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Sultan of Sarcasm

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Posts posted by Sultan of Sarcasm

  1. You know, sometimes the ones that don't need experience overlook the guys that DO have experience. They want to mold someone, and if it requires no experience that means they want someone who they like and who they know can think. You obviously can think, so just wow them with your personality.

  2. Speaking of cheap stuff, anyone shop at places like Direct Liquidation and XS Cargo?

    I went to XS Cargo once. Lasted about 4 minutes before I got so frustrated I knocked over a shelf of random crap and screamed obsenities in the general direction of the staff. Got a crazy good deal on a chair though.

  3. How is that a mind****?

    I'm confused.

    Yeah, it was the wrong term. I'm rusty.

    Just...crazy. I knew you were younger than me, in fact, I think I know you're 18...right? But still, this puts it in perspective.

    Also, you're in the top ten posters on this forum, when most of the guys your age are still trying to figure out if they can put a pencil between their legs and reach it with their teeth.

  4. So you went with Goose eh?

    I honestly thought you'd go obscure, but I guess the allure of the moustache was just too much to ignore.

    No matter. To me you're the Iceman. You'd have to be to attract a bus load of Zooey.

  5. You guys are awesome. It's going to take me a day or two to catch up, but holy crap...there's a thread in my honour! Mind you, RF making a thread happens like every 9 seconds, so I shouldn't feel THAT special, should I?

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