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Status Updates posted by yuz


  2. Hello :3

    Thanks for the comment!

    The Ayn Rand quote was from a Criminal Minds episode and I thought it was really fitting for this forum since I debate and argue a lot here with a ton of boneheads lol But yes! I found it a funny coincidence that Welly read her books. Kinda funny & cool. That guy is so awesome :P

  3. Hey, thanks for the comment. Yeah, I'm disappointed. Sad that I don't get to see Lucic and Thomas more. But the Canes fought hard. Props to them. I officially don't care about the playoffs anymore lol No more teams for me to cheer for...gah.

  4. hewo. Man, I love your avatar. So cute haha <3

    Hope you had fun at the game (even though it wasn't the most exciting)

  5. yuz

    yeah....almost 6 years...craap... lol

    I agree. All Ruutu lovers are awesome :)

  6. yuz

    is that your Wii-wood? It's so cute XD hahaha

  7. don't be scared of this forum :)

  8. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas :)

  9. d'oh. I clicked. boo you! lol

  10. Sturm's b-day lol he's old... <_<

  11. hey how have you been? :) cheers!

  12. yuz

    I wish I didn't say what I said....>_<

  13. yuz

    haha... I didn't know they had these things now. I gave you a 5 back.

  14. yuz

    would that be you? lol

    or P_S?

  15. lol what are you talking about?

  16. Allo Allo. whatup?

  17. 6 months!? wow. ok, me jealous.

    I want to live in Boston for 6 months...now that would be nice.

  18. NO WAI!! damn, you are one lucky dude. I'll go in a few years. :P

  19. hey I'm good. somethings are going well and somethings aren't. But I like to concentrate on the good :D how's it going with you?

  20. I didn't get banned :P I guess you mistaken me for tgc :P

  21. hey thanks! He had a fight, assist and a goal....he's looking so good for the Bruins....tough to see him in a Giants jersey now :/

  22. hey. he was banned for posting something that was inappropriate according to forum standards (I looked at it and it wasn't too bad but oh well lol). so he didn't get a permanent ban. he'll be back shortly :)


  23. Guten abend over there in Germany. He didn't do anything terrible or anything like that. Just something that would have been too much for a 10 year old Canadian boy. :P

    So you are from Germany as well? Where in Germany do you live? :)

  24. message from The German Canuck : Hey DC88. congrats to the win against Venlo. Utrecht is doing well at the moment. Venlo will have a hard season. anyways i got Banned till the 26th October. Greets TGC

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