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Offensive Threat

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Everything posted by Offensive Threat

  1. Xbox release then another month till its available on PC...Least Im not on PS3. Dont they realize the proper way to do expansions is to have the next one ready to go the instant I finish the last one. So unprofessional.
  2. I know mature games are all the rage but as an adult the game I want to play most is the "New Super Mario Bros U" Kids, adults doesnt matter. Nintendo always gets it right with this franchise. Gameplay>everything else.
  3. Go to NCIX and you can put together a half decent gaming rig for under a grand that wont need an upgrade for a couple years. The problem is most people spend a lot on things that dont matter much to a gaming rig which is just about everything besides the Vid card. Example: Does the game care if your using a i3 or i7 processor? No it makes no difference but people will pay more than twice as much for that i7 anyways...
  4. Well once you complete the main quest lines once thats kinda it. Ive done every single quest. Visited every single place. The only way Ill be playing anymore is whenever an expansion comes along. For however long it takes to do everything there. Still I got a hell of a lot more hours out of it than any other game in a long time.
  5. None of the big 3 make a profit on the sale of the console. They all lose money. Its in the games that they make their cash. Which is why no backwards compatibility. They dont want you sitting there playing your old games on the new system. They want you buying new games. Its also why they dont want you to be able to play used games. They make nothing on a used game sale. Who rents games anymore? Wasnt that the video rental places that are all gone now?
  6. Got hearthfire finally for PC off of steam. Not as good as an expansion or anything but worth the $5? Yeah, sure, why not. Built 2 houses complete with every addition you can put on plus the stable, cow, fishing thing, etc. For kids theres a little girl in the orphanage who has the very creepy comment "Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities." Yeah, shes a future serial killer, I took her as one of my adopted kids. The materials needed for building a house and its contents, for the most part, are about as easy to get together without becoming tedious as possible. It takes some time but it ends up being a pretty big place and theres lots of stuff to put in it. So yeah, Hearthfires no big deal but its nice.
  7. not-so-fun news for PS3 users waiting on DLCs: http://ca.ign.com/ar...ay-never-happen
  8. I read that they just arent happy with Dawnguards overall performance on PS3 to release it yet. They released the PC version with a major bug that effects everyone every time they play so a few bugs shouldnt stop them.
  9. Played Asherons Call over 10 years ago and one of the main things people bitched about was having to do tedious things all the time in game before they could go out and do fun things (like killing dragons) You wanted arrows, you had to fletch them yourself. Wanted to cast spells, you needed to collect an armlength list of ingredients for each spell. It was boring as hell and everybody hated it. They eventually streamlined it down dramatically due to the complaints. I dont need that type of thing added to any game thank you.
  10. Ok, a month after release Dawnguard on PC is still buggy as hell with constant ( every 30 minutes or so) lockups requiring a restart due to a C++ runtime error. Its not me, its all over the boards everywere. Its a known problem Bethesda doesnt seem to mind not fixing. And they are getting set to release Hearthfire on Xbox in a few days! PS3 users dont have Dawnguard at all yet and PC uses are plagued by a major bug yet Xbox is going to get the next DLC before these things get fixed. Well played Bethesda. maybe just make your games an Xbox exclusive next time and save us all some grief. I still love the game so Im just ranting. That aside wonder how much a massive house will cost. i have over a million gold right now....
  11. having done every story line it seems totally random on when they show up. I can go a few hours with none or 2 at a time or 3 in a row or whatever. No predictability although late game you spend far less time outside as you fast travel everywhere. Ive never been short a dragon soul to learn a new shout so the game is good on keeping you stocked up in that regard. i know theres a mod to increase the number of dragon encounters considerably. If your into mods or dragons or both.
  12. A sword and sorcery fantasy game borrowing from LoTR? impossible!
  13. 2013. Heres the first trailer tho its completely lacking of any details : http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/ EDIT: There will probably be a few more expansions for Skyrim to keep interest in the series up until the MMO arrives.(not to mention that expansions are easy money).
  14. DLed Dawnguard off of steam. Brings back memories of the first month or two after release where the game would freeze up every so often and I would have to use task manager to get out of it. Freezing up about ever hour or so now. Just like the main game until it was patched. Fun times. Yes and Yes.
  15. anyone DLed the new free HD texture pack thru steam for PC yet? If the screenshots are any indication I dont think my comp can run it. They look beyond amazing and the game already looks amazing on PC. Im barely running it with everything maxed right now.
  16. Yeah just like with Tribes, half-life, Diablo, starcraft. On the PC user generated content keeps the game going long after the console version would have been put to rest. Christ Ive played probably 500 user made Portal levels lol.
  17. Those still on the fence and thinking of picking up the game its on sale at Futureshop this week for $39.99 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
  18. The only one that has no downside is becoming a cannibal. Its a sweet deal. I still went with Werewolf anyways. no rested bonus boo hoo. The option to get rid of the werewolf curse/gift is given to you further on in but tis too much fun to give up IMO.
  19. Taking 10 incinerates to take out one deathlord while there are 3 others and a named guy wailing on you.is fun times but yeah, it takes forever to get anything done and with my stealth bow guy its even slower. I rely on those 1 shot crit kills to even the odds before Im spotted and on master it just doesnt happen often enough so you spend forever wating for them to stop looking for you over and over and it takes even longer. Im playing expert on my stealth guy and am ashamed, So lame.
  20. As you move up in the level of the spells you cast the magika cost goes up a lot. From Apprentice to Adept especially there is a very big jump in magika costs for all spells. They about triple in cost and if you arent ready for it you can have problems for a while, I sure did. Having the biggest pool of magika wont really help at all either. You have to have spell cost reduction enchants to keep pace. At Master level you cant even cast most of those spells even once without 50% or more cost reduction they are so crazy expensive. Example Master level Fire storm costs 846 base magika.
  21. Staying in a robe will be tougher. But good on ya for fightin the power. Well since its in combat that you have to worry about running out of magicka its destruction magic you need to bulk up on spell cost reduction for. 4 items with +25% reduction to destruction spell costs will make destruction spells free to cast so you can use your magicka for your summoned creatures, protection and healing spells and just chain cast incinerate all over the place without having to worry about its cost. If your going to stay in a robe you will need the dual enchanting perk as soon as reasonable to load up on the +health, +magicka, etc you will need beyond the +destructo enchants already mentioned. My mage was a pure destruction mage. He cast very few spells outside of the destruction tree. He very rarely used illusion or restoration spells. Conjured every so often but way over 99% of his casts were destruction (with most of those being incinerate - I LOVE that spell). He was very powerful but he wore the best heavy armor, fully upgraded, dual enchanted. I have no idea how that would have turned out if he had stayed in robes. Good luck. And dont listen to those saying the Arch Mage Robes are best. The Master Robes of Destruction are better stats and you will probably move on to enchanting your own robes once you reach 100 in enchanting anyways.
  22. I found that with my mage early on before he started wearing heavy armor it was crucial to keep my companion in the front absorbing the damage. not too easy since you still have to shoot around them without accidentally killing them is no easy task. I got to the dual enchanting perk as soon as I could so I could get heavy armor with decent enough stats to ditch the robe and actually have some chance of survival.
  23. i never bothered with pick pocketing beyond the very little needed for a couple quests so no perks there. Just got the heavy armor perk where my armor has no weight and that was enough to unburden me. Even then at lvl 64 I have close to a million gold and nothing to spend it on lol.
  24. There is absolutely no way anybody should have trouble getting gold in this game. Not mining and skinning and nickle and dime stuff like that but just by taking only the valuable stuff from dungeons and getting a few perks in the speech tree. My general rule of thumb for loot is I only take it if its worth at least 100 times its weight as I always try to max out on weight before heading back to a town.
  25. What level are you? I was sword + destruction for the first long while but once I got to dual casting my spells the sword got put away. You dont need wards. Thats what your companion is there for. To tank all the damage lol.
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