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Posts posted by mikkim

  1. 2 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

    Nah man, you can't blame that on Green.  I think that Roussell got tagged for a lot of penalties earlier this year and had to step his aggression down a lot.  NHL isn't what it used to be, but we're getting to that time of the year when the whistles will be put away.  Hopefully he gets back to his old self :) 

    For sure, Shorty and Garrett commented on quite a few of his penalties earlier this year as being reputation penalties


  2. 14 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

    Well Benning had a big hand in constructing the Bruins.  (edit) So I'm confident that our team toughness will be addressed this off season.  


    It's really too bad that the Ferland signing was a big swing and a miss.  It's also too bad that Loui didn't want to waive his no trade clause to go to Edmonton, as Lucic would've been a big upgrade for this team.  


    Can anyone compile the record of the Canucks with and without Motte?  

    c'mon seriously how much of an upgrade would he be, once every 25 games or so, no different than Loui and we would be stuck with the guy for an extra year


  3. 35 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    Linden didn't scrap. 

    Henrik didn't scrap.

    Just because he can doesn't mean he should be expected to all the time. 

    The old adage: You can't score from the penalty box. 



    He doesn't have to fight but it would be nice to see him throw his weight around a bit, he's a big boy it would be nice to see him staple someone to the boards instead of peeling off

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  4. 45 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    Oh geez...put the Sedins last home game in there.  Attended with my son...was much more than a hockey game, it was a very special celebration like no other.


    Reading others' picks I think we should change this to top 500.

    You are so right Deb, I just picked the first five that came to mind, but now that I'm actually putting some thought into it there are so so many.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Silky mitts said:

    Wondering if those banners are in the cases. Would love to get hands on those .

    I'm not a beer drinker but I would buy a case or two for those banners.

  6. 10 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

    He wasn’t bad tonight.


    He was great on the 5 on 3 and had a big block. Could have been a huge blowout if not for that kill.


    People are too hard on him. He was definitely not the reason we lost.

    I agree, I don't understand some peoples hate for him, I guess people just look at his size and expect him to be Pronger, but that's not his game, it's his mobility and he's very good at it, he's a huge upgrade over Pouliot or Hutton.

  7. 1 hour ago, SilentSam said:

    ... I just like the idea of getting something for Tanev now..  this is not dis similar to the Hamhuis situation,.  Tanev could theoretically return for the right numbers..  and we would get to possibly see  OJ Rafferty Breisbois and others in the meantime.


    This is very different from the Hamhuis situation, we are sitting in first in the division in control of our own destiny as far as the playoffs go, back when we tried to trade Hamhuis we were out of the playoff race, I think Tanevs experience and what he would bring for the young players would far out way a 2nd 3rd or 4th round draft pick who may or may not ever see an NHL game 3 years down the road.

     Guess I should have read the post above, pretty much says the same thing



  8. 1 hour ago, lmm said:

    I agree that trading the best player in a trade is usually the wrong move. Especially now when we have too many nhl level players. If we were ever in a position to add quality from quantity it would be now.

    But I disagree that Canuck fans are spoiled. If anything Canuck fans are still shell shocked from the Cam Neely trade. Which is really sad because it was so long ago and good trades have happened since. 

    Fans remember the Neely trade but forget the Butcher/Quinn for Ronning, Courtnall, Momesso and Dirk trade And Sumdstrom for McLean and Adams, Corrie D'Alessio for Kay Whitmore ( Pat Quinn's vesion of filling the age gap). Trades from a time when it was neccesary to trade for volume because the cupboards were more bare than when Jim got here. Or Lumme for a 2nd (another Age gap move, but successful.)Lumme played 900 NHL games after the trade to Vancouver.

    If we were spoiled it was during the Pat Quinn era.


    If you want to look for current trades, Galchenyuk for Domi and Sergasev for Drouin are a couple of examples or quality and similar age players going in both direction.


    I do not understand why so many fans like you view all trades to be DUMPS. 

    Those were two trade that laid the foundation for the Canucks '94 run, I don't think fans from that era will forget those trades, but I do agree with you I think we got pretty spoiled by some of the moves The Mighty Quinn made.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    I think the idea came from an article in some sport’s journal, “The Athletic”.

    There were a bunch of trade ideas, and the comments by NHL execs (off the record) on which team says no.  The NHL exec said the Canucks say no to Bess for Dumba, and the morning guys talked about why.  

    I agree there is zero chance JB trades Bess.  

    That could very well be where it all started.

  10. 14 hours ago, Alflives said:

    Yup.  The morning guys were discussing this.  They said the trade idea was floated by an NHL exec (not on either team) and he said the Canucks would say no to this trade, because Bess has more value than Dumba

    The morning guys said the idea came from fans texting them, emailing them, from reddit and hfboards, it was not there idea, controversy gets ratings, heck it made me listen through 15 minutes of commercials just to hear what the NHL exec had to say, unless it's a deal that blows JB's socks off I just don't see it happening

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