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Posts posted by xWCMx

  1. Why does the league care so much about protecting the refs? That's the main reason they haven't allowed reviews, and why they have a gag-order on speaking out against them. But why? They're grown men, they work a professional job.... Where is this babying of refs coming from ? It honestly confuses me so much why the NHL would say they don't want video reviews because if they retracted a call, that ref would be made to look bad. Bush league.

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  2. Do you want to know what irks me? These blown calls continue to happen in the NHL, and they always have the same excuse - this is a fast game, and mistakes are bound to happen. Refs aren't superhuman, and can only referee what they think they see.

    Ok, that makes sense. The game is too fast for the refs to see everything. SO WHY DO YOU REFUSE TO BRING IN VIDEO REVIEWS, OR ALLOW ANY NEGATIVE REACTION TO REFFEREEING WITHOUT FINES AND SUSPENSIONS? Wow. I never knew caps lock could feel so good.

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  3. I'm absolutely convinced now there is no conspiracy by the NHL to control games...

    They've just hired completely incompetent people to hold whistles in their mouth and told them to blow it at random intervals throughout the game

    I was just about to write a very similar post. If there is a conspiracy in the NHL, it is that the league is purposely hiring inept referees. They just suck, plain and simple.

  4. The Canucks are pissed. One of two things are about to happen:

    1. We wake up and take it to the Stars, winning this game and finally scoring some goals

    2 . We try so hard to "get back at the refs" and push to score a goal, leaving us open to odd man rushes and we give up a couple more goals, losing

  5. Ya, I'm def not a goalie expert. And I also don't like piling on the goaltender, and I'm not a Luongo hater. It's not about that. But as I documented in the post above, there are legitimate concerns about him this season. Can he find a way mentally to get over being in this town where he doesn't want to be? He's been in this league forever and has been one of the leagues best. We know he can do it, but will he? The #'s aren't in his favor despite great D (for the most part) infront of him. The team needs more.

    If that's all we're arguing about, then fair enough. There's no rebutting or answering those questions. Only time can tell!

  6. It's the western conference, not a ton of goals are scored each night. Teams win by strong defence in this conference. Last 8-10 games, Canucks have limited the opposition to below avg # of scoring chances - against good teams. The best D I've seen them play since 10/11. Luongo of 10/11 would have had a shutout or 2 already in those games. It's a concern IMO.

    Of course, their inability to score goal is also a problem, but I think it's more bad luck than anything. They're dominating puck possession, generating lots of chances. But it's the west, they've come up against great goaltending - which the Canucks need.

    I get it, and might almost agree with that statement. The goaltending position must be a solid one - one that you can depend on to keep you in the game. Where we differ, I would assume, is that I believe Luongo has been doing that. He hasn't let in any agregious goals lately (or not too many) and has made the saves he should make. When it comes to cross-crease passes, or shots going bar in (so called perfect shots), I always hate to see people pile on the goalie. The player did not score that goal because of the goalie. He scored because of a great pass, or a great shot, or a great screen etc. sometimes goalies can make those outstanding, game-saving saves... But I personally don't think you can depend on a goalie to make those saves. It's just not reasonable, since they usually are accompanied by a certain amount of luck.

    PS - sorry about the wall of text

  7. While I completely agree he isn't to blame for this team's performance, it's been a long time since he's played lights out and stolen a game for us.

    Meh, I don't usually tend to agree with these statements. Although it is a goalie's responsibility to stop shots and give his/her team a chance to win, I don't think it should be expected of them to steal games even when the team in front of them is crapping the bed. When it happens, it is awesome, but when it doesn't... You can't really blame the goalie, can you?

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  8. Yet another game where Canucks are dominating puck possession, but trail in game. It's getting old, lol :frantic:

    I'm starting to worry about Luongo. The last 8 of 9 games, the Canucks have played the best d I've seen since 10/11. It's 2 weeks from December and he's still not playing well. After his poor season last yr and the garbage that happened to him this summer, i hope he can find a way to be the 'old' Luongo. This teams going no where if he can't find his elite status again.

    There's nothing wrong with Luongo. We're averaging 1 goal a game against top-tier competition.

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