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Status Updates posted by Regnecek

  1. WHAT? shut up and dont scare me! :(

  2. WHAT? shut up and dont scare me! :(

  3. Tomorrow: Pillie is gon get a hat trick :) HAHA.

  4. well i have the file..let me try and upload

    Yes I did listen! *thumbs up*

  5. Imma pretend like tonight's game didn't happen.

    OMG only one more day! :D

  6. Dont cuss! JK, But seriously.

  7. 1) we're no longer friends. KRAJICEK FRIGGIN OWNS.

    2) Still in pain. it comes and goes.. I'll live tho :( maybe i dunno. Jk, no seriously LOOOOOOLZ [stole it]

  8. So does KRAJICEK. :D

  9. wahoooooooooo own page posts!!!!!!!


  10. guhhh LUKAS played. Pillie was AWESOME.

    tedleeeeeeeeeeer <3

  11. *waves* He has to be okay. He's SUPAMAN :D

  12. Haha, I'll help you later if I can. One TV one day I heard a really good song too and TOTALLY didn't know what it was :(

    School is okay. I'm on break now and then have to go back. Gon miss part of the game :( SUCKS. How are you?

  13. Well no one's said anything..so I'm assuming Lukas is okay :)

    P.S Hi *g*

  14. Maybe he did say something..maybe not LOL. jk.

    I'll send the songs on the weekend.

    Hmm, try typing some of lyrics of the song from the radio in google.

  15. he's nice...only to awesome ppl LOL.

    I got a whole bunch of NLT songs. I like their sound. Altho the look like weirdos lol Want them?


  17. He'll be okay. Hopefully sportsnet will explain wahts wrong!

  18. It was okay. Only 4 more days then <3

  19. HAY keep youz strippin FINGS and bizness of MATT DUBYOU EN to ya seflzs kaysc?

  20. You two are scaring me. I go back to school tomorrow. So I should probably zzzz. G'nite. Sweet drizeams.

  21. I'm doing okay. My gums still hurt...blah :( School starting, blah. How's everything for you?

  22. School sucks. It's not only going to cut into CAB time, but also nucks games EW.

    I hope he's okay. :( I don't think he'd miss an event like that if he was healthy! I'm scared :(

  23. I'm sorry to hear he wasn't there. I hope it wasn't an injury that kept him out! UGH SCHOOL SUCKS.

    I miss Lukas..it's been forever :(

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