    And for the record, I do know how to drive in the snow, it was a patch of black ice in the middle of the night that got me.

  8. It should be against the law not too...

    Great thread, Lest We Forget.

    Completely disagree with that law angle.

    I don't feel I should have to display my respect. I'm of the attitude where I can display my appreciation my own way, in my own thoughts. I don't agree with the 'honour our veterans in a matter we tell you because we say so' attitude that such a law would enforce.

    For example, I was on the Chilliwack Bruins forum the other day. I said I didn't like how the shoulder patch for the Nov. 11th game looked on a white jersey. I got told basically that I should love it because it signifies Rememberance Day. Sorry, where's the logic in that? Isn't that kind of going AGAINST the freedom that these soldiers put their lives on the line for? If I don't think something looks aesthetically pleasing, no matter what it signifies, I shouldn't have to pretend to think it's beautiful.

    Some people take this day too seriously and think that if someone's not done to the tits in terms of showing respect and support, that they're not worthy of being Canadian.

    For the record, I'm not trashing Rememberance Day, nor am I not trashing the soldiers and the cause they risked their lives for. I just don't agree with the expectations that is put on me to follow these procedures, show off that I respect them, etc. I just feel that, in Canada, a free nation, I should be able to thank the soldiers myself, in whatever manner I feel without having to put up with other peoples' b/s that I should follow such protocol like wearing a poppy or having to like a certain shoulder patch.

    I will be paying my respects to those who have served, who are served, who will be serving for our country - and that's MY choice. I just don't think it should be enforced on a person


  9. Can't there's a police blockade.

    They shoot intruders, it's on the news.

    Hotel Rwanda Part II.

    I've seen Rambo. I would like to think I know how to navigate wilderness and find random explosives that I could use to my advantage.

  10. shows what you know. I grew up in burnaby and went up and down that mountain in far worse weather than today many times, not to mention elsewhere like north shore mountains. Used to deliver groceries in a van in north burnaby through all kinds of weather, often we had to put the chains on to get it done, but we never "closed" Usually, winters in 60's and 70's had a lot more snow than we do nowadays as well. I delivered newspapers every day on the hills of south burnaby, no matter the weather. Sometimes papers were late, but we always got them delivered.

    WHen I was your age, I walked to school in this kind of weather.


    Both ways.

    In my dad's pyjamas.

  11. are we talkin broadway corridor here, or burnaby mountain type hills? Busy fairly flat broadway should not need chains, only proper snow tires, which most people are too ignorant to have.

    So now you're completely changing your tune. Gotcha...

  12. you are greatly exaggerating, and I think you know it. One uses chains on snow and ice, and take them off when getting where they not needed. Common sense.

    You want common sense?

    Think of it this way:

    Broadway corridor, how many tens of thousands of cars travel down that road in a day?

    Now imagine it if every single one of those cars had a set of four (minimum) chains digging into the pavement. That's in the hundreds of thousands of chunks of metal digging into a road every minute. IN ONE DAY. Now imagine that over this past winter. How much damage do you think that would cause?

    The whole road would need to be dug up and repaved.

    Tens of thousands of people going home and taking the chains off will not negate the damage that was caused by being on that road.

    You wonder why people never take you seriously?

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